Monday, September 30, 2024

Parliament adjourns Bill 10 debate to Wednesday after PF fails to garner support after UPND MPs walked out


Parliament on Tuesday adjourned voting to Wednesday when the Bill 10 motion was presented after the PF failed to garner enough votes to warrant a vote on the Bill which came up for second reading.

When Justice Minister Given Lubinda rose on the floor of the House to introduce the Bill for second reading, 53 UPND Members of parliament started to walk out of the House accompanied by three Independent MPs prompting Speaker Patrick Matibini to call for order.

Three UPND members namely Geofrey Lungwangwa of Nalikwanda, Teddy Kasonso of Solwezi West and Mulowa Mukumbuta of Senanga Central remained in the House despite attempts by Kabompo MP Ambrose Lufuma and Mwembeshi Independent MP Machila Jamba to force them off their seats.

After realising that they would not get the required two thirds majority, Vice president Inonge Wina opted not to suspend standing orders to allow the house sit until the completion of business for the day as has always been the practice.

At exactly 19:55 Hours, Speaker Matibini adjourned the House to Wednesday for continued debate as the PF continues in search of the two votes they need to pass the vote.

The UPND and Independent MPs have however vowed to ensure that the Bill is defeated in its current state as the PF vows to spend the night fishing.


  1. False story,which independent member of parliament because even Chimwemwe independent member of parliament is for the Bill so what are you talking about, do not report false stories please Zambians are now able to follow the debate so don’t lie.

    • The report says 2 independent MP walked out with UPND MPs. So the 11 “Independent” MPs including the Chimwemwe are actually reasoning with PF. They may not be that independent!

  2. Hahahaha……..drama pa zed! They just need 2 more votes to pass the Bill? To all right-thinking lawmakers: Don’t pass the Bill that the general citizenry did not consent to. Don’t let this country be destroyed by this selfish and reckless government

  3. Someone help me…. does not walking out necessarily mean that one will vote for the Bill to pass? If not then it may mean they may need more than two additional MPs.

  4. If put to a referendum , this bill 10 would be rejected by Zambians.

    Why is the PF leadership so fixated with this bill going through ??

    Zambians can not trust a leadership pushing for this bill , a leadership that agreed to pay $42 million tax payers money for 42 fire trucks that should have cost under $20 million.

    No way. Don’t pass this bill.

    • @ Educated Zambian, which part of Spaka’s comment are you finding senseless – the $42 million for 42 fire trucks?

    • Spaka once Lungu signs it …you will be breaking the law if you reject it and he will make sure he goes bribes junior opposition MPs with Deputy Minister positions.

  5. So does it mean they almost have the two thirds by merely being present? How sure are they that those that remained will vote for the bill. I wonder the logic behind all this.

    • Yeah,you are right,that is flawed assumption. Lungwangwa and his colleagues from MP including NDC MP may just be to finally have their say that “Since clauses x,y z have not been removed or amended I vote against” and that will be a great upset!!Let us wait see

  6. Bill 10 regardless of how beautiful it can be UPND MPs won’t support it.They believe move is favorable for PF.
    However,the MAJOR cause of out walking of UPND MPs is because politics of hatred and bitterness.PF and UPND in parliament can’t support each other even if it something benefits to the people of Zambia.

  7. Voting for the bill will be in effect doing the will of PF and not the will of the people. Remove the anomalies from the bill, include other progressive bills like putting severe punishment for corruption then people can confidently vote for the bill to pass.

  8. IImwe tu UPND . I listened to the presentation of the Bill 10 and in fact it is speaking your language. All what it contains are the things Zambians and you your selves want. You just like baseless objections. Know that Zambians now know that you are useless MPs who are not worthy being in parliament. Can you mention one clause which Zambians are against and yet its in Bill 10 as was presented yesterday?
    We know that you want homosexuality and Mansonism to be included in the constitution but this will not happen. You must be ashamed .

  9. So by walking away from debates they mean they will not even vote.
    How I wish the two thirds apply to those who actually votes.
    But what ever the case; voted down or in Bill 10 is honorable.

  10. The upnd is a dictatorial party.their mps are controlled by a sad and frustrated man who has lost election five times and has never held public office. It’s like listening to a baby telling you how to live your life. They think walking out will resolve this issue. Why not argue your point and vote rather than walking out? It’s a sign of lacking any substance to your cause. A sign that you are been controlled by your selfish leader. Kudos to the two mps to remained. At least you have decorum. Kz

    • It pains you doesn’t it that you are finding it difficult to use the arrogance of numbers in parliament on this one to screw an unsuspecting Zambian public as you have done too often before? You might be able to eventually force it through but at least UPND and some vigilant NGOs have made you drop some of the nonsensical things you were trying to push through like Deputy Ministers. You were ok with walking out when the PF used that option. Now what’s good for the goose is bad for the gander? Hypocrites!! why is this do or die for you guys?? There are a lot of more pressing issues in the country!!!

    • if some UPND MPs walked out and others remained, this proves that FREE WILL exists in the party, unlike chilya ichipani where it seems all MPs are controlled robots, how do they have the same thought and ideas about bill 10?


  12. KZ, losing five times and not holding public office have nothing to do with the topic at hand, dont confuse yourself and your blind followers. Walking out of parliament in boycott is very much normal and constitutional. It has become bad because its not you doing it, check @Chamu’s contribution. By the way, you need not hold public office before becoming a head of state. You are the same liers who have corrupted minds of the citizenry and have put the country into this m.ess. You dont need to be a nurse for you to be a doctor.

    • @PWII, your comment has made my day: ” You don’t need to be a nurse for you to be a doctor”. Again what a comment!!!!!!!! I am still laughing even now. There is a lot of ignorance about leadership exhibited on this platform by some of those who are TEMPORARILY CLINGING to the corridors of power.

  13. Kaizer Sulu is a tw@t and a massive d1ck head who needs to explain to Zambians where he’s got his wealth which well beyond his income .Zambia has gone to the dogs with these thieves in power .

    • Haha I work just like many zambian do. What wealth. State the figures that you claim do not add up. Do you know what my salary is or what other businesses I own? Failures always react negatively to small possessions. This is not wealth young man.

    • Iwe chimbwi kaiser your day of reckoning is fast approaching. You can manipulate the constitition any way you want to prolong Lungu s stay in power but the day Zambian will people rise up to get rid of you is fast approaching and you know why.

      Kaunda did those tricks but in the end he was defeated. At least his down fall was soft. Yours will be brutal. You will be lucky to survive it, trust me.

      You are stealing everything in Zambia including much needed mealimill and exporting it and thereby causing shortages.

      Thieve Lungu and Kaiser have killed too many people and must be punished soon.

  14. Kaizer Sulu is a tw@t and a massive d1ck head who needs to explain to Zambians where he’s got his wealth which is well beyond his income .Zambia has gone to the dogs with these thieves in power .

  15. UPND(53 No-3 Yes)
    INDEPENDENTS(11 Yes – 3No)
    PF,FDD,MMD(100% Yes)-This is what we call “GROUP THINK”
    To the Galant UPND and Independent MP’s..NI WALK OUT NAFUTI.

  16. Why is PF so desperate to pass this bill? It can also be deferred to the next parliament, let the government deal with the current pandemic and save the people!

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