Monday, September 30, 2024

Bowman Lusambo welcomes move by Government to financially Punish Prime TV


Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has applauded the action taken by Minister of Information and Broadcasting Dora Siliya to disengage from Prime TV and cease all cooperation with the station.

Mr Lusambo has since urged Ms Siliya to go a step further and remove Prime TV from both the Dstv and Go TV platforms.

The Kabushi Lawmaker has further appealed to Zamtel to terminate the fibre link carrying Prime TV’s signal adding that similar actions by all parastatals dealing with Prime TV should be carried out forthwith.

Mr Lusambo said most people he knows are never fond of anyone who is proud, overconfident or overbearing.

He said it is better to be humble than to have a superiority complex because pride not only brings ones downfall but also makes them look foolish as Mr Shawa proved in that meeting.

“The meeting with media owners was organized by the Zambian Government to rally support from them towards the sensitization of Zambians about COVID19. Any caring government would do that in times of crisis like we have today. COVID-19 is affecting all of us. Nearly 220,000 people have now been confirmed with the coronavirus globally, of which at least 84,000 have recovered from COVID-19, while more than 8,800 have died, according to data from Johns Hopkins University in the US”, said Mr Lusambo.

He said it is therefore inhuman, unpatriotic and unthinking for Mr Shawa to demand upfront payment before Government could use his platform to reach the people with COVID19 messages.

Mr Lusambo said in this crisis, he has seen people like Chinese Billionaire Jack Ma stepping up for Africa, a continent he does not even live in. He is donating masks, test kits and protective suits to all countries in Africa to help the continent in its fight against the coronavirus.

He said through his Foundation, Ma’s foundation will donate at total of 1.1 million testing kits, six million masks, and 60,000 protective suits and face shields while Zambia has a Mr Shawa refusing to donate air time. How greedy and boastful can one be?!

Mr Lusambo said Mr Shawa will do well to remember that before Prime TV, there were other bigger, more influential and more prominent media houses who thought they were higher and mightier and today they form part of Zambia’s history and the business premises they occupied along Bwinjimfumu Road are housing rats and cobwebs.

He said the lessons are plentiful and Mr Shawa will do well to learn from such.

Meanwhile, Mr Lusambo has welcomed the move by the Media Owners Association of Zambia, MISA Zambia, BBC Media Action and the IBA for their joint action to produce Public Service Announcements on COVID19 which will be aired for FREE on all their partner stations dotted across the nation.

He said this is a very patriotic move and the likes of Mr Shawa should take a leaf.

Mr Lusambo has urged the IBA to rein in on Prime TV to ensure that the station starts operating within the legal and ethical parameters.

“I have been a victim of unprofessional reporting by Prime TV on several occasions. During the recent of mealie meal outlets, Prime TV failed to air the original story but went and solicited for a negative reaction from Hakainde Hichilema over our operation after which they aired the story, an obvious attempt to discredit our actions as government”, he complained.


  1. I agree. Well done to my sister Dora. We cannot, as government fund a rogue TV station bent on bias reporting and allegiance to an opposition party. So let upnd fund it .I am sure their leader has enough millions stashed away gained from selling zambian companies for peanuts. Kz

    • Who killed The Post Newspaper? It was PF.
      Shawa, it’s over go you are done, they have deleted you, just go form a political party too.

    • you are such a fool!! what about the employees prime tv has,how are they going to pay them if you ain’t paying them for airtime??? shame on you!!!!!!

    • Govt does NOT fund private media nor should it. Prime TV is a business for which goverment should PAY for the services and not FUND at is own discretion. Prime TV was not asking goverment to pay for the Cod 19 awareness campaign but for it to settle its already outstanding debts to the station before it could corporate further. Very reasonable request grounded in sound business practise. You have to leverage your position given the specific context!!

    • Typical of a dictatorship. Prime TV is a PRIVATE business and they get to decide how to run their business, whichever way they desire. They’re a FOR PROFIT business, and not a charitable organization. You don’t get to tell them how they should be running their business. So back off, you dictators. They say you owe them back payments. Your credit history sucks. You can’t be trusted to pay up once they deliver the service. That’s why they asked you to pay upfront. Why don’t you pay up first, instead of trying to shame them with your “unpatriotic” accusations? If anything, they need to sue all of you for interfering with their business, and sabotaging it, just because they won’t bow to your demands. You all need to be fired for your incompetence.

    • Go back to Kabushi, non educated have caused so much damage to the country as it is…once a kabova always a kabova…no vision no direction.
      Do us all a favor and shut it….go away…

    • Prime TV is only obligated to pay its taxes. The are not under any other special obligations to pay extra taxes through provision of free (pay time) advertisements to government. As such, Prime TV can successfully sue for loss of business. Know where to draw the line.

  2. Bowman, you have described yourself better in your own words! It’s you who has a proud spirit to the extent of abusing your authority to intimidate your perceived enemies! Please tone down and be civil in your engagements! You have forgotten you still owe the Private stations from the Time of the Cholera outbreak! Are you not ashamed? Is it a crime to demand upfront payment given your very poor credit rating?
    Just a word of advice: Remember Chishimba Kambwili aka CK? When CK was Information Minister, he was threatening to close down Private Stations. Now that he is without power, the same Private Stations have become his mouthpiece! A wise man does not make too many enemies! The same Bible you misquoted says Be at peace with all! Love your enemies and do good to those who spitefully use…

  3. Love your enemies and do good to those who spitefully use you!
    Be reminded Lusambo that even if you go ahead to close Prime TV, it won’t make a difference! We won’t go back to your ZNBC! If anything, we encourage Prine TV to commence legal proceedings against you and Dora! Remember we are a Democracy and not the Dictatorship you want to impose on Zambians through your Bill 10!
    It’s the pride of MMD elements like you and Dora that has messed up PF! It’s your fall that is imminent!

  4. Lusambo and PF better know that ALL things in this life are temporary. Chishimba Kambwili was like you when he was in power. Braggadocio and arrogance is your cup but your viciousness will come back to bite you and you will need Shawa’s Prime some day soon. Your use of propaganda is nauseating.

  5. “Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.” – Frederick Douglass

  6. Advocate change your thinking, it’s like you support rubbish, we don’t. Prime TV need has to be questioned for the rubbish their saying. Don’t they hav eyes or ears?. Stop the propaganda Zambia,please refuse to participate in spreading divisive propaganda on Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter. We only have one Zambia to call a home.

  7. COVID 19 is not Zambia’s biggest threat! Zambia’s biggest threat of !diocy and Corruption! Leave Prime TV alone! In fact, Prime TV does not survive on GRZ handouts! Prime TV is a business and not a charity! Prime TV does not owe GRZ an apology! Just tell GRZ to pay Prime TV ba Lusambo and it will show! Stop intimidating Private Media who are doing a commendable job of giving the public balanced news unlike DeadendBC which has been reduced to a PF propaganda tool! Prime TV, you are at liberty to sue Lusambo and Dora for abuse of authority of office! We are a Democracy and not a Dictatorship! Asking GRZ to pay upfront is not a crime! It’s a normal business practice! Wasn’t GRZ asked to pay ESKOM in advance? What has changed?


  8. Rubbish. Indeed Zambia is being run like a prison. In prison the most dull and useless person can be the boss there that’s why nothing changes in it.

  9. @Advocate PF uses propaganda the way NAZIs used it. The Nazis blamed the Jews for all kinds of evil just like PF blames everyone else for their failings. NAZIs burned the Reichstag and blamed the communists for it. PF bombards us daily with a propaganda diet and most brains in Zambia have been anesthetized so well that the ability to think independently is very rare here. The sooner we rid ourselves of the PF vermin the better off we will be especially without Lusambo the pestilence.

    • Absolutely true Comrade Warlord!
      There seems to be a more serious outbreak of “Ubuwelelwele” in this country where you have a citizenry blinded by partisan politics who can’t defend country over political party!
      Sata was right when he said Most Zambians suffered potholes of fear in their heads under KK. They can’t think independently! Following the wind is what Zambias are good at no wonder things don’t improve! To repair these heads will require a bit of panel beating and not education. It’s shocking how the country is being destroyed by a few selfish individuals and everyone is agreeing nefyabupuba! There has to be limits as prescribed by the Law! It’s time Lusambo and Dora got sued in their individual capacities for abuse of authority of office! No one should think they are…

    • No one should think they are above the Law! These are the same MMD diehards who destroyed RB and MMD and now they have come to destroy Sata’s PF legacy! Watch out PF with these “ba mwisa!”

  10. From what I heard, Prime TV simply refused to air the programs/the advocacy for free. They run a business and need to raise funds like any other business. Hon. Just pay for the service on behalf of govt do that people do.not lose their jobs on a count of incapacity to pay salaries.

  11. Why am I not surprised that this self proclaimed minister without portfolio is uttering utter nonsense. He thinks PF will rule forever, when you become irrelevant that’s when you will understand the importance of private owned media. The Post News Paper that you illegally closed with no benefits reaped for the zambian people by its closure was the one that urshered PF to power by giving you fools a platform to be heard by the Zambian people. Infact lusambo was in MMD by then, people like lusambo will become laughingstock when they become jobless, lusambo must count himself lucky that Lungu is as useless as he is otherwise serious leaders would have gotten rid of deadweight like lusambo. Mwanawasa never joked when it comes to issues that borders on the country.

  12. It’s a shame Prime TV could not avail its services for the benefit of fellow Zambians without upfront payment. I realise Prime TV is a private business, therefore, has to make money. However, it’s not always just about making money. You can be charitable too. About the proprietor of Prime TV being arrogant and boastful; so are other people in positions of power. Power corrupts completely if not checked. The waving about of guns in people’s faces, assaulting others at the slightest provocation, all stem from feeling entitled to do what you like because you are all powerful and above the law. Funny enough, this behaviour is annoying when we see it in others…but not in our own selves.

    • Charitable in this era of rising costs in Zambia? No one should be forced to be charitable it is not right. Bullying institutions in order to enforce your will is not right. Many people have shunned ZNBC due to their unprofessional and bias ways that they report matters affecting the nation.

  13. There is something about people from Katete, they never learn. It could be the mbeba they keep on chewing. Remember General Corporal Godfoolish Meanderous, he re-enacted the Public Order Act and in the process almost killed Uncle Rodger Chongwe and KK in Kabwe. When Chiluba fired the useful ***** and the MMD tossed him out, the same Public Order Act came back to bite a juicy junk from his stinking backside, where its dark, always. The same will happen to CliDoraS Slit, this Prime TV she is hussling today will be the one to rescue her when the avengers come knocking to get even. Kuzankala kulila, no kunya!

  14. Government should just pay Prime TV. It’s a private business. They want it to go down like the way they unfairly treated Post newspapers? Bowman Lusambo should not even boast about the downfall of Post newspapers. It was due to the PF government’s total disregard of court orders. This is a government strongly anchored on lawlessness. Enjoy your time while it lasts because the same time will catch up with you one day.

  15. An excuse to supress free media. We shouldn’t even debate this. The private station took it’s stance over payment. All you needed to do is ask other willing stations. Does it justify your ‘holier than thou’ attitude? In fact it is disgraceful to use Coronavirus for stupid political scores against a perceived ‘enemy’ media. Primitive Lusambo and primitive PF govt. officials are a disgrace to humanity.

  16. This Bowman Lusambo should not be a minister. He speaks out of line and character. Let Dora handle this. It’s her ministry. Lusambo sometimes is good, then vinyau in him lishiki and Tamanbago arise and he erases all his good. We only need the minister of health talking lately. May Jesus protect and bless Zambia.

  17. These theives are indeed shameless.

    After indebting Zambia to the tune of $17 billion , they are still looking for shadows in the dark ???

    Any other GRZ , after spending so much , would be enjoying a sea of popularity.

    They have had billions to spend, yet they still resort to Mugabe tactics to force them selves onto Zambians …….

    Look at the suffering around you ? Then some one comes along and boasts that he wins PF their elections ???? Ehhh , ka KZ ?

  18. Thanks ba kz you have taken ba upnd headon zoona wabatalalika they have jst resolved to insults now.take them on.continuel fightin for zambia bro.

  19. Classic PF. Want things for free. Someone doesn’t bend to their corruption? They cry and abuse power when they don’t get their way. They spit on our laws, and our constitution.

  20. Does corporate social responsibility ever exist? If it does, when is it most needed? Are we aware that US is now seeking to invoke war powers which will compel certain companies to produce essential supplies? The pandemic before us knows to political party! Patriotism is most needed in times like these.

  21. Prime TV and the owner pay tax to Government. Why should they on top and above add free services? It’s just be jealousy. He did not steal from anyone to set up the business. Why should he be punished for his initiative?

  22. Pamushi tapabulwa fiwelewele
    Can all please remember Kaunda era where we had dander heads praising him even when he had failed after staying too long in power and messed up our economy
    What about FTJ and his stupid third term bid after he shamelessly sold the country for a song
    We have seen them all and the next one we all know what will follow
    No one is above the law and the law will follow some individuals after raping our country and leaving nothing to smile about
    Our Kwacha continue to depreciate and will continue to do because we do not have production that create value and bring the much needed foreign exchange in the country.
    The reason is simple we have inept leadership that do see beyond their noses
    What has happened to our nation ?????????? GOD Save Us from the EVIL…

  23. That thing just makes me throw up everytime it appears. Trouble is that it wants to be everywhere everytime so ifwe nomba throwing up yaba ni chronic disease.

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