Tuesday, October 1, 2024

15 year old arrested for defamation of President Lungu


Police have charged and arrested a male juvenile aged 15 years for the offence of Defamation of the President contrary to section 69 of the Penal code Cap 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

The suspect is alleged to have created a Facebook page using the name ZOOM and published defamatory or insulting matters against the Republican President with intent to bring the name of the President into ridicule or contempt.

The suspect was picked up on 09th March,2020 from Kapiri Mposhi of Central Province.

Zambia Police spokesperson Esther Katongo said the suspect has also been charged with three counts of Libel contrary to section 191 cap 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

Mrs Katongo said in the these matters, the suspect is alleged to have published defamatory remarks against three other people on Facebook and will appear in court soon.

“In the month of February 2020 and March 08th, police working in collaboration with ZICTA arrested four other persons for offences of Proposing Violence contrary to section 91 of the Penal Code, Libel contrary to section 191 of the Penal code Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia and Prohibition of Pornography contrary to section 102(b)(c) of the Electronic Communication Act number 21 of 2009 in relation to matters alleged to have been posted on Facebook”, she said.

Mrs Katongo said police also warned and cautioned 4 WHATSAPP administrators for offences of Prohibition of Pornography contrary to section 102(b) (c) of the Electronic Communication Transactions Act number 21 of 2009.

She said those arrested in connection with Facebook postings are Kelly Nawezhi whose matter is in Court, Prince Kaliza aged 27 for the offence of proposing violence through social media (Zambian Watch), Joel Banda aged 23 for the offence of Prohibition of Pornography and also Libel through a platform called Zed Hule, Akapelwa Simata aged 55 years for the offence of proposing violence and for prohibition of Pornography.

Mrs Katongo said the administrators of WHATSAPP groups who have been warned and cautioned are Prosper Mvula, Naphali Mbewe, Imasiku Mateko and Jessie Chewe Mulenga.

She said all are alleged to have created WHATSAPP groups engaged in circulating and distributing pornography materials and will soon be charged with the subject offence.


  1. The juvenile court shall preside on this matter of kapiri boy…… no jail time and proceeding in camera…………..not even a reformatory….
    Never make a great meal of it…………Real case such as gassing where threat on life must be quickly brought to Court……………………my opinion..…. the child ‘s name must never be disclosed…………

  2. How dare he insults the dear humble leader and stops ZP from solving more important matters like gassing and violence.


  4. Yes, through away the key! He is the one heading the thievery, corruption, mukula trees thug.ery of it all! And he is just 15 years old! How dare he tell the King that he is naked!?!

  5. But MP of Chawama was not arrested for circulating poono using Ministerial cellphone.
    Truly I support those arrests.
    Please visit LT too!

  6. But u can insult a whole tribe and the police won’t take action against u. I hv no problem with arresting this boy. He overstepped the bounds of decency. He still has much to learn and I suspect he hasn’t even taken his O-levels. If I were ECL, I would send for the boy, counsel him , tell him to concentrate on his schoolwork and tell police to drop the charge. After that this poor boy would very likely reform.

  7. Zambia is ruled by dictates.

    As soon as the humble one , lungu farts , you see them jumping into action…….

  8. Kkkkkkkkkkk This president will come out tops as the most insulted sitting president of Zambia. I advise he does a deep self analysis

  9. You can’t insult the father of the nation and expect no repercussions for your behaviour. Even at home when you insult the head of your home do you think they would encourage you and even hug you ? The boy lacks manners and is probably sponsored by watchdog and its affiliated parties. The truth shall soon come out

  10. The truth will come out, the gassing and tribal remarks hey? Why not tell the nation what your new role is in government? KZ, what a hypocrite. How many times have you messed up and embarrassed us a people and country? And you have the balls to talk about manners. Are you nuts and just generally stupid and f00lish? Talk about growing up, you ought to grow man. The truth is coming out indeed and one of them Mr. ‘CIA’ is that Zambians are watching you!

  11. KZ. You have no right or decency to air your views in this matter when you number one at insults, assault and violence. Your caderised head will never mature.

  12. The issue is that to some people ECL is seemingly a weak President. Apparently all because of his humble appeal and background! They are forgetting that this man is in fact Republican President of some 18 million citizens of Zambia!

  13. Our president is an *****! You can’t even arrest a single person for Gassing our innocent citizens let alone care for those killed by the mob you go for a child telling the simply truth. We have the most useless president since the birth of democracy, arrest the person who went to buy useless fire trucks for USD 1m or let alone smugling Mukula. Shame of you ba Zambia Police and your useless commander in chief, is a whats app group more important than the economy? m

  14. KZ kale ayaba – 2016 Kaizer Zulu’s girlfriends Lulu Sonita Zulu has committed suicide after he beat her up …
    KZ kale ayaba – 2015 State House gunman and Special Assistant to the president for corruption Kaizer Zulu, with the full knowledge of clueless Edgar Lungu ordered the raid on the residence of the nephew to Chongwe member of Parliament Sylvia Masebo fearing that the opposition lawmaker is gaining much support in her constituency which will enable the UPND secure victory in next year’s elections.
    Sources at State House said that the raid which occurred a couple of weeks ago was not even known to the state police but PF cadres in police offices and some seconded to the “fake” intelligence.

  15. KZ kale ayaba – 2015 Special Assistant for Corruption at State House who is also Political Advisor to President Edgar Lungu Keizer Zulu was almost arrested in South Africa during the China Africa Summit, the other week.
    Zulu who was in the presidential entourage picked a South African prostitute and decided to leave the official accommodation for the Zambian delegation and booked a presidential Suite at Radisson blue Hotel in Sandton.

  16. Palast mwalaikatafye icalo conse. Zambians why are we letting a few mistreating us? Balitulowa? Euyu umulopa balefwaya?

  17. You are not even ashamed arresting kids useless police go arrest the master minders of gassing leave that boy alone you created this situation by yourselves or go arrest those corrupt ministers in PF.

  18. Kaizer you are a fool you are the one who needs to be arrested you want to intimidate people you want to scare people not people like us.

  19. Kaizer you are the one who needs to be arrested you want to intimidate people you want to scare people not people like us.

  20. Lungu and all Zedian presidents behave like this is a kingdom. Defamation of the King! In a democracy!! And I don’t hear John Sangwa or LAZ protesting for citizens

  21. Childish. How many stories have we heard of the King and his indunas stealing from Zambians. People are not happy. I am sure this is just one of the boys who has seen the invicible clothes that the king is wearing – King’s new clothes uko! Some socalled insults u just let them slide kwasila. Other wise people will not notice the difference.

  22. Esther Katongo looks like she has eaten a whole pig! Go the gym madam! Lose weight so you’re able to chase and catch criminals.

  23. @Kaiza Zulu you are a brainwashed bruu that’s why you failed to control your boss. These days even a 5 yrs old child knows that people suffer they is no food in the house coz the current government. At our time we never used to know that people suffer in life. Why zicta is busy watching people who are talking about ECL that he has destroyed the nation and they want to protect him? Those are the people who are working at zicta and they know how Zambians are suffering even their families are suffering. Let people discuss through phones, WhatsApp, Facebook etc… It’s cheap dialogue. Why keeping yourselves busy arresting people coz of ECL is he the owner of the country ? Don’t take zambia like it’s ECL’s company the same people who voted him are the same people will vote him out one day…

  24. This is what Emperor Jean-Bédel Bokassa did with school children before he was overthrown. When a “King” stoops so low as to target school children for telling him the truth that he is stuck naked (Chintako, njenje, ubwamba), then you know his end is upon us. One thing though, have you seen how nearly all prominent Nyanjas are cycling their wagons defending Chagwa, the indefensible! From Dora, Makebi, Tutwa etc, boonse ni kumodzi kumawa! It’s shameful, this mbeba chewing fools would vote for a Mbeba before a Tonga as long as its from kuMawa.

  25. In Emperor Jean-Bédel Bokassa trial in absentia, he was tried and sentenced to death. He returned to the Central African Republic in 1986 and was put on trial for treason and murder. In 1987, he was cleared of charges of cannibalism, but found guilty of the murder of schoolchildren and other crimes. The death sentence was later commuted to life in solitary confinement, but he was freed in 1993. He lived a sorry private life in Bangui, and died in November 1996. This same thing happened to Chiluba whose grand theft of state funds was legendary, once out of power, he lived between the courts, South Africa for medical attention and house arrest. The diminutive stinking thief died at home, was brought in dead to the morgue and no postmortem was conducted for fear of imuti sangomas had…

  26. inserted in him. Lungu is repeating everything Chiluba did which led to his early demise and shame, complete with an attempt at an illegal third term. It’s clear he will also end up shamed, in jail and dead from depression. At least with FTJ the forst term was not that bad and he was not that dictatorial, Lungu will receive brutal consequences as so many people are waiting in the wings to get even with him. Those ugly teeth of his some will pull out with spanners! He must watch what happened to Gaddafy and Samuel Doe, kwali ukunya amaguys balwa ka!

  27. Phil: Hw does Esther Mwata Katongo become the subject of discussion here? To me she looks like a role model to women.

  28. This stuuuuped archaic defamation law needs to be done away with. Saying clueless corrupt Lungu is the worst president in the entire world is nothing but the truth. Who doesn’t know that Lungu is a gangster, a thief and a corrupt clueless guy? If he doesn’t like being called names, let him resign. Get out of the kitchen if you can’t stand the heat. Kabwalala Lungu, nabapompwe banankwe. They all need to go to jail next year. Let the kid go, and go looking for real criminals in PF.

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