Sunday, March 9, 2025

M’membe granted bail (UPDATED)


Post Editor-in-Chief Fred M’membe
Post Editor-in-Chief Fred M’membe

Convicted Post Newspapers Editor-in Chief Fred M’membe has been granted bail pending appeal worthy K20 million Kwacha in his own recognizance by a Lusaka Magistrate court with two working sureties.

His lawyer Remmy Mainza told journalists at the Lusaka Magistrate Complex this afternoon that M’membe has been granted a free bail by Magistrate David Simusamba. This means Mr. M’membe will not have to pay the money unless he defaults bail conditions.

The bail which was supposed to be signed this morning was delayed until after 15:00 hrs, because his lawyers were told to make some amendments to the notice of appeal which was presented earlier to Senior Resident Magistrate David Simusamba.

And speaking to journalists after he was released, Mr M’membe,who was clad in a pair of jeans, a pair of canvas, a checked shirt and a black cap said he does not understand what the alleged corrupt government of President Rupiah Banda has achieved by his conviction.

Mr M’membe said the Post Newspapers will continue operating as before, adding that his spirit remains the same and shall never be crashed.

M’membe further said that there is a great need to improve the judicial system in the country. He said the judicial system is not operating the way it ought to be.

Meanwhile, M’membe has appealed to authorities to look into the plight of prisoners whose situation he has described as ‘Worse than That of Dogs and Chickens’ in people’s homes.

M’membe has also thanked all those who turned up at the court today to give him moral support, mostly women clad in opposition UPND chitenge materials and T-shirts who sang songs of solidarity.

The Post Editor-in-Chief was last Friday sentenced to four months imprisonment after being convicted for contempt of court arising from an article by US based Zambian professor of law Muna Ndulo titled “the Chansa Kabwela trial,a Comedy of errors”.
[ QFM ]


  1. Make he can go run into the arms of his male lover since they have spent the weekend apart.

  2. #2, &#3, It might be worthwhile to ask whether the Post is anything more than an image builder for the PF-UPND Pact. A paper is free to become what it wishes to be. This is a free country. However it should stop pretending to ne neutral and objective. In more sophisticated societies, newspapers usually declare publicly who they are supporting and why.

  3. This is welcome news. Mmembe and The Post must live on for the sake of Zambia. Otherwise the thieves and plunderers will have a field day leaving Zambia a mere shell.

  4. so what have you achieved,post/fred haters? Now we mean business, watch us, we are hardened baba.


  6. You can’t keep a good man down!
    #6 – your point would be valid if the Post never hammered any of the pact leaders before.
    There is a big difference between a message and its messenger!

  7. Now that he’s been granted bail, how do you feel you satanists that were rejoicing. We happy for you Fred, welcome back.

  8. The hero is out. Mwapya aisa. Chachabe ka. Pasop. M’membe bring back our loved web (The post on line) We have resorted to these inferior webs like L.T. **==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==

  9. Blind, groundless approbation for law breakers masked behind “pro freedom of the press champs”- is pathetic.
    Why is it such a hard thing to grasp the fact that no one is allowed to interfere with any ongoing judicial proceedings? Because corrective action is taken against the culprits, then its an infringement on “press freedom? Alas!
    If any commits crime- against our laws, then they must do the time! Its that simple.

  10. Number 6 You really deserve that name. But make it better as “Useless politician” just like chief bootlicker.

  11. By the way the bail for Fred is very good news. The fact that it was only K20m bail compared to Kalumba’s K500m might give some signal how impartial our courts are. Liberty is very important and it should not be taken away lightly. To fred please pay little attention to many of the extremist lunatics on this blog. Mr. Simusamba has as much duty to fight for the rules and impartiality of the courts as it your duty to fight for press freedom. He has a duty to stop you when you attempt to undermine the judiciary. You are not a minion for anybody and he is not a minion for anybody either.

  12. 14, are you living in medieval times where institutions make people and not people to make institutions? I invite you to make a rational analysis of events from the start of this comedy and then come back to blog from an enlightened perspective, not bwatu bwatu monga vi beans vo wola pa ma lasha, shaaa!

  13. Somebody please explain to me how the law works in Zambia. If somebody is sentenced they are allowed out on bail for what, appeals? I thought you file appeals when serving. Please explain to me. Thank you.

  14. #17, Note that the case between Mmembe and Kalumba are totally different.kalumba abused his office with corruption and not Mmembe.Not even money is mentioned in the case. And believe you me the case is just another comedy of error. Grow up man.

  15. #16, You may call me “useless politician” it matters little to me. I just know that if one puts so much in an individual you stand to be disappointed big time. I suspect that you only support Fred because he supports your current political views. I support the rules, such as the procedure rules of the courts which have stood the test of time. I have nothing against Fred and I am happy he is out but I just want him to play by the rules which are there to ensure that every one is equal before the law and will get a fair trial. Fred broke the rules but I think you want him to continue to break the rules in your favour. What will happen when he breaks the rules against YOU and YOU can’t get a fair trial. I suppose then you will object. It is very important to be sober.

  16. they took the judgment to Friday so that they could make him be in jail for the weekend. anyway, here we go. high court we are on your door step. may you trash this case and acquit this guy for the sake of mother Zambia. bravo Zambia, brave post and viva pact. red card MMD.

  17. #20, In Zambia a convicted person can apply for bail and a stay of execution since bail without stay of execution may be meaningless if a person is later acquitted.

  18. Not News, but this is the fair enough to Fred,what about those with corrupt issues what has the courts done?
    We will be watching very close and please The Post keep your good work to keep us informed.

    Viva Pact, UPND/PF for sure

  19. Ba recycled politician, what rules did M’membe break? Delve into the books of law and get me one case or precedent? I will tell you one thing.
    Law can be manupilated too. The simson case,heard of it? No. Now, fact is law is made by judges, who basically when they see that they need to find an end to a prolonged case at the same time ensuring that everything that craws, humans inclusive sucumbs to authority or its sovergnity. It must and is mandated to conclude based on analogy, deriving authorty wholly from usages of memorial antiquity,recognising,reaffirming and enforcing such usages. Now, thats where the weakness lies because it is executed by human beings whoare frail and prone to weaver on their judgments coz of certain inclinations and orientations & to a comon extent corruption…

  20. So if Mmembe is in jail, the POST online is pulled down? I thought the POST work as an institution, this is clear evidence the paper is aone man show, how unfortunate!

  21. Any sane society requires a functional judicial system that will not succumb to the whims of any individual, either from politicians or any other sphere of life. The judicial system should not and can not discriminate based on perceived power that individuals weild. Because of the political divide, it is easy to take sides in this issue without even thinking through it. If you are in MMD,the court is right and if you are opposition, M’membe is being persecuted. This, my friends, is a breakdown of our society, for its citizens have refused to think beyond political affiliation.

    The neutral will realise that M’membe’s case is that of contempt and has nothing to do with the facts in the Chansa kabwela case. We can not be given the freedom to comment on court issues as long as we…

  22. I think the Post was crashed by the sudden increase in traffic that Fred M’membe’s conviction caused – worldwide. 😉

  23. Very good now just lock musonda and william banda and people might start to regain their respect for the authorities

  24. In the recently held General Elections in the UK, The Sun, The Times and other newspapers threw their support behind the Tories because they had a democratic right to support a party of their choice.

    What would be wrong for The Post, or indeed any other Zambian newspaper, to support a party of their choice, including the PACT in the forth coming general elections if it is their democratic right?

  25. What has happened to online post Mr M’membe can we have it back please,i vomit reading daily mail and Times of Bwezani….

  26. I can’t imagine how much dirt would be hidden if The Post did not reveal and dig deep to expose the evil deeds by most of Zambian leaders. The cheated and suffering masses are solidily behind The Post. Forget about the bootlicking Daily Mail, Times Of Zambia and TV Zambia whose interests are only for their masters. We shall continue to support M’membe and The Post.

  27. Now that the Post is squarely behind Sata, does that mean all the diatribe that they wrote against him during the elections in 2006 was fabricated? Was Fred wrong when he wrote in his editorials that Zambians should not vote for Sata because of his dictatorial and tribalist tendencies? When did Fred see the light in regard to the suitability of Sata to be the president of Zambia? I only ask because this brings into question Fred’s judgement and therefore his ability to be the champion of the Zambian poor. It just seems ironic to me that a person who supposedly champions our individual freedoms would now be supporting a character who wanted to change the constitution of our country so that Chiluba could have a third-term.

  28. It is wonderful and very encouraging to see M’membe granted bail. Indeed the post has done a lot for the pipo of Zambia and shooting it down like that would never make sense 4 the democracy of the world. The paper has stood grounds and will stand the test of time. The post is not a one man show as some bloger has said. That is a team of collective responsible men and women. The post has not waived its approach as a monitoring device against the government. It wrote even things were bad and when true and dangerous threat existed during the Kaunda era. Ever remember Jowie Mwinga and the likes? Kalaliki whose articles and epistles I miss like insemwa. We will support the post and M’membe as he is our leading journalist. Those calling 4 his blood will leap in there instead. # 31 Gud commet

  29. #23 wat rules dd mmembe break which med ze judge to run away afraid to grant him bail? why dd ze judge run away if he was sure mmembe broke ze rules…on rules wat can u say on yo minister who shot a poor defenceless young man?so him its ok to be free coz he hasnt done anything serious, only mmembe deserved to be locked up by a coward judge who run away on friday…pls comment #23

  30. **==**==**== welcome back Fred .We are very happy that you are back and the post web is back to normal as well.We are behind you and wish you the very best of luck and GOD’S blessing.Continue hummering them.They are in trouble.Wina azalila .Basopuuuu Ba MMD mwapwya baba.

    Fredy Salute :-??:-??**==**==**==**==KWISU MUYOYANGE TATE.YAMATA AMITONOLOFAZE .**==**==

  31. At least our Judiciary is independent and fair. Let us wait and see the developments that take place.

  32. MMD please i bag you in Jesus name stop plant the seed you are plating becuase one day Muzalila kuyipa.

    When you plant LOVE you will get LOVE in return.M’membe and the post we trying to bring the surfaring of the Zambia to your attention and the MMD.

    Under zambian custom its a taboor for a woman to give birth public like what happened at UTH last year.The picture was not publish but brote to the attention of the government and the government makes a case out of it and finaly Fredy M’membe was behind bars.

    This was very very an fare and please Ba MMD something must have just been done.MMD come next year your gone we will vote your out of power.VIVA M’MEMBE VIVA PACT.

  33. M’membe, you are not alone in this. Though we may be far away, our hearts and prayers are with you. Be strong, we love you and we shall always be there to support you. Please, soldier on. What we just witnessed are kicks of dying horse. 2011 is in sight!

  34. M’membe has got bail????
    This now defeats the whole purpose of him writing that article a day before he went in (the day the judge bolted). You people who are rallying behind M’membe are blinded by your hatred for the sitting govt, M’membe ever since it was known that RB is the candidate to lead MMD in 2008 has attacked the govt from all angles, Banda had not even been given a day to prove himself and fred was tryin to step all over him.. from a sober point of view i see no reason to hero worship this chap, his an earthiest that is anti-govt, who thinks he is above the law, the post is now an advertising platform for the opposition as can b seen by some bloggers appraisal of post and pact… I say M’membe should take some time to reflect, and to reform (critising where necesary)

  35. 54 what do you think of znbc, times and daily mail? Do you think some of us are so suffocated by this “trio” that we find “oxygen” in the Post? Think about that

  36. I wonder how many of the bloggers do understand LAW, or even read about it!
    Many are celebrating that M’membe has been granted bail. They even pitly call it victory, how.
    Do we know the difference between bail and acquital, let alone bail and pardon?

    When you are released on bail you remain a convict until decided otherwise following an appeal.
    So why celebrate that the convict is out? So that he can promote more lawlessness?
    Why is it not Law when it does not favour some people and it is law when it does?

    Why is it that some acquitals Rupiah is blamed and some acquitals he is not?
    Similarly, why is it that some convictions Banda is blamed and some he is not?
    The answer is simple and one; there are always people who will think the reverse when others think a certain way.

  37. Oh, about the issue is that the man with the password to edit content has been jailed.

    I here now that the convict has been released on bail so they might have chance to edit content since the password will now be available.

  38. #6, YOU SEEM NOT TO CHERISH YOUR FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION, MOVEMENT, INTERUCTION, etc. Some of these people, (including M’membe himself), have sucrificed their lives and families’ safety just to see that chaps like you are freed from yorks of oppression by (not colonial emporialism), but your own brothers and sisters so called political leaders. The worst thing you can do is talk crap about those people. Only the Post newspaper can talk for the people and few politicians such as Sata. VIVA PF-UPND, VIVA PACT, VIVA ORDINARY ZAMBIANS, VIVA POST and M’MEMBE, and abash all mmd/unip thugs.

  39. we all don’t understand the purpose of this kind judicial manipulation. we thank God you are out. now lets see how they will meet you in the arena.

  40. Maybe the Post should host its website elsewhere if it is being tempered with on local systems (Servers)

  41. Ex-State House aide demands media indaba

    FORMER State House press aide Richard Sakala has proposed an indaba at which journalists will formulate a practitioner based code which will be responsive to both internal and external enemies of the profession.

    This is according to a letter dated June 4, 2010, and addressed to Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services Ronnie Shikapwasha.

    He also hoped that Government, together with donors, can adopt a tripartite mechanism to support a broad-based initiative to enable the formulation of a media ethics body that is truly owned by the journalists themselves.
    Richard Sakala should be the last i.d.i.o.t to talk about an issue like this. He brought the media down to its knees when he was at State House. ABASH…

  42. Dogs are better than Zambian prisoners, says M’membe

    But by virtue of Mmembe being a gay, he is an animal. So what is he talking about when only animals are gays and he is an active gay? He should just applaud this administration’s respect for constitutionalism and the independent justice system second to none in the whole of Africa.

  43. Honestly, if the Post was not there we could have known very little about the corruption in this country. What productive prrogressive News can anyone listen to on ZNBC TV or TIMES of ZAMBIA or Daily mail??? rubb.ish!!!!

  44. # 65 Ichalo Lifupa,

    That tabloid is hosted on a US based server in the state of Ohio. Its not hosted in Zambia so what are you talking about?

  45. # 65, stop spreading rumours. The POST moved their website to South African a long time ago. They are no longer hosted in Zambia, just like LT for obvious reasons. I think they are down because of technical reasons or as somebody said, Maybe Mmembe went with the passowrd to jail and he still has not found his orientation. Am sure tomorrow they will be back after their boss has recovered from the overdrive yakumboyo for 3 straight days.

  46. Neutral In all This ,

    Actually, that tabloid has moved from South Africa. Its being hosted on a US based server in the state of Ohio at a company linked to by a certain young Zambia Mmembe has been using for some errands in North America. Its not hosted in Zambia or SA any more.

  47. #72 patriot you are a lier
    ENOM INC in Ohio only handles credit card transactions on behalf of the POST for adverts and online registration,remember when they used to charge 10bucks a month.The website is hosted in Joburg by AFRIHOST
    do a traceroute or, go to google and do a dns/traceroute or IP look up look for,though you wont get much with IP lookup,they use NAT,so you will get a bogus IP address SOA server:
    email: [email protected]
    Fax: +27.0112345046
    Po Box 5116
    Johannesburg, 2128

  48. Well arrogant Mmeebe ,double tongued Fred ,you want the judiciary to reform ,how about your own profession including yourself?In your quest to make a name there are people you have injured because of luck of sensitity and ethical reporting ,remmeber how you were busy catigating Nawakwi over her pregnancy while you ,yes you ka Fred were busy grabbing a dying person’s wife.Fred indeed you are strong man but you luck principles ,your judgement is close to zero ,you too emotinal and irrational in your writing .The fack that a few zambians feel comfortable with your insults does not mean you are untouchable.This time mune you pressed a wrong button and i can see you are in for a long drawn legal battle to prove your foolishnes,change or you are finished,your fellow lawyer will milk you .

  49. Yaya
    I think its you who is being emotional.whom has Fred insulted,tell us or show us some form of evidence to shame the devil,,,i even doubt you have any substial evidence that he got someone else’s wife,more like you are hallucinating my friend

  50. Don’t waste tax prayers money on innocent people as you are suppose to fight corruption in governmental dept.

  51. I’m happy our Hero is out. I hope he will be more careful next time. It seems most of the politicians especially those in MMD want to bring him down and they are always looking for an opportunity.
    We all make mistakes, Im sure Mmeebe has learnt from his and will be more careful from now onwards. Zambia would be a worst place without the post, it knows how to dig deeper and make pipo think before misusing tax payers money.

  52. #6 RECYCLED POLITICIAN – The difference between the Post and the toilet papers called Times of Zambia and Zambia Daily Mail is that the Post reports fairly. You cannot deny it. If RB or any GRZ officaial has held a meeting or a press brief, the Post will cover him in full where as the Toilet Papers will only report pro MMD nonsense no matter how trivial. Look at how much coverage one William Banda is getting from these toilet tissues. It is only fair that the Post helps us to see the two sides of the coin and it is up to the reader to make up his mind on what to believe.


  54. #34 PF cadre is dead right. I wrote yesterday that we need to be analytical in contributing issues. She/He has hit the bull’s eye and i wish we had a lot of them cadres like #34. We risk foreigners hijacking our judicial system. Foreign bodies are now calling the shots without even advancing reasons for their loud cries.

  55. Its pathetic. I do not deal in such wares, Miss Pretty [19], as you want to mire on me. You are unable, its evident, to tell your take on the subject, but rather, as other little misguided minds, want to smear substantial contributions.
    One of the major demerits of Super Ken’s Second Republic, which will take one knows not how many generations to undo, is the ingrained lack and absence of the demand or respect of the rule of law. That as a society, for order, peace, well being, progress, etc., we need laws, which exist collectively over all; and should be respected by all, including “champions” of “press freedom”. That its a crime to interfere, in what way soever, by editorials, with on going judicial proceedings; regardless of the merit we put on those proceedings.

  56. Ba Obed Imwe…..!!!!!
    If RB can openly let FTJ off the hook and you say and M’membe’s sounds more grave. If Dr Musonda can shoot an innocent cadre demanding an explanation for failure to deliver on his promises and you call Fred’s incaceration ok. If William Banda can rant and threaten any person including the Police IG and you stil clain M’membe deserves locking. If MMD youth can threaten to beat gang rape a presidential candidate in Nawaki and you call Fred’s comments more contemptious.
    MMD has confounded right and wrong & poisoned our social and & political atmosphere & respect for court proceedings as well as civilised ethics and you still dont call them right and Fred wrong?
    Fwema Zambians twalishishita, kupwala. We cant change our country for the better like this.

  57. Mmembe should not be above the law. Mmembe must be honest in his quest to make a name sick sympath from Zambians. Mmembe knows that he broke the law and this has nothing to do with MMD or RB.

    If RB had a chance to humiliate Mmembe am sure he would happily do it, though he is not a vengeful person like Mmembe himself.

  58. Imancipation does not come without action and freedom of expression which needs to be convyed within the limits of the law. There is always one branch that is capable to act above the law-the govt under dictatorship.Its not possible for the opposition beause they have less power and influence in legislation. Action may not always bring happiness but there will be no happiness without action. Its not just a matter of condenming MMD, but we have to be realistic, Levy had his bad side too but eventually reformed because Fred was on him. Post has condenmed every politician when they took the law to their heads and thats brave and deserves praise. That does not mean worshiping Fred No.Sata has been hacked before & has reformed. In zambia being brave means being a god, how ironic!!!!!

  59. KING COBRA come on. Its not for RB to take the law into his hands and humiliate Fred. Where is the law? Do you mean the law is in RB’s doing? This is were you loose it. What sympathy does he need?
    Why are you people being so excessivlely naive?
    Anyway………………………………………you dont even know what breaking the law means…. ku bwabwata fye. Your grey matter is leaking of water….amenshi, manzi amoyo.

  60. #80, Iwe Ka Kafupi, It was not Fred who commented on the case, The Post merely published an article written by a legal expert based in USA. Well, the MMD through Nyamasoya can have a field day abusing their powers to get at their perceived enemies, just for NOW, but the PACT government will surely hold them to account for their sins……..Ask your namesake Kafupi Wabufi, he knows better[-x

  61. Is Mmembe really as a successful man?.if he was or he is, where is his wife? It is said; “behind every successful man there is a woman”. Really, is Mmembe successful?

  62. I just cannot understand where the paranoia in Zambia comes from. Is it because the fear and abuse people suffered under KK has remained with them? Please Zambians you should travel so that you can appreciate your peace & freedom. Prof Ndulo lived & worked in Zambia under UNIP, now he claims govt is tyrannical! What a joke!

  63. Comedy of errors indeed. I cant imagine what goes through RB’s head, he must just be spinning because he just cant do anything right. It backfires on him, such a pity. I am tired of wasting time commenting on issues that do nothing in regards to development. RB has to go! Viva Post!

  64. I wish to recommend for the bloggers’ immediate consumption Prof. Muna Ndulo’s analysis of the Mmembe Judgement published in the Monday Post.

  65. So Mr M’membe has finally become the lead story in is his own paper, how ironic. By the way guys, do your comments ever get published in his paper.

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