Sunday, March 9, 2025

Govt receives over 100 applications for radio stations


Information Minister Ronnie Shikapwasha (R)

Government says it has received 110 application for new radio stations and 10 for private television stations.

Information and Broadcasting Services Minister, Ronnie Shikapwasha says the government is waiting for the Independence Broadcasting Act (IBA) to be passed in parliament and the appointment of the board to start processing the applications and subsequently issue the licenses.

Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka today that the processing and issuance of licenses will be done as soon as the IBA is taken to parliament in the next sitting.

He said of the ten Television stations that have applied, five have applied for Christians broadcasting stations and want them established in Lusaka and the Copperbelt Provinces.

The Minister has also disclosed that three pay television providers similar to MultiChoice have also applied for the licenses.

Lt. Gen Shikapwasha further said other parts of the country such as Eastern and Western Provinces, which were previously shunned have also received overwhelming response for the establishment of the stations.

He said 10 applications have been received from Chipata alone and commended the private sector and the community for the good response.

Lt. Gen. said this has been realized with support from PANOS, UNICEF and other donor agencies.

He said the development is good and will help to the citizens have easy access to information.

He said government will continue playing a facilitatory role in the establishment of both radio and television stations to bridge the information gap.

He has since called on the citizens to seek help from PANOS and others to establish more radio and Television stations in the country.

Meanwhile Lt. Gen. Shikapwasha has disclosed that government has set up a task force to oversee the movement from analog to digital migration.

Gen. Shikapwasha said the team will also ensure that the country is not polluted with unwanted equipment during the migration.

He said the country is on the right direction and remained confident that it will realize this goal by 2015.

Lt. Gen. Shikapwasha said his ministry is working with other ministries like the Ministry of Communications and Transport in this area.



  1. I hope those christian TV stations aint about “sow a seed and God will reward you financially” .Am tired of SOME of these TV channels with scandals all over their leaders.
    -buying hummers (without first completing old church building / project)
    -raising wedding funds for marriage after marriage after marriage
    -raising legal fees when wife sues u (Benny Hinn)

  2. This is very encouraging!!!
    for sure, we need more radio and more especially t.v stations!!

  3. This is an encouraging situation, but those who will feel it is free for all it is bad news, because TV and radio stations are primariry tools for development. For example advertising, wheather broadcasting, news, sharing Ideas etc. However, in any society there are guidelines that define the rules of engangement. In South Africa, which has a more developed economy than Zambia the broadcasting and Radio stations follow through a given code of conduct. Individuals, organizations or political parties can complain to the IBA (Independent Broadcasting Authourity).

  4. “He has since called on the citizens to seek help from PANOS and others to establish more radio and Television stations in the country.”
    Hypocrite. First give them the licences and then we can apply for help from PANOS. Otherwise, this could just be another politico lie!

  5. Good development. The question is. Do we have enough regulatory rules to govern the private media? If not, let us be very careful because the media can either build the nation or destroy it.

  6. Welcome to Dictator Senior Citizen TV.

    24 hrs a day of political dribbles with short commercial breaks featuring such artists as F.Chiluba on such topics as “How to become a millionaire by being an African President”.
    “How to Ignore A.G reports as if they are from a grade 2 maths student” by MMD3 Government.”

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