Sunday, March 9, 2025

Magande accused of swindling a Tazanian national


A Tanzanian National has accused MMD Chilanga Member of Parliament and former Finance Minister Ng’andu Magande of allegedly swindling him of 200 million Kwacha.

Soul Hilal Rashid a Tanzanian resident of Sibuwanga told journalists during a press briefing in Lusaka this morning that Mr Magande has allegedly failed to pay for the supply of 5,000 bags of rice following an agreement they made on 7th April 2010.

According to the agreement Mr Magande was suppose to pay half the amount to Rashid a week after the collection of the consignment at Mbala which was the agreed destination.

Mr Magande who was liaising with Rashid through his cousin Chris Gona was also supposed to pay for his accommodation and meals whilst in Zambia.

And Rashid who claims to run an export business says that he is stranded because Mr Magande has refused to meet him.

He says he has since reported Mr Magande to police over the matter.



  1. Chris Gona signed the contract with Soul Hilal Rashid, hence Chris must pay up. He should not drug Magande into this matter. Some relatives..aaagggh!

  2. #1 i also think this Chris Gona was using the ministers name as insurance to this poor business man. And for sure some relatives awe:o

  3. And LT also is being biassed. There are things like the lauch of the UPND/PF this saturday which u have not reported yet but about Magande, its among the breaking news why??

  4. Chris Gona signed the contract with Soul Hilal Rashid, hence Chris must pay up. He should not drag Magande into this matter. Some relatives..aaagggh! If Rashid is stranded let him be deported while the police and subsequently the courts will traversing the legal route on the matter.

  5. The game of silencing your enemies:
    Mmembe….contempt of court
    Mpombo …..issuing a cheque on insufficient funds with intent to defraud?
    GMB……FRA loan, repayment overdue..?
    Magande……Swindling of Tanzanian national?
    Sata……. NCC clause…degree for Presidential candidate
    Solwezi MP…………causing violence in Mufumbwe?
    Mtembo………dissolve Task Force systematically

  6. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ifintu pa zambia irritating ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@

  7. What a headline “Magande accoused of swindling stranded Tazanian National”
    Did the Alleged Swindling happen after he Got Stranded or what?
    Cheap Propaganda!!:-?:-?:-?:-?

  8. #10 u are spot on,these are RBs politics of “JFHA”.all these schemes are coming from FTJ-da-Consultant-cum-Dribbler.
    by the way if you are wondering wat JFHA means ,it “Just Fix His A.s.s”

  9. Balasamwa Ba MMD, so iyi ikaba pa Front Page mu times and Daily mail no doubt plus Dead N B C

  10. Magande will respond no doubt! MMD buying it longevity here I say! Magande should also unleash something against this currupt govt! I hate the Mulongoti fella…. I am sure he is behind this. Ba RB kanshi muli chiwelele! What kind of nonsense is this? Muleshana na masha yaka kafupi kanshi? Tamwakwata amano yenu imwe……

  11. Have you ever heard of any easterner being treated by the government media in this fashion. Lets remove this tribalist

  12. Aa-llaa-bee, “One zambia!”
    everybody ” one nation !”
    Aa-llaa-bee,”one nation!”
    everybody, “one leader!”
    Aa-llaa-bee, “and that leader!”
    everybody,dr. “Aa-llaa-bee, wamuyaya, wamuyaya, kanitundila, lesapaye!”

  13. Dr. Aa-llaa-bee, “icho-icho-icho chisokone banee!”
    Dr. Aa-lla-bee,” azimai ndi azibambo, mabibi na mabwana, ni choonadi kuti tinali tagonako pangono koma taukanso, ndipo zinthu zizasintha kubwelelanso monga pachiambi. Nionga zikomo kuli imwe anthu anga opasidwa kuli mulungu. Usogoleli wanga wudzakhala wobwelela kumbuyo osati kupita pasogolo. Olo kanitundile palibe khantu!”

  14. # 10, I like your observation, and it is very true. This is a cheap story, which for me does not involve Honourable Magande. It does not tell us whether he personally signed anywhere for this contract.

  15. If in the story above, the name Magande was replaced by the name Mulongoti. I suppose this blogg would be on fire. Mwapusukeni bane, always suffering from the conspiracy syndrome. . But some questions:
    Did RB compel Mmembe to write the contemptious article? RB should have left him alone?
    Hasn’t GBM paid the loan to FRA or was it a fabrication? RB Should have left him alone?
    Sata and the Degree clause, Who was in the NCC, was it RB or the UPND?
    Solwezi MP (Lumba), Even in the UK, can you kidnap a police officer and get away. OK I get it, the trick is to blame RB for all the indiscipline that people get into in Zambia.

  16. #10 what you forget is on that list you have every one of those people did do wrong, and they acted on their own. are you saying they should have been let free? this is the same cadre mentality which makes people think that certain people should be untouchable. if we replaced those names with mmd people would you still call it persecution. think please crime, justice knows no party.

  17. #10 VCT .If it is true Magande is involved its a shame,

    But as for Mpombo he accepted to have issued a cheque on an account which did not have money, is it RB who issued the cheque or gov.

    GBM has even paid the money which he said is tea imprest for his office, 2.8 billion.

    Its not RBs problem that SATA is ill educated and remember its actually UPND who are behind this scheme.

    As for the rest they are not important for 2011.

  18. If Magande did enter into this agreement let him face the consequences of his actions. If he did not he can argue it out with the law. What is interesting is how you are all quick to look for external influence when this is a private matter made public because of magandes position as public person. I beg you to think and think at this rate we going am worried that we can even allow sata to kill and look the other way.

  19. this is a business transaction, we don’t know contract terms so maybe rashid and his agent performed poorly on other matters such as quality etc. LT, this is an edited or worthless story – it needs qualification

  20. Hello!!!!!
    anyone ever heard of privity of contract???
    uyu munthu ni dalo dalo zoona!!!
    when two parties sign a contract, it is only those parties bound by the terms of the contract.
    in this case, Chris Gona & Rashid are parties to the contract for supply of bags of rice.
    Mr. Magande (if at all he has anything to do with this issue), is merely a third party and therefore not bound by the contract, albeit that his cousin acted on his behalf.

  21. Rubbish! A businessman claiming so much money and stranded, this whole story is just drama! Fault finding at its best, let us wait and hear the reaction from the former minister!

  22. he he he he ! I love LT’s style of operating….first throw a half-cooked news item at the bloggers and the bloggers “kill” each other ! i really enjoy just reading the comments (EXCEPT OFFCOURSE NOT THOSE FROM SENIOR CITIZEN,MMD CHIEF BOOTLICKER etc)
    This story is incomplete,finito.LT give us a full version tommorow ok.

  23. where is the money that VJ signed on behalf of zambia with the chinese government for the construction of kalungwishi hydro-power station? magande’s issues fyakwe, but we want the kalungwishi money or the project must start now!

  24. This story is so blared. What really transpared between the two? The story sounds fake and false and the same time. Can Rashid explain how he entered into contract with Magande, let him also give the conditions thereof.[-([-(

  25. This is serious witch hunt by mmd? What next? What happened to the zamtrop account and 8million of chiluba has it been shared or what? News is no longer interesteding pa zed it is all witch hunting

  26. Retard politcs. Thing is, turn against RB then you`r turned in. It`s like don`t mess with us and we won`t mess with you

  27. Zambians be objective. Don’t accuse MMD for what Mpombo & Magande have done. MMD did not do the business eals for them. Let Magande respond and pay what he owes.

  28. LT yu have exposed yourself that you are being used. The heading is misleading. This is not swindling!! Read all the blogs here, your story has nott convicned anyone that Magande swindled this Tanzanian guy! If anything, this Tanzanian Guy should be arrested for trying to defame Magande!

  29. 27 and 29, Mulenga: Why are you castigating number 10 and urging others to think when you have failed to think that the title of this article is very misleading! You are also saying that justice knows no party, lets consider these cases:
    1. MMD, deputy minister shoots PF youth in the head. Any arrests?
    2. MMD cadres beat up and assaults UPND MP. Any arrests?
    3. MMD cadres stone police officers at police post and IG runs for his life. Any arrests?
    4. MMD cadres threaten to gang-rape Edith Nawakwi. Any arrests?
    5. MMD losing candidate’s son rams his Pajero into UPND crowd and kiss 3. Any arrests?
    6. MMD william banda this and that. Any arrests?
    The list goes on. Ba Mulenga, its seems justice in Zambia knows parties. Blessed weekend.

  30. Point number 5. Kills 3, not kiss 3. Slip of the tongue and writing kisses here! What’s on my mind?!

  31. 1. MMD, deputy minister shoots PF youth in the head. Any arrests?
    2. MMD cadres beat up and assaults UPND MP. Any arrests?
    3. MMD cadres stone police officers at police post and IG runs for his life. Any arrests?
    4. MMD cadres threaten to gang-rape Edith Nawakwi. Any arrests?
    5. MMD losing candidate’s son rams his Pajero into UPND crowd and kiss 3. Any arrests?
    6. MMD william banda this and that. Any arrests?
    The list goes on. Ba Mulenga, its seems justice in Zambia knows parties.

  32. leave Magande out of this useless political talk.The cells will just be full of innocent peple when people like The Deputy Mininster who shout and wounded someone is outside.Those are the real culprits that need to go to jail in my view.

  33. The way things are going I can see a lot of trouble in 2011 especially if MMD see that they are losing.

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