POLICE in Mpulungu are looking for a man who attempted to sell his four months old boy for K15 million. Both police in the area and Acting District Social Welfare Officer Chilly Simpasa have confirmed the incident.
In an interview, Simpasa said Chansa Katongo of Isoko village in Mpulungu has been attempting to sell his child to Solomon Sichangwa, a local
businessman.He had approached Sichangwa six times to carry out the transaction.On the sixth occassion, Sichangwa who had always refused, decided to report him to the chief retainers at Senior Chief Tafuna’s palace.
Mr. Chansa was then apprehended by the chief retainers who later released him under suspicious circumstances. Mr. Simpasa said the two chief retainers, Gershom Chisha and Timoth Sikate have since been picked up by police to help with investigations.
The four months old baby boy has been handed over to its mother Grace Mazimba for custody. Cases of child trafficking are very prevalent in Mpulungu. In recent years, there had been several cases of parents wishing to sell their biological children for several millions of kwacha.
Asked to comment on the matter, District Commissioner Willie Simfukwe expressed shock at parents who intended to sell their own children as if they were goods. Mr. Simfukwe called for massive public sensitization on the dangers of child trafficking in communities in Mpulungu.He said culprits who are in the habit of selling their children must also be made to face the wrath of the law.
‘These cases are becoming serious so there is need for government officers to go flat out in the villages and inform people on the dangers of
this scourge that has become common in our district,’ Simfukwe said.
Yangu tata ilyashi ilyonayo yaibela. Mwebena Mpulungu ati shani?
LT you must go back to school starting with nursery grade. Your heading does not much with the main story. Your heading says a woman attempted to sale her child. But your main story reveals that its a man who attempted to sale the child and the child has been given back to its mother. This shows how low you are in sourcing news and you cannot be trusted. Does it mean you don’t have anything to do apart from putting your fingers of the keyboard? Mwanyanya you are an embarrassment. One mistake in a while can be accepted not always.
LT that is timely advice from # 2. Back to the issue at hand, i am flabbergasted too many questions,
-He attempts not once, not twice but 6 times, thats when it dawns on Mr Sichangwa that the bro. means business
-How do u explain it to your wife, ‘Honey i lost our 4 month old baby… How???
-Why did the chief retainers release him, when it is so evident he will do it again & again & again… he has attempted it 6 times! already.
May the wrath of the law teach him never to put a price on human life. Human Life is priceless.
MMD cadres have failed to run LT,am sure the man who attempted to sell his own child is an MMD cadre that explains his unexplained release
Ba LT by the way, did you get permmission to have that photo up? Lawsuits might follow if you are not careful. I say so after having noticed so many errors on your part.
Enjoy the weekend bane :)>-
I concur with Wanzelu 😕 That explains why senior citizen/veteran and them all know what time a political thread will be up on LT, and they end up posting nonsense.
Elo the baby in the picture resembles Ka Chiluba Kafupi,lol!
This is very sad story indeed. I cannot believe that our GRZ have turned a blind eye to this issue after learning that this place is the centre for selling babies……
This should be dealt with quickly and all parties involved arrested, and also the chief questioned.
insala pa zambia is the cause of all these things:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:o:o:o:o:o
Signs of hunger and poverty pa zed
Good that You have changed your heading. You are really an embarrassment. You may wonder why we blog on your web while telling you that you deliver nonsense. We just pick some little pieces which make sense depending on our deductions. You should not only change the heading but also apologize since my first comment is still there and others may think I’m the one who has made a mistake while your heading at first was different. [-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-(
The businessman should also be investigated-how did this man approach him and not only one time but six times? This for me puts the businessman in suspicion and should not be let like that but be investigated to be proven clean otherwise he appears to be a culprit of this scandle for me…..
tewakwe! umwana uwakuipangila kuti wagoleka?! isabi ubwingi nendobo tashashupa zoona! awe uyo afunika kukambila kusogoro!:-?
Investigate the business man as well may be he is in that business of child traficking. The trend has to be stoped soon, jail that man for 20 years with hard labour .[-([-(
As a woman I find it disgusting that you can use a picture of an innocent child just to make a cheap point. Havent you realised that the practice in the civilised journalism is always to blackout the faces of children in these kind of stories. Shame on you Lusaka Times. What you have done is worse than blanking out the following word: homosexual!
punk zambian, very dull…. sell your baby? what a curse!! why cant he donate his eye or Kidney or better still his heart….oh i forgot this punk zambian doesnt have one. and no brain either coz if he knew that a selfless act of donating organs to patients could earn him so much dollars i dont think he would be alive today…coz i bate he would exchange every organ in his body for a dollar. wrong initiative you punk zambian, you shall be caught and you shall pay with every last breath in your body…you think you can con God…ask him for a family when this was your evil plan.[-(
Mwana wakwe. Kuti amushitisha ngalefwaya!
Ba some of us, nambala 17 are you serious? Awe uyu tata ena imibele yakwe yapulamo. Cilemoneka kwati umutima wakwe waliseendwa bunkole.
# 17, if you were sold when you were young and you hear about it this time, will you love or forgive your parents? Anyway, you do not know what you are talking about. We forgive you.
Look at the baby, very handsome and innocent. We love you Baby
Mwe bena Zambia too much uluse. tamwaumfwa ati lwalile inkwale?
If you cant feed your baby then sell your baby!!:x
Come on guys…serious…lets go home and help out…the moment you are done with your studies, kindly GO HOME…we can do this…
mmd ….u see what u ve brought…