The National Restoration Party (NAREP) today launched its manifesto and promised to reduce the number of cabinet ministers from the current 23 to 12 in order to minimize spending on ministers.
Interim President Elias Chipimo Junior says when he forms government he will reduce cabinet ministers to minimize government spending on ministers.
Mr Chipimo said government is spending too much resources on cabinet ministers and their deputies.
He further said that NAREP has a vision of achieving a broader ownership of the economy by giving opportunities to everyone to own and run various industries.
He noted further that ownership of the economy can only be made possible if dependency on mines and imported oil is stopped.
Mr Chipimo said in this vein, if given a chance to form government he would ensure that the country starts to use bio-fuels to create jobs for Zambians who will be forced to go into farming to produce the bio-fuels.
He said that his party’s vision and Manifesto is spelling out how the country will develop using what he called a new philosophy known as “ a just was” which he said is better than capitalism and socialism.
Mr Chipimo said his vision will combine technology with agriculture to transform the rural landscape into an oasis of activity and innovation which he said will turn Zambia into a food basket for the whole continent.
He observed that government has good policies which have not been implemented and he would ensure they are implemented.
Mr. Chipimo however pointed out that the launch of the PF/UPND pact will not shake his party as it has a stronger foundation on which it was founded. He added that his party’s vision was to restore the hope of Zambians.
better than the pact !
keep it up Chipimo, that’s how sata began, after all sata started his party as a frastrated man:*
These guys have been able to come up with a manifesto whereas the pact have launched themselves again and after a year have not written a document on how they will transform Zambia’s prospects.
#2 Mangalepa, so so true… This man has started with a new page. I can’t give him 2011 due to it’s nature but you should see how he will rise after that. That is when people who think PF is anything to go by would have learnt a lesson and will be ready to listen. NAREP will be there. That is when, if (and God forbid) the PACT wins, confusion would reign, people’s expectations will be out of the window, a power battle would ensue, kaponya’s would think they also want to be at state house (after all they helped the guy win and he’s a man of the pipo)…. it is after HH has been chased by the Tonga chiefs and a new leader appointed, and Southerners refuse to support Sata… it is after Meembe goes back to test the prison cell, that NAREP will be remembered.
pwando#4 JUST SHUT UP. u,a very useless !!
People keep on talking about manifesto manifesto blah blah, much as i agree it is important but please it’s just a piece of paper which even the likes of chakomboka and siulapwa are able to scrible. In 1991 we were treated to the most colorful of manifestos in the world by Kafupi and his army of crooks but where did it take us? What we need most importantly is a team of honest hard working Zambian, people we already know because we do not want to repeat the mistake of 1991. I’ve got absolutely nothing against this gentleman but he’s got he’s tactics upside down, others are even comparing him to Obama forgeting that the latter was a senator before he become a President. I hope he’s not contemplating contesting next year, he’ll be spanked silly and lose his bearings like Never Mumba
He should have joined MMD and fight from to remove those old people from the top otherwise i don’t see him getting any were.
wooooooooooooooooooooooo! M’membe has come out of jail on bail. RB’s govt wanted to dillydally in releasing him. Wooooooooo! Wooooooo! Mwanya manje!
He is a coward. There is life in politics mind you. These people survive on donor free money. Every party contesting is given a share of that cash and who know or reads their accounts. Milupi has formed one, kapimo, another and the list goes on.
Any normal zambian with the plight of the pipo would join HH being young and now popular accross the country to help change Zambia. Even i can write a manifesto in an hour’s time but it is what who we can trust our lives on like i can with Sata or HH. They have money & business we know about all The rest are looking for survival at the helm of things.Coming from oblivion!
The mushrooming of parties are retardetion of every political milestone others have put up.
Jr what????? Who cares????
Only the gullible like #1to 4. You are gullible.
Politics is a game, its like a game of soccer which is like a game of chess. Before you start playing soccer you prepare your team and choose tactics to match your strengths and develop tactics which will win you the game. He should first ask himself why UNIP, FDD are in extinction? These political parties are in extinction because they both had their strengths in one province, Eastern Province. UPND has managed to survive because its the only from southern province while PF has it’s strengths in Northern and Luapula Provinces. It comes to my knowledge that Mr Chipimo and his party are just a pub party dreaming of forming government when they are dead drunk. PF/UPND pact to form government in 2011.
Bruce Lee,
Do you know Elias Chipimo? I am sure you do not that is why you can yap like that. He is an an educated man who through hard work formed Corpus Legal practitioners, your HH and even Sata knows him better , do you ven know which is the largest law firm in Zambia? the same was formed by ECJ
Yah yah, again and again.just join us and to gether we shall win, Viva pact UPND/PF 2011
#11 Turu Patriot
where camest thou? Running a political party is totally different to running a law firm where you only need 2 or 3 big companies on your books and you’re home and dry with a few tutembas on the side and signing of affidavits to cover salaries of secretaries. BY at his height i suppose was even richer than him but look at him now, he’s joined the likes of Siulapwa and Nevers Mumba he’s laughing stock. So what am trying to put across to you is that ‘ silence is golden’ if you dont have anything to contribute. We dont take morons kindly here.
launch after launch,it was UPND/PF PACT now it The National Restoration Party (NAREP) .Iam equally launching mine next week
launch after launch,it was UPND/PF PACT, now it is the National Restoration Party (NAREP) .Iam equally launching mine next week.
This is great. This is what I call earning votes. He may not be President next year, given we have a majority that votes on grounds of popularity, but he symbolizes the change that Zambia needs (at least in part). A fresh mind, a seemingly goal oriented focus and desisting from engaging in the politics of insults. I am anxious to see how Zambians recieve this and even more excited to see how a loss next year shapes him and his party. After all it is going to be a marathon and not a sprint. The ushering in of a new generation of leadership, one that understands the changing world is what I hope this man can help start.
Agree! I see him for the future not 2011
Thanx Msana Wanzili#13.
@Turu Patriot #11. Felow blogger, its not about which firm you have or how successful that firm is. Not everyone is a lawyer. Some are into other much moneymaking business. Do you know the most corrupt proffession on the continent? Dull.
You see, we are saying if he was credible enough, he would make himself more popular by joining HH. What sacrifice has he given to Zambians or what plight is he talking about. All he has been doing is defend both wrong & wright people before the courts of law and makes money. Its basically academic not intuition. lawyers spend their life talking & they find it easy to do politics, they are in the ‘zone’. Only levy made a good lawyer president & we know where he came from. Levy almost died in 1991 standing on the truth.You see.
Come 2012, pact in state house, I will form mine party, come 2016, contest and will be a strong contender than NAREP as for MMD will be burried and forgotten just like UNIP.
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