MMD spokesperson Dora Siliya has urged Zambians to reject the United Party for National Development and Patriotic Front (UPND/PF) Pact which is set for launch tomorrow on grounds that it lacks a sober and mature leadership to properly run the economy and hold the existing unity.
Ms Siliya warned against making a mistake by voting into office the alliance headed by Mr Hakainde Hichilema and Michael Sata in next year’s elections because of the insults the two leaders had promoted in their politics.
Ahead of the launch of the pact tomorrow, Ms Siliya said the alliance lacked real leadership and experience to prosper the economy to the next level because the two leaders were just good at insults.
Addressing MMD supporters and other residents at Chisonso Middle Basic School in Petauke, Ms Siliya said President Rupiah Banda’s Government had recorded massive economic growth which must be protected.
She explained that the people of Eastern Province and the rest of the country did not require anyone to campaign to them because of the infrastructure development which the Government was putting up.
Ms Siliya said during elections, both the PF and UPND leaders frequented the countryside seeking votes but never returned after elections which showed that they lacked the true agenda for the people.
Ms Siliya, who is minister of Education told the residents that the MMD did not perform well at Chisonso Middle Basic School and wondered what the people really wanted.
She reminded Zambians that some politicians were merely power-hungry and should not be taken seriously to avoid regrets.
Ms Siliya said leaders who lived on insults were not good for national stability which President Banda was already providing.
Meanwhile, MMD Eastern Province chairperson for women’s affairs Martha Mulenga urged Zambians to remember that President Banda was already in State House and providing development.
She said the president should be given a block vote by the people of Eastern Province to show appreciation for his efforts in developing Zambia.
The maturity that had been shown by the people in the province by voting for leaders irrespective of their tribes should continue.
[ Times of Zambia ]
They offer a menu of insults to Zambians and believe that is a stand alone winning political capital on the ballot.
The PACT Fever!
There is truth in this statement. We want to hear proper agendas for our country. Pact can learn a lot from Milupi’s style of politics. I fear for our motherland if ever these people were to lead this country. How can an upright individual agree to be lead by an educated, old man, inconsistent, self confessed tribalist, and you say you do it in the interest of the people. If you love us give us the best, so far you are offering the worst.
If you reduce on your drinking maybe your rant will be taken seriously.What experience do you have yoself when you were a mere newscaster @ ZNBC,you failed to produce any meaningful programme.We still remember the public fights you had with your former husband now you want to lecture us about morality PULIZ[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x
MMD is campaigning for the PACT as we can read. Even Fat Dora is scared of the incoming government. No matter what they say PACT is the only way to go. Next week I will go to Petauke to see Chief Nyamphande,Chief Kalindawalo and Chief Nyanje. Dora is wasting her time talking about the PACT because he is a failure in that constituency.
“Damn scared rats” Pact here we come Wapya munzhi MMD kuya bebele
can someone please tell this presidential hooker to please zip her mouth. The PACT is forming the next government under the leadership of HH and no false reporting and btich mouthing will change our minds.
dora show me which politician isnt power hungry.
It depends on how you define “sobriety and maturity”………
Dora you are part of the CORRUPT EMPIRE.
Being from behind the curtain you can’t see the light everyone else see’s.
People in Zambia would rather listen to a drunkard then live forever with CORRUPTION IN GOVERNMENT.
For over 18 years MMD have been given a chance.
Now its time for even an illiterate from the compounds to take over.
R.D.A scandal
M.O.H scandal
Kalumba and / Chiluba and Co scandal.
You DORA and your Zamtel scandal.
Kabonde and his S.A motor vehicle scandal.
Every MMD M.P rushing to morningside scandal.
$8 US Million Chiluba scandal where this is 1000 times his ZAMBIAN WAGES.
DORA next time look out from behind red brick house curtains and SEE THE REAL AFRICA!
By the size of Dora’s frame she is living FINE and never with out a MEAL like most of the country.
Dora and her boss the FAT HIPPO will never starve.
That last egg is reserved for Rupiah.
She reminds me of Miss Piggy from the muppet show. 🙂
Power is becoming sweet ka??? I can see you want to continue chewing government money…you better start saving there is time for every thing if 2011 is time 4 you and RB to go then let it be!!!!!
The nightmare of Hichilema
Mazabuka chiefs back RB
CHIEFS in Mazabuka have joined other traditional leaders in Southern Province in supporting President Banda in next year’s general elections.
Chiefs Naluwama, Mweenda, Hanjalika and Mwanachingwala say they have decided to endorse President Banda for the 2011 tripartite elections.
Chief Mwanachingwala said in an interview that he has been instructed by other traditional leaders in Mazabuka to announce their decision to support President Banda.
He said this is because their once preferred candidate, United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema, has allegedly decided not to be a presidential candidate.
Chief Mwanachingwala said there is no way the chiefs in Mazabuka would support Mr Hichilema or the Patriotic Front-UPND pact because they do not agree with the kind of leadership the PF president, Michael Sata, exhibits.
He said chiefs in Southern Province are disappointed with Mr Hichilema whom they have accused of having abandoned them by forming an alliance with Mr Sata’s PF.
Meanwhile, traditional leaders in Gwembe valley in Southern Province have vowed to campaign against any political leader verbally abusing chiefs and threatening to de-gazette them.
The traditional leaders say it is regrettable that there are some political leaders canvassing votes from chiefs while at the same time threatening and insulting them.
The chiefs have said any political leader exhibiting arrogance and contempt towards the chiefs should not be voted for in next year’s general elections because there is a danger that such a leader can lead the country to political problems.
Spokesperson for the Gwembe valley chiefs, Chief Chipepo said traditional leaders in the valley have always worked with the government of the day and will continue doing so for successive governments.
Chief Chipepo said in an interview yesterday that it is unfortunate that some political leaders have persistently been peddling insults instead of telling people the development they will take to them.
He said chiefs have not taken kindly to the threats that some politicians will not recognise them if elected to the highest office of the land next year.
Chief Chipepo said traditional leaders are praying that leaders who have been making disparaging remarks against them and Government leaders should not be voted for in next year’s elections.
“We know that there are some political leaders aspiring to ascend to the presidency of this country and the same leaders have threatened to do away with some chiefs once they assume power. Let me say this… they are the ones who shall be done away with. We are going to vigorously campaign against these political leaders who have no respect for chiefs. And this is not just about Southern Province, it is the whole country,” he said.
Chief Chipepo said the traditional leaders are ready to fight political leaders threatening to degazette them because such leaders are themselves a threat to the peace and tranquillity the country is enjoying.
He said whoever that insulting government leaders is also insulting chiefs because they are part of the executive arm of Government.
Chief Chipepo said since traditional leaders do not belong to political parties, it is wrong for those aspiring to take up the leadership of the country to be abusing the chiefs.
Quoting from the Bible, Chief Chipepo said it is unbiblical for any political leader to insult traditional leaders.
“Tell the people through your newspaper that Exodus 22 verse 38 and Romans 13 verse 1-7 (say) that anyone who insults a leader is cursed. We are ready to fight any leader who is threatening us. Let them openly declare war against us and we will see who will be the victor in the end. How can you have the audacity of waging war against your father? So those who do not respect us will not be voted for,” Chief Chipepo said.
He said chiefs in Gwembe valley are praying that God does not put insolent leaders to head the country.
He said chiefs in Gwembe valley are praying that God does not put insolent leaders to head the country.
All Zambians who are tired of moving backwards must not vote for MMD if the ought to see prosperity.Our govt has failed terribly,how do you hold an indaaba when other countries are comming up with serious refoms to save there necks.That indaba has not been implimented paka now.Money wasted.Thanks to copper prices will would have been in shit!
Mwata are you veteran or Senior Citizen? You guys are confusing us any way PACT is going ahead come and witness the launching of the PACT tomorrow and you will be shocked what you are going to see. Those chiefs are bought with this hunger in Zambia one can not be surprised to see such things.
So she went all the way to her constituency to talk about the Pact? What a lousy calibre of MPs and ministers that Zambia has. These people are an apology of the human species. Those who are against change should know that the only thing that is constant is CHANGE. My reading of the situation in Zambia is that people want change. The Mazabuka chiefs’ support for RB should not worry anybody. Southern Province chiefs are not a factor when it comes to politics. In 2008 the chief in the same province ganged up to support RB, but the people voted for the opposition.
Dora liulefye !!!!!!! whoever listens to her is insane. This ****er will cry come 2011. We dont want ati awebalimpatafye , remember that you will soon be in the court chamber to explain the zamtel saga and ladar issues. CHILIULEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!
Mwata those chiefs hold i vote each so if there 20 chiefs in S/provice then we are talking of only 20 votes, ..:d:d:d:d:d:d:d:d:d:d
Dora who are you to tell Zambians who to vote for? you lack the morals on that one. You are corrupt!!! Even the courts know that. What is happening on the ground is that most people want the UPND/PF pact. Its ONLY RB who thinks you are smart. What a SHAME!!!!!!!![-x[-x[-x[-x[-x
Ms Siliya, who is minister of Education told the residents that the MMD did not perform well at Chisonso Middle Basic School and wondered what the people really wanted.
She reminded Zambians that some politicians were merely power-hungry and should not be taken seriously to avoid regrets.
power hungry????? who is not?
Dora the explorer! na ukota. with those curtain material suits of yours and mileage of a space shuttle
Moderator – Funny. Who is sober between HH and George Kunda. I hear that he would rather pee in his trousers than miss the President landing at Lusaka International Airport.
On “The maturity that had been shown by the people in the province by voting for leaders irrespective of their tribes should continue” this is good from MMD’s Mulenga as reported above and so let the people of Eastern Province vote for the BEST Presidential Candidate HH who is not their tribesmate as indicated above.
As for Minister-less Dorah Siliya’s power hungry behaviour which Zambians saw when she reisgned under pressure but power-hungrily accepted to be Education Minister after she acted corruptly over the Zamtel sale saga, it is after 1000GMT and no update so far on issue. What is the President RBB Administration GRZ scared of – Zambians or Libya’s Gaddaffi?
I hope the President RB Banda trip to Libya had nothing to do with this Zamtel Sale.
Have a blessed day…
For sure, what morals or sober can this woman show off? Pliz give us a break :)>-
Dora is just a “hule”. She’s no longer the Dora I knew.
Politicians. May be we need a fresh breed, who will succeed RB and Sata? Just wonder what will happen to the PACT when Sata retires. MMD, UPND have seen leaders change and are still here. Same with UNIP. It will be good to see who replaces Sata. We need PF on the political seen.
dora is a thief
Why talk about it if they are useless. What Dora should say what development has MMD has put in place expect for individual developments I see in my beautiful country. I salute Zambians despite the poverty in our country you see them doing what they do best “not referring to those who steal or are thieves” but those who work hard. However, we put into government next year should be people with clean hands. Dora my advise to you is to talk about development because that is what we need.
Why talk about it if they are useless. What Dora should say what development has MMD has put in place expect for individual developments I see in my beautiful country. I salute Zambians despite the poverty in our country you see them doing what they do best “not referring to those who steal or are thieves” but those who work hard. However, we put into government next year should be people with clean hands. Dora my advise to you is to talk about development because that is what we need.
Dora says the opposition promotes insults. Probably she has forgotten that calling older people than one immature is actually an insult. Last time I checked, Banda was busy calling Sata names and ugly. Banda called HH that he is mwana wa galu. That to MMD thugs are praises. Probably she has forgotten that running around with other people’s husbands is not mature and not sober. So, ba Dora, probably you need to rethink your insults. You just insulted Sata and HH and other leaders of the Pact. So, who is immature?
This is a complete “nullity”, I mean, what does Dora Siliya Folotiya know about sober leadership qualities? Well, once the Pact scales the Zambian political ladder, the first thing they should do is arrest Dora for corruptly selling ZAMTEL. Our grudas we want them back.
hule …hule…hhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!shut up..pact viva1!
Wow…let’s give Dora a round of applause for being so damn to start campaigning for an old man to lead the country. Thats is just so out ouf touch. Honestly, there is no one young in MMD who feels they have calibre and something to offer than preaching to the people of Zambia to vote for dead wood? For someone who was farming and was called by the late President to be his Vice… lets move on people we are better than that. if there are no options then lets go PACT!! MMD kuyabebele, them bootlickers
ichi li ule ichi nacho, teti chikalefye. Chali kwata mileage oversize, chalipwa nga mawilo ya TATA bus, ama bearings yonse yalipwa. Ifimatobo nga matako yakwa Hippo.:@)
But dallar is really empty in her head. Who is a jocker between RB and Aka Sata? Zambians have come to know that RB and dollar are usless people who are there to enrich themselves. The MMD is full of corruption and injustice. They are leting loose the crimials like Musonda while arresting innosent people. Shame on you dollar. No wonder you were found wanting by the tribunal. sham on dollar.
MMD shoot ,steal now because we are coming now ,mwanyafye ba shinga manyela……….
It is sad to see this fat girl losing it. She needs to start losing weight maybe that will help her thinking. I don’t see any responsible person compare anything with Rupiah Banda. Days are ticking, people of Zambia are on the clock.
:d/:d/ Dora, iwe chihule – who are you to tell the Zambian masses who to vote for? Just concentrate on your activities of shagging men with heavy wrinkles on the face, or maybe we should ask Prof Luo to try to change you from your ways of earning a living. Iwe kapenta milomo chilalelale, kuvala vima delesi va usiku muzuba. Shut your trap, you will be facing magistrate Musona next year who will send you to join stella “ghost” chibanda.
Dora listen and listen good. There’s no significant development to praise RB and the Movemement for Mass Destroyers for. Would you be so kind to name one? The CHIEFs that have endorsed RB, if you remember very well received a bribe/sweetner last year in the name of 4 x4s..Pajeros to be precise. If this is what you call development then God help us. Yes the pact might not be the perfect solution but at it least it provides another direction in the Zed politics. We need to stop recycling politicians. Same people from the UNIP era are still make the same noise and probably singing songs about change…what change when they had three decades of governance? As Minister of Education, you have actually done nothing yourself. Primary education was far much better under Kaunda’s Socialist state…
Dora Fat fat fat fat fat fat and bad eating habits.
Dora pan¥o pako….thats why you lost folotiya
Dora Siliya is behind the fraudulent RP Capital deal. We know why she’s a minister today. We have no respect for people who betray the Zambian people. One day she will account for the role played in those shady deals. Her days are numbered.
Dora, shut up!!! U used to fly from Egypt to Chingola on TAX Payers money to co-habit with Richard Kazala. The whole Chingola knows this cause they saw it.You are a lady of very loose morales thats why Chisha Folotiya divorced you.
Shame on this loud mouthed lady. Your days as a minister are about to end. And your Fat Flat behind/back side shall taste Chimbokaila Prison.