Sunday, March 9, 2025

MMD demands written complaints over William Banda


Lusaka province MMD chairman William Banda surveys defectors from opposition Zambia Empowerment and Development party during a meeting in Lusaka

The Movement for Multiparty Democracy, MMD, has demanded for a complaint in writing from any concerned stakeholder calling on the party control or discipline its Lusaka Province Chairman William Banda.

In a telephone interview with QFM, MMD National Chairman Michael Mabenga expresses ignorance about complaints by some stakeholders over the conduct of Mr William Banda, stressing that the party is not aware of any complaints about the MMD Lusaka provincial chairman being a danger to national peace.

He says those complaining about Mr. William Banda should write to the MMD explaining what they want the party to do.

Mr. Mabenga who kept on diverting from the questions accused the QFM reporters of reading out the questions to him instead of explaining what they wanted from him.

Mr. Mabenga failed to give the party’s stance on the matter, accusing the reporters of being indiscipline, almost turning the interview into a misunderstanding.

He also insisted that he be given the names of those complaining about Mr. William Banda conduct.

But when given some names of political parties and Civil Society Organizations that have been calling for the disciplining of Mr. Banda, Mr. Mabenga challenged those complaining to put their complaints in writing.

He says the party will only act when it receives written complaints, and not through the media.

Recently, MISA Zambia appealed to the MMD leadership, including President Rupiah Banda, to check Mr. William Banda’s excesses, describing him as ‘a senior cadre with a reputation of thuggish behaviour dating back to his days as Lusaka District Governor, under the former ruling party, UNIP’.

And several other Civil Society Organizations and most Political Parties have been calling for President Rupiah Banda to control Mr. Banda on grounds that his political style has become a recipe for anarchy in the country.


  1. mabenga what w.Banda and says is on news and says it in public. you have complained about Magande and Mpombo when you say are not going to stand for party presidency elections has anyone written letter of complaint. Just advise william Banda to watchout with his language aganist the opposition (pact) and postnewspaper this country is not one party state.

  2. Hehe…Haha…..hoho

    Its really in Zambia where only if some one puts a complaint in writting will the rulling party dicspline its thug cadres such as William Banda the clown. Its really sad and worrying to have such leaders in Zambia. Any way, what do you expect from CDF thief Mabanga? He is protecting his fellow thug. This is MMD for you Zambians. Brace up your selves for more violence from William Banda for his bosses dont have eyes to see nor ears to hear what William Banda the thug does.
    Its hehe…haha…hoho… Zambia the great country led by clowns.:)>-:)>-:)>-

  3. Amafii yekayekafye ba mabenga. What a leader. Where is Zambia heading to? A leader of this calibre where is he taking us? I even wonder the mind capacity of people that vote for such farts.
    RB please choose people with empathy for the poor. Twacula namafi aya mwe.

  4. Mabenga needs to conduct a simple content analysis of William the ‘thug’ Banda’s speech. If these are the leaders we rely on to champion our democracy…then Lord Help Us……!:-w

  5. I have nothing much to say about this little and foolish monster in the name of William Banda, because doing so will make him think he is someone important when in real sense the chap is just a useless and foolish cadre who jst want to survive through holiganism and whorshing for Bwezani ziko kumbuyo!! I just want to challenge Mr. CDF, not to wait for a report in order to act that’s unproffessional deal with matters as they arise, if it were Mpombo, threatening people in public I don’t think if u could have been talking about written complaits??

  6. Mr CDF what sense can you get from a convicted criminal please.Mabenga is a disgrace,Bwezani cannot cage the “dog” william.He is a dog on the lose.ugly face Mabenga and william.

  7. Mabenga is the one that writes William Banda’s speaches, so he does not find thing wrong at all

  8. You guys are losers. Willia Banda is one of the best people that has worked hard for Zambians. He is about peace and not hooliganism. All peace loving Zambians are behind him and he enjoys our support.

  9. #7, Obama, It is amazing how people confuse their emotions with reason, which is the case with your post. I have not heard the name of any body that William Banda has caused any actual bodily harm. If the problem is his language, people have to remember that there are many people who object to Fred Mmembe calling other people minions, but I have not seen many complaints here over that. The sad truth is that our politicians have become conditioned to using a lot of unpalatable words. It the reality of our politics and William Banda is just one of the players in what has become a very bad game.

  10. I fail to understand why perfectly literate adults should ,in this day and age, be following the likes of William “Tekere” Banda.I appreciate the fact that the youth had to be mobilised to fight and oppose colonialism in the 50’s and 60’s in Zambia and to a greater extent under SWAPO for Namibia and ANC for South AFRICA and ZANU/ZAPU for ZIMBABWE in the 70’s to 90’s.Those youths sacrificed their development for the liberation of the masses.The party cadres in Zambia need to find a mirror, look in that mirror and ask themselves what are they gaining by kicking each others butt. Thso-called Zambian “business” men are some of the greatest opportunists and they have picked up the vacuum created by people who have fled the violence.:d

  11. These are the people holding MMD together. Hmm doesnt it tell you a lot about the calibre of our government?
    I rest my case

  12. #11 please check the dictionary or google and see the meaning of the word ‘Minion’
    After you ve done that assess Mabenga’s behaviour and you ll realise that it is not an insult to call a person minion

  13. #11 Adding to what other bloggers have posted you seem not to know that issue at hand, your comment seem to be parallel from the reality. The complaint is not about the bad langauge, but the threats that William Banda is ocherstering in Lusaka which are likely to plunge the nation into confusion.
    So dont be smart and yet you are behind. Buy the post you learn and abrest with the current affairs ya pa Zed.

  14. #10 when you say he ‘he enjoys our support’ do you mean you and your family or are you actually referring to yourself alone in a respectable way considering that you are old enough to be a responsible and reasoning man. And also which peace are you referring to. Please educate me, I dont know maybe peace means something else from what I know. Otherwise, save us the nonsense.

  15. #15 Jack, I am always impressed by people who who think they are ahead and I am behind. I followed your advice and checked the word “minion” and I do not think that it is the type of compliment you would want any one to use on you. Let us first accept that we have a diversity of opinions in Zambia. This is the stuff of a free society. I accept that you do not support the Party that William Banda supports. I also accept the fact that you have to do your best on this blog to attract support to your Party. This is the same for William Banda. He supports another party. He also has the right to do everything he can to attract support to his party. As long as he is not injuring other people and singing “kill the boer, kill the farmer”, leave him alone until he commits an offence.

  16. The problem lies in us. You can see some posts here are referring to Mabenga as leader. He is not a leader! He is a politician. A leader is someone you are drawn to, someone who has some qualities you like and want to associate with. So you call upon them to contribute to some venture. We do not get drawn to Mabenga and neither did we call upon him to provide guidance in any venture.

    Mabenga and many others like him are not leaders. They are politicians.
    In that stead, we are the leaders.

    And that we must not forget.

  17. It would appear that the majority of us Zambians have stopped listening and because of this, we talk about issues not related to what is being discussed.Hon Mabenga has appreciated some people’s complaints about William Banda.To resolve these complaints,he has asked that these complaints be reduced to writing because he will need to table these firstly to the accused person ( William Banda) and later on to the disciplining authority.Is it therefore fair to start calling him names?Are those calling Hon Mabenga names any different from the conduct of William Banda which they are complaining about? The truth is that in his own way of operating,William Banda has awakened MMD in Lusaka Province and this has created pain on the side of other competing Political Parties kwasila.

  18. So, written complaints will be submitted to the MMD. MMD will study the case forever!!! William Banda carries on intimidating all those who complained and forces them to withdraw complaints!

    Hahaha! What a Democracy! I totally agree with naMayo! We and all people in Zambia are the leaders and hence should follow these politicians to listen to them. These parties will come and go, but people will still remain starving and abused by the so called chinese investors! Why or why…..


  20. Zambia, where are we going. The exchange rate keeps sky rocketing everyday. The GB £ was selling at K7400 on friday today it is K7634- this is within a week! What of a month time? And our leaders are busy insulting each other and globe trotting to watch soccer. Waste of land! WASTE OF INDEPENDENCE, WASTE OF TIME!

  21. #18 typical Minion behaviour
    Please re-check yo dictionary and you ll see what minion means
    Now you are just exposing your ignorance cause you cant even undertsnd the meaning of a word even when you look it up.
    With the sort of intolerance going on in RB’s government you think The Post would have survived if indeed minion was an insulting term!
    Ubututu basha ku Kasama iwe Shetani!

  22. Esteemed fellow bloggers, the foolish statements you are reading on # 10 are not from the Kalos2020. It is that brainless called Senior Citizen aka Veteran aka MMD Bootlicker. He has nothing to say hence the foolish usage of name to create a wedge between sensible people like you and me. But you are all smarter than that. This is the failure of LT to block names unless you enter your password. Anyway, what do you expect? It is third world blog net.

    I have no other comment about the demented William Banda as that is the caliber of MMD leaders. Even using the word leaders is an insult to real leaders who deserve that title. I see no one in MMD who deserves to be called a leader. Mabenga, he wants it in writing. So, they have not seen or heard about WIlliam Banda harrassing people?

  23. Fake #10.

    not only do people ignore you when you use your own I.D
    We all know Kalos 2020 will never praise MMD.

    Just like most of us sane people.
    MMD cadres who use multiple I.D’s are tossers.

    Senior citizen cant even keep a promise to himself.
    Imagine what he does to his kids pocket money.

    Most likely takes a cut calling it CDF funds.
    Citizens drunkeness fund.

  24. Advisor.

    Great Statement by Kabimba.

    Make Zambia ungovernable to MMD causing people to make a stance in 2011.




  26. Mabenga the thief has no brains. No man in his right frame of mind can side with a fool like william banda.

  27. Those of you supporting Willy Banda have a hard job to do we all read what he said about Fr. Bwalya and the post and his threating about who ever does not support his god alabee the list is endless…….Mr Mabenga himself failed to defend Silly Willy. So what are you caders trying to say just go for brown envlops.

  28. I think whoever sucks the MMD assess for a living must be checking the currency rates of the kwacha against others. Like SHARP has pin pointed. Also check how the yaun is doing and see how china’s economy is booming as our investor in the mines. I guess the answer lies in our pants!

    India is also another force to reckon with-Chingola is indan town & Chambish is chinese town-very soon luanshya will be flooded with ’em chocholis. Zambia is currently called Chinzainbia.We have sold our land,sold our firms, bought others,enriched their economies and our leaders bellies enlarge.

  29. It means we must first write to GRZ/MMD for criminal activities to be investigated? Its all Chiluba’s fault that we have ended up with mad men in the system. If he had let us go to the convention, we would not have even known that there is a Rupiah Banda, and Saili Awali aka William Banda, would be free in Malawi(Here in Zambia he is a prisoner of his own madness)

  30. we are a joke of a country with serious lapses…surely mabenga can not be my leader with that midiocre kind of mind and cadre type of thinking.

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