The Patriotic Front has accused Chief Justice Ernest Sakala of intending to deny party president Michael Sata fair election results in next year’s elections
The Chief Justice is the returning officer for the presidential elections.
In a telephone interview with QFM, PF National Youth Secretary General, Eric Chanda, said the refusal by the Chief Justice to shake hands with Mr. Sata is a clear indication that Mr. Sakala has unjust and partial intentions to deny the PF leader a fair election.
Mr. Chanda said the Chief Justice as a returning officer in the presidential election should not have personal grudges with presidential aspirants regardless of their political affiliation. He said the office of the Chief Justice demands fairness and impartiality in the execution of duties.
And Mr. Chanda has called for the immediate resignation of Chief Justice Ernest Sakala on grounds that he refused to shake hands with PF leader Michael Sata.
He said the resignation of the Chief Justice should be on ethical and professional grounds since his action degrades people’s confidence in the office of the Chief Justice.
On Wednesday Chief Justice Ernest Sakala refused to shake hands with Patriotic Front president Michael Sata at the requiem mass of retired Supreme Court judge Peter Chitengi at Saint Ignatius Church in Lusaka.
[Q FM]
The behaviour of the Zambian Chief Justice towards Sata was very, very unfortunate. Not even a 5 grader pupil in Zambia would behave like what the Chief Justice exhibited. What the country witnessed was an indication of uncivilized and unprofessional attitudes of the judges. The Chief Justice will live to regret his behaviour towards Sata. Where was this Chief Justice trained? In this day and age, we can have such a guy as Chief Justice? Its a pity for Zambia. The behaviour of Chief Justice Sakala is really a disgrace to the entire judicial system.
Justice Sakale is childish. Very embarassing, at his age sure kwati mwaiche. What do you lose by greeting someone. 2011 Sakala and RB, out out:d/
Sata and the Chief Justice have on several occassions met on different platforms, this is a fact, and SATA on this previous occassions never extended his hand to shake hands with SAKALA. Indeed “since when”. Why now?.. SAKALA has a good sense of humour.
I had always thought law was one of the few professions where people differ on issues (cases) and still work together. What type of judgement would Sata or his party expect if he had an appeal in the Supreme Court?
bloggers don’t just post comments pa blog. I challenge you to register to vote in 2011. This is your country, you cannot let wolves destroy it like this. The rot extends even to the Judiciary to the level of Chief Justice. Thats’s why Chiluba was acquitted, Mmembe convicted and Regina will be acquitted. Bukeni bane
#3, dude or dudette, there’s a little thing called ‘Maturity’ that the Chief Justice shud have displayed. There are levels of tit for tat that u can engage in dependant on wat kind of office u hold. Chief justice cannot have the luxury of tit for tat, thats just absurd.
chief Justice is an *****. At a funeral refusing to shake hands sure
wina azalila. I think it’s Ala Bee, Chanda Beu (Chiluba) and his bandits
Cheap political tricks from both sides.
This Sata wants to score political points even at funerals. . . . . He was snubbed and thats it. If someone does not want to shake his dirty hands . . .thats it! He can go shake lubindas and scotts hands.
Sack the mafaker there and then!!!!!!!
Justice being unjust is quiet odd. This man’s position requires being impartial whether u r uncomfortable with a certain being or not. But greeting with “since when” is unfortunate. How do you expect fair play with such mentality. Justice change!!!!!!!!
This man is very old for the job-Why is it that all the judicial high positions are held by easterners? RB?
Chief Justice, Thank you, you indeed FIXED Sata, u totured him mentally. He thinks he president already, such pipo needs such treatment :((
Its his right not to shake hands with who ever he doesnt want, but for his status and age its very embarrasing. I wonder what morals his passing on to his grand children. [-x
PF is geting desperate. SATA insults the Judiciary all the time, so why should the Judiciary have any respect for him. Sakala, you did wello. Wish more people could see this SATA for what it is: an embarrasment of an old man. He has no firm stand on anything, he shits positions every time. Chiluba was his supporter in previous elections, today Chiluba is a thief. He championed the Third term for Chiluba, now he insults Chiluba for being “job on training president”. He, when he was Minister, deposited Government money into his personal account, today he calls others corrupt. SATA will NEVER make President for Zambia. It will just end in PF President. Chapwa! More pipo shld snub him. He can confuse zambians with his inconsistences.
Maybe ba Chief Justice saw Ba Sata coming from the gents without washing his hands, so he said since when……..
Mangani Satan it’s not about toture Sata it’s the office he hold which subjected to fairness and justinceness besides your differences with any cintizen. What justince Sankala did was disgrace to out nation and our judicial system is decerve to hold that job as he has short himself in a foot
God is good, let us learn one simple learn lesson from all this,that is ” one can fail to forgive in church” after refusing to greet Mr Sata our Chief Justice even joined in the LORD’s prayer! God exposes us over simple things. Let us learn not condemn.
I mean he did not deserve to hold that job
#6 Dudeluv, according to your post, by implication, Sata is immature. Chief Justice should not have sunk so low to the levels of Sata. Maybe you are right.
Some f.o.o.ls need to be taught diplomatic lessons of telling them who they are. I recommend Chief Justice to apologise and raise back his status to where it was.
Tit 4 tat with a f.o.o.l doesn’t a highly respected person of the Chief justice’s caliber. Sata never greeted him, he insults him and does all f.o.o.lish things around, that is surely not the level to which the Chief justice can sink! PF belongs to a low filthy, stinky, bottom of the sewer place not fit 4 the Chief justice to be found. I totally agree with you #1 Dawa1 and Dudeluv
Shaking hands for the Post camera, CJ saw the foolery and refused to be part of it. Umuntu afuma mukunya no samba kuminwe then he wants to shake hands. Uko with your dirty paws chiSatana. Keep it up CJ and hopefully other important people will put this foolish clown of an old man in his place.
the picture in the post tells the story. everyone was seated respectably and their was only one clown standing. he was going round in circles instead of sitting. cj you did well to snub the joker he insults you everyday so why shud he offer his dirty hands to greet you, since when, since when. even 2011 thats how us in the majority will refuse his hand onlt the few will greet him
Insults and counter insults will not take us anywhere! Our Chief Justice is just human whose bound to error like we all do….no one is perfect! You can be highly educated but still be a very bad man and with a complex. We can only learn and move forward.
23 lennin you are right I have looked at the foto and yes its only one man standing as everyone is seated. what was he trying to prove even at a funeral of someone he used to insult sata wanted to campaign. why did he go to attend the funeral in the first place and walking around the church making a fool of himself while everyone is seated
The chief Justice really disgraced himself. He’s so childish. You cant behave like that in public if you hold such a high and sensitive office. Its common courtesy to greet people even those you don’t like
Look at KK and FTJ. If those two were to be left alone in a room for 5 minutes kuti mwamona efyo bengaponona FTJ kuli super Ken but see how they greet and smile when they meet in public. Anyway i guess Sakala is fearing for his job!
The conduct of Justice Sakala in public was not befitting of a Chief Justice,he needs to resign sooner than later. What if Sata wins the next elections,is Justice Sakala gonna refuse to swear Sata in as President of Zambia,i think Justice Sakala though human like any of us unnecessarily lost it and that is how he should lose his job too,he may be qualified and experienced but he has brought down the integrity of the office he holds and worsened the bad image the judiciary has in Zambia.
No.16 ‘Zedian Umusasa” which planet are you coming from, where on earth a chief Justice would show enemity publicly; SATA may have done wrong things that your chief justice might noT have liked but at his level he should show at every time MATURITY, NEURALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM. advise him to forget about his pride and APOLOGISE. Even if he was an ordinary person its unafrican to refuse to greet people at funerals. ISULA UBONGOBONGO….T.H.I.N.K
23 Lennin wansekeshya mwee! :d
This ci mudala, even Ireen Mambilima was so shocked to see cisakala saying since when? nensoni caliposa bane. Forgive him his brain is tired.
I think that the CJ over reacted by not shaking hands with Sata but it is understandable. This was Judge Chitengi’s funeral. Remember that when RB extended the contracts for Judge Chitengi and Justice Sakala Mr. Sata, Kabimba and the PF subjected both of them to a lot of abuse. When Justice Sakala saw Mr. Sata at his friend’s (Judge Chitengi’) funeral it must have brought a lot of pain to him. Kabimba made it worse by eulogising Chitengi and calling him a legal luminary after insulting him when he was alive. The chief Justice is a human being and is not involved in politics. You can forgive him for reacting the way he did. But I think he should have controlled himself.
RETIRED High Court judge Kabazo Chanda yesterday charged that Chief Justice Ernest Sakala’s behaviour is embarrassing, disgraceful, divisive and legally unprofessional for somebody in his position
He urged justice Sakala to change as quickly as possible and save the integrity of the judiciary in the country.
“I can even add that the earlier this man justice Sakala leaves office, the better things will be for the Zambian judiciary and the Zambian people,” judge Chanda said.
He said if he had his way, he would rather have Deputy Chief Justice Ireen Mambilima or Supreme Court judge Florence Mumba to be Chief Justice because the duo was level-headed and could not conduct themselves in the way justice Sakala did.
He, however, added that justice Sakala’s law degree was not very impressive.
Judge Chanda said it was unfortunate that justice Sakala had done this at a time when people’s confidence in the judiciary had reached its lowest levels.
“It has never been so low since independence. Chief Justice Silungwe made his own mistakes but he behaved well. Chief Justice Matthew Ngulube may have got some influence from president Frederick Chiluba but as a person, he is one of the best lawyers we have in the country,” judge Chanda said.
He said he was sure that judges Silungwe and Ngulube would not have behaved in the manner justice Sakala behaved.
Judge Chanda said it was wrong for justice Sakala to behave in the manner he did because he was regarded as the father of the whole judiciary
29 capt solo at least you have seen amafacts which you cant ignore. put foward your warped thinking kaponya style. what was sata doing standing alone while true mourners were seated. showing off or trying out the role of head of state. that will never come sata will never rule zambia. rb oye mmd oye machungwa oye, sampa oye, sinyangwe oye, faustina oye,
The Chief Justice has given his notice to leave in October, 2011 (although it is a very long notice). However, he will certainly be the one nursing his young children at plot 2.
Marx what do you mean “put forward yor warped thinking kaponya style”? You must be confusing me with another Capt Solo. Got’s to change my usename:d/
They is time for everything
Time to mourning
Time for laughing
Time to born
Time to die
Ba Sata takes things always “mucimbuya and kulibonesha ta” and try to attract attention of presences.This was good for him(Sata).
People dont forget that every one has got to ask for RB to authorise any thing. CJ is right, because RB is out of the country so no one should do anything that may be misconstrued.
#31 Nkole, I totally agree with you. Is this the same Sata who was chased by Maureen Mwanawasa at Chipata airport during the funeral procession of the late president Mwanawasa? Mr PF Sata is a shameless opportunist and a total disgrace!
The Chief justice is the highest paid civil servant in the land, he is the custodian of the judicary. Justice should be blind and impartial. CJ has disgraced the office. He has shown he is partisan.
Next he will come out and say it was ‘chimbuye’.
Justice Sakala is allegic to honest people, he wants to dine and wine with crooks like Chiluba
Asakala mweo, typical cadre mentality you displayed there! Now you have to receive all the insults being showered at you. He is not worth that office. Even coaches from opposing sides shake each other’s hands after soccer, even boxers hug after punching each other, even junior lawyers enjoy a cup of something after being on opposite ends in court. Now this old man, I also don’t want to say he is childish!. At a funeral, you forget about differences for the respect of the occasion. Some old men are uncultured. With all his education and experience he is still very backward. Bene bwezani che!
Chief Justice Sakala is a useless MMD cadre. His behaviour is so childish. Even at his level he still worships RB. Iwe ***** what favors do u still want from RB? Shame on u. I was pleased with Judge Mambilima’s maturity.I think this lady deserves 2 be next Chief Justice unlike this mmd cadre, Sakala.
It was a disgrace and a shamefull matter for the chief justice to behaviour the day he did at a funeral. What example is he setting for the young zambians. chief justice needs to go back to law school and learn how to behave. what is the big deal about shaking hands, at funerals all people shake hands. Chief has grown too big for his head let him retire as he is old and can not think propertly. chief justice has lost all the respect people gave him what a way to go down with his mmd. shameless man.
Asakala mweo, how are you going to swear-in Sata next year as President when you are refusing to shake his hand now? Resign on moral grounds to serve yourself from that embarrassment next year.
Scared of the master “RB” a guess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This chief justice is an MMD cadre and is not fit for office.
He should have just slapped the f.o.o.l.i.s.h Chief Justice and continue shake hands with mature people…:d
The Chief Justice wines and dinnes with convicts FTJ and his stolen wife. That he does not see anything wrong. Now those are criminals haunded by the system he presides over. Sata has never been convicted for anycrimes whatsoever in a country called Zambia. Why did the Chief Justice behave like that???
Ata, this is the same presiding officer during presidential elections. Resign Chi Sakala, resign. You disgraced the legal proffession Ichimutwe.
Emotions aside, I think Mr. Sakala acted very much below expectations! The person occupying the position of Chief Justice needs to behave professionally and civily towards all significant political players in the country. Certainly, Mr. Sata is a significant political player in today’s Zambia, whether one likes it or not.
If Mr. Sakala is being so personal and subjective in his behaviour towards Mr. Sata, a possible presidential candidate, then can we expect fair play for Mr. Sata when Mr. Sakala as Chief Justice plays the role of Presidential Election Returning Officer?
Our people carrying important offices must always be careful and circumspect in the way they behave publicly, and learn a little bit of humility!
Sakala acted childish so was Sata,man wants attention whereever he goes.They should both retire and let new blood take up positions seriuosly.Its hard to tell wthether they were doing chimbuya or CJ has a personal hatred for one sata.
Calls for him to resign because he refused to shake Sata’s hand is nonsense
People of lovely country Zambia, I have no doubt Mr Sata will be a good leader this country deserves. This man how much you judge him, to me it does not matter because he is the only one who impressed me in his work as a minister. He did things to benefit the poor from abuse. I remember when he visited a hospital at night. The nurses were asleep while doing night shift. The dull people would say that he acted like a dictator but to me this man stands out to be a patrotic leader our country deserves especially at this time that our work culture is one of the worst in the world. Surely this RB is taking us no where. Our country needs somebody practical. This is the only solution. The stupid issue at a funeral has nothing to do with development. People need to eat and live decent lives. You…
Av always had alot of respect for Chief Jusrtice Sakala but this is just plain disappointing. Honestly,Sir, at a funeral service and in public! It’s not only sad but unZambian. We shake hands with even our greatest enemies at funerals.
U shd be a good example in whatever situation, u have alot of pipo looking up to u. Just a simple hand shake has ruined yo reputation. SAD.
The Chief Justice showed bad manners even where it is clearly stated in the bible that before you go to church first reconcile with your brother so that your prayers will be heard. This was in church and I believe the CJ is a christian and should have remembered or should have been moved by Sata who was trying to greet him. If he had responded am sure he could have had a peaceful heart by now. I am sure he is now full of regrets.
Anyway I blame the one keeping Sakalanyongo in the office because he could have long gone. He could have avoided being stupid if he had just greeted sata just like all the other prominent Judges did. I think he could have thought by refusing to greet him he was pleasing Bwezani Ziko pambuyo. By his actions everyone knows he favours one party and that is the one in power.
I am sure there is another view. Whatever the case pipo should always resist the urge to comment or reach conclusions on things when they only have one side of the story
If the CJ was serious then this alarming but if it was some joke we could be blowing out of proportion.
I certainly agree though the assertaions that the media due to their own agenda and their desire to sell will nearly always twist facts and this applies invariably to both the private and public media.
Sakala is allergic to that foul-mouthed politician. Simple! Before you know it he could have gone round the country saying Sakala has endorsed his candidature for 2011….Sata was play to the crowds, so maybe Sakala thought this was a good place to rain on Sata (n)’s parade. Those who sin publicly must be rebuked publicly.
Where as the Chief Justice behaviour is questionable, he does not deserve to be fired or to step down at all. Refusing to shake hands with Sata does not warranty the boot. That, may be, was viewed as freedom of expression. No one can force the other person to shake his hand. Its a gesture which can be welcomed or not.
What did Sata do after this then? He rushe to the Post and made a statement. Chief justice has not made any comment yet, showing maturity.
Remember Sata shook or touched the Chief’s head at some point in time. The subjects were bitter about it. Sata must learn that you do not touch every Jim and Jack
Chief Justice Ernest Sakala was clinically right not to shake hands with Mr. Sata.We are always advised not to shake hands at big gatherings incase of diseases.It is a well known fact.
What is so special to shake hands?”hello” is enough without shaking hands.Period.
Chief Justice Ernest Sakala refused to shake hands with Patriotic Front president Michael Sata at the requiem mass of retired Supreme Court judge Peter Chitengi at Saint Ignatius Church in Lusaka.
Sata deserves such embarassment because of his “kulibone shata”.
Sakala’s behaviour should not be condoned especially that he did something unchristian in church. Christianity teaches us to forgive and love our enemies. How can we claim to love when we cannot even extend our hand to greet someone? Zambia is a christian nation, this is not a right wing political push but a fact, we should therefore uphold christian values in the way we conduct ourselves, especially him as Chief Justice. If practising christian values in public offends Sakala, then I suggest he considers to go to another part of the world as his new home, because christianity is part of Zambia’s culture. His behaviour in public is a clear indication that the man has outlived his usefulness and has now become an embarassment to the nation. He should make a public apology.
Dear friends Sata has done this to other people before. At Levy’s funeral I was standing next to Shakafuswa he came and greeted and talked to me and when Shaka’s extended his had Sata refused and remarked” walachimona you thought you were clever” most of you friends have lost touch with what is really on the ground pa Z. Sata at funerals those who know him likes deaming people. Another incident was at the funeral of the late Remmy Mushota Sata exchanged bitter words with thelate Paul Tembo as a result of greeting him while passing deaming words. There must surely been a reason why The CJ did that so don t just call him names. Those of us who follow closely what goes on home and the People can tell u that the CJ is a person with serious sense of hurmour. Enjoy your weekend fellow…
Greetings lovely Zambians. To those saying the chief justice was right, am sure you are not professionals who understand how a professional should behave in public. Those who think the chief justice was wrong I upload you for your wise and professional analysis. It takes simple discussions like this one to assess someones thinking ability or IQ.
#3 its not a good sense of humor, its so childish. That man holds the highest judicial job in the country. What about if you are his enemy and a case goes before him, it means you are doomed even before he hears you case. He better grow up.
You Numbers 10,14,16 & 21 are stupid and useless Zambians. How can you condon such. This Chief Justice is f.u.c.king stupid. Why do we keep such people in this Country? You Guys, wake-up. Iam suprised that us Zambians are still thinking so low. Thats why these i.di.ots are taking advantage of us. We are just a banch of Cowards and not peace loving Zambians like we claim. Come 2010… we are hitting thier as.ses with a broom stick. MOTHER F**k ERS .. WE ARE COMING !!!!!!!
DEAR FRIENDS,all of you you have points to this s versus s. Tell me what constitutional law did
a Sakala violet by refusing to sake hands with shikulu Sata. AND HELP me understand why the POST CAMERAMAN is always accompanying Mr Sata at all funerals. and surely was MR Sata the master mourner at this funeral. According to the bazungu it is not a must that you must accept a hand shake at all the times.DO YOU REMEMBER mr SATA EVEN walking on the RED CARPET in Lusaka recently and the same PHOTO MAN FROM the POST GOT THAT picture.I KNOW mr SATA NEEDS IMAGE BUILDING but someone has got it wrong . please don’t insult our intelligence by making us believe CHIEF justice committed a criminal of fence.
Sata has done that before,it was not an issue,worse still goes to the extent of touching the HEAD OF CHIEF.Let shikulu Sata apply wisdom,period.
Does anybody know if Sata took holy communion? Why is that Sata’s bad behaviour is always excused by some? Remember he kept opening his uncontrollable mouth about Chiluba and Regina, when Chiluba questioned him about the bastards he had produced with the bishop’s bululus, people turned round and said Chiluba is really petty. This is happening again, Sata was making a lot of noise and drama as usual when he entered the church. He was told where to sit by the ushers but he refused and started speaking in that irritating loud voice of his. Seems to me that Sakala was peeved at his attention seeking behaviour and therefore refused to shake hands with him. What Sakala choses to do with his own hands is his own business and given Sata is in his 70s he should know how to behave at a funeral.
Hey bloggers! Those that think Chief Justice was wrong, hear me, Sata needs that! Do you have an idea what was going thru his mind as he sat there????? Iam not against sata in anyway, infact we need sata in that position (Opposition Only), but this man will never rule zambia believe you me! You dont have to respond to this comment guys, this is my opinion period! Actually i dont have to hear from God whether sata will be president or not, this man will never go pa plot one! 😮
Justice Sakala did an honourable thing: HE DID NOT PRETEND like most politicians do. They talk ill of each other in the newspapers and want to hug when they meet even when they abhor each other. It is dispecable. That was a funeral and Mr Sata was supposed to sit like everyone else that was seated. That is respect. Greetings happen only after the church service. Why greet seated people in church for goodness sake? Some of these things are just of Mr. Sata’s making so that he scores some political points. A funeral is a funeral and the dead have to be respected regardless of what one’s aspirations are politically. So to blame justice Sakala entirely is missing the point. The man to blame is Mr Sata.
ZWA!! says:
06/25/2010 at 15:24
Its so embarrasing to see a leader of the Chief Justice’ stature behave like a toddler in public. I think RB should fire this man. We deserve better and more mature leaders. Can he have any credibility in that position?
#70 Thumbs up:)>-
Good for Sata, coz Sata also likes to show pple that he is someone when he is nothing. Good treatment for him. He shud stop trying to be popular for nothing. Just becoz you know the person does not mean you have to greet them or shake hands. Sata should learn to mind his own business. Other pple dont like to be greeted anyhow. I would have done the same mwe.
Remember Sata is a politician and once he becomes president, he will NEVER shake hands with anyone including his own supporters. Make my words.
my view id that both sata and sakala were wrong. we can only urge them to rethink their behavior, especially in public
Some things are better left alone. No comment on this one. Good day to everyone
I wouldn’t shake hands with the snake that Sata is. But I’m not the Chief Justice. The CJ should be above all this fray. If Sata didn’t wash his hands after bathroom-use – which is very likely – the CJ could still excuse himself and fumigate his hands soon after. It’s the position he holds on our behalf that matters.Conclusion – the CJ was wrong, and Sata should learn a lesson from this; some us simply can’t stand his antagonistic and arrogant stance on all issues, based on lack of a solid educational background.
What kind of CJ is this honestly?? This just confirms what people have been saying about the Judiciary in this Country! What a Shame!!
Before speaking or passing judgement,a wiseman gets stories from both sides.Bloggers lets learn to analyse both sides of the coin before we load our guns,cock and fire !
what if MCS at some point in time also refused to handshake CJ E.S ?what if CJ E.S and MCS were just from the loo and CJ E.S had noticed that MCS hadnt washed his hands? gentlemen lets learn to get facts before commenting anyhow.
Hehe, haha, Ho ho…
It is now clear that the judiciary is biased towards MMD thugs and Thieves. I have never seen nor heard such a thing under the sun. If Regina and Mr MwanZa can shake hands when they meet, what about the father of justice, peace and love for Zambia? This is what Chief Justice Sakala is to Zambians. But now just imagine what he did, do you think he will be willing to sow in Sata if Sata won the 2011 elections? ohh what a childish chief justice you have in Zambia. He must resign because we have lost faith and trust in him. He is so childish, not even a child can behave in such a way. He is just backward in his thinking.
Its hehe…haha…hoho…what a dull chief justice you have in Zambia.:)>-:)>-:)>-
Not all of us have lost faith with the chief justice. He was within his right not to shake hands with the snake. He did what he did not because Sata is PF but because of the way he was behaving at a funeral which was causing a disturbance at a funeral. Sata’s bad behaviour should not be tolerated. You can all call for Sakala to resign but he aint going nowhere. People should not resign just because PF and Post say that they should. Well done Sakala for standing up to the un-cultured thug called Sata. I hope that the Chitengi family’s grief is not being increased due to the attention seeking behaviour of that 73 year old adolescent.
This article is not worth any water to comment on. Its so s.tupid to see my fellow bloggers waste time blaming the govt because Sakala refused to shake hands with Satan? This is a personal issue between the two and lets not entertain it here. Sakala and Satan knows their differences and its not in the nations’ interest to have this article published. LT you have run out of publishable material on this one. Lets publish something that will benefit the Zambians and not this c.rap!
Sata wants recognition whereever he is,but to some people do n’t even bother his presence,because he adds no value.
“kulibone shata”. makes Sata a laughing stock.”Icimbuya kumalilo”.Once beaten twice shy.
I cannot believe the extreme shallowness of Zambians, and their lack of understanding truth even when it stares them in the face. That is why Zambia cannot develop- you mean to tell me the Chief Justice is getting criticised on this particular issue, with Sata looking like the angel. For goodness sake you can tell that this jokester Sata was clowning around politicking to boost his own ego just from looking at the picture. The rest of the mourners were disdainful of this court jester Sata as their faces show- only the Chief Justice had the balls to stand up to this PF bumpkin of a man you want as President. Sata with his oafish rhetoric has managed to brainwash simple Zambians who have forgotten Sata’s past. Fact is Zambia will only be worse under this rascal Sata. You will remember RB.
Mr. Chanda because today i have refused to shake hands with you,then the following day,you want me to resignation from work.No grounds for the resignation of Chief Justice Ernest Sakala.
I,therefore advise PF members to read the draft constitution and make submissions,as oppesed to this petty politicking.
What is so special to shake hands?”hello” is enough without shaking hands.Period.
It is human nature,the people you are not in good books with,keep a distance,no one can deny this fact.
Let the sleeping dog lay.
Satan is really a devil! How do u call for resignation of Sakala just because he couldnt shake your filthy black magic hands? Sata should be careful how he carries himself because he will loose the support from his own camp.
This(SATA),Jack of all Trades and master of none, wants to bulldoze everyone as he does in PF.
Mr.Chanda,i challenge you,before calling on for the immediate resignation of Chief Justice Ernest Sakala on grounds that he refused to shake hands with PF leader Michael Sata.
Let your PF leader Michael Sata to set a precedence by going to apologise to the chiefs he insulted and worse still touching the head of the chief.Put your house(PF) inorder.Remove a big log in your eye,before attemping to remove a small log in your friend’s eye.
Sata and his PF troll’s behavior display more than a hint of willful incomprehension of protocol and the law. Reading all constitutionally, morally, intellectually and procedurally baseless calls of PF kaponyas time and again makes one wonder if PF will ever have sober and intelligent members in its rank and file to give it a voice of reason. Everything they say only confirms that Sata is has failed to redeem PF from its state of a dysfunctional inoperative political doxy. Is it why all their calls are classical wilderness calls? Don’t they have in the party ranks mature politicians, constitutional experts or strategists to draw on for them to avoid and limit this kind of exposure of own institutional inadequacy?
It’s like every act of systemically failed sublevel subversive act of Mmembe holds as game for PF needlessly. What constitutional basis is this troll called Eric Chanda calling His Lord CJ Sakala to resign for not shaking hands with insolent Sata? Now CJs will be resigning at the whim of every troll? Tough luck you are trapped in the utopia of an inoperative circus party itself thriving in a continuum of doom. The writing is on the wall and Zambians don’t care with the much announced self exile of Sata to Taiwan next year after a 5th time reject on the ballot.
If anything, all losers exile to Taiwan as did Chiang Kai-shek and his group, the Kuomintang in shame. Chanda can go to hell and hung with his boss in Taiwan while Lubinda can also return to Pakistan or Bangladesh the countries of his father and do the Taliban business there. Zambia is bigger than any of these thugs.
His Lord CJ is a symbolic institution of Zambian justice that does not serve the country at the discretion of PF kaponyalism who have no regard or clue for protocol. Who is Sata to come last and aim at altering the sobriety and protocol there at all for his cheap politics at such a protocol heavy funeral? The country knows better that Sata’s desperate longing for connectedness has given him the myth of an imaginary community.
Alas, hopeless Sata sees every institution and the citizenry as part of PF kaponyalism. Assumption is the lowest level of knowledge. He did it at late Mwanawasa’s funeral until he was chased in a dog style by the widow. CJ Sakala is there to serve the country and not dance to politics of trolls. He will never be a pawn of abuse or trolls’ dictate. Elections will come and elections will pass with MMD reigning yet trolls will always be there trapped in their fantasy. We are a maturing democracy.
# 98
Senior Citizen
It would be proper for you to post one blog at a time to avoid boring your audience. I thought you agreed to these critical rules. You cant post thread after thread like that…See you lata my brother.
Let your PF leader Michael Sata to set a precedence by going to apologise to the chiefs he insulted “I will put up electricity if you vote me as president”,sata said.”mukaletina bwino inda ubushiku”,this is a big insult,Sata should tone down his language.PF can see it as right thing coming from their HERO.Shame upon you.Put your house(PF) inorder.Remove a big log in your eye,before attemping to remove a small log in your friend’s eye.
The PF chief is more of a comedian. Zambians will never vote for an entertainer.
Comedy at it’s best,Sata will not stop amazing Zambians.I expect a radical change in Mr.Sata towards his behaviour,that photo speaks big volumes,everyone was sitted and deeply touched by the lose our beloved one.
Let Mr.Sata listen to that song,the song goes,”icimbuya mulecicifyeko kumalilo”.
# 99.
MMD Chief Bootlicker,that timely advice 4 Sen.Citizen,i hope he takes it seriously.
why did Mrs Mwanawasa refuse to shake Sata’s hand at her husband’s memorial service?
why did Chief Justice Ernest Sakala refuse to shake hands with PF leader Michael Sata?
Do not be surprised next time if Dr.Chiluba or however,refuses to shake hands with PF leader Michael Sata.Sata is a sour grape.He does not learn.Once beaten twice shy.
I didnt know that even the chief justice belongs to the ruling government and has issues with teh opposition leaders, shame on you CJ!!!
CJ overreacted but somehow Sata went there to politicise the funeral hence the snub.Sata polictises everything.In Milanzi,this is what he said during Church Mass:Galu akati kope,ataya nyama.In church really and during mass.This man is a big joke.
Shame on the chief Justice Sakala who has become a cadre? What a waste of resources on this dull creature called Chief justice. He has lost every sense of shame and now he is publicly allining himself with the MMD cadres. Hehe ..haha…hoho…the Zambian chief justice is a joke to the world. His behaviour falls so much below even that of a child. A child cant behave like him. May be he should be taken to Chainama for Mental scrutine before he goes in the streets. He is not normal fellow Zambians. This is how mental illness starts. Chainama Doctors, please examine our beloved Chief Justice Sakala, save him from this serious and embaracing disease he has contracted from the MMD thieves. Awe Kwana cha kupapusha sana kuli Ba chief Justice Sakala. [-([-([-(
Straight from the toilet Sata entered the Church with pupu in his nails and on the jacket to greet the Chief Justice. Justice Sakala was saved by his natural vigilance and high sense of smell when he started smelling a strong stench as Sata advanced towards him and heavy flies scrambled popu on Sata’s jacket.
So what happened in Church that day that has raised so much fuss in Zambia today? What happened that can result in a call for the resignation of the CJ? So what is baised by the refusal to shake hands? Did anyone hear the CJ refuse to shake hands or did this come from sata’s mouth that the CJ refused o shake hands? what else transpired between the two that sata did not tell the reporters? If the CJ refused to shake his hands it is unfortunate because usually at funerals people shake hands even if they do not talk to each other. But what about Sata’s condcut, was it one befiting a politcal leader? Being in church that morning , I was rather embarrased that he could behave in such a way.
I don’t know why so many of you are surprised at Sakala’s behaviour, when his boss and greatest defender Rupiya behaves exactly the same way! There is nothing to see here people, let’s move on.
And because of the actions on one man, here we are on this blog insulting each other, insulting the CJ although noone on this blog heard the Cj actually refuse to shake sata’s hands. Did we actually hear what else was said between the two. as we debate let us individually ask ourselves te question what we are doing to develop this country. it is easy to sit behind being created names and insult, shout and say alot but what are we doing. Is our lauguage such that we would want our children to read or such that we can encourage our children to use? Let us not forget that who we are is reflected in the manner we communicate. Look at sata how do we judge him? What do we say about his character? I cannot answer for everyone but I leave you all with questions for each of you to answer.
Here is another side of the story that I’ll paste from a disgusted lawyer.
‘It’s Sata to blame’
I am rather surprised at the twisted reports relating to the encounter between the Chief justice, His Lordship Ernest Sakala and Patriotic Front (PF) leader Mr. Michael Sata.
I am also shocked that an encounter between two parishioners has been blown out of context and is now a dirty excuse and evil plot to scandalize and remove Chief Justice Ernest Sakala.
Following the valedictory service at the Supreme Court for the late Supreme Court Justice, His Lordship Peter Chitengi, we all rushed to Catholic Church at St. Ignatius, where the requiem service was to be held at 10:30hrs. This was on 23rd June 2010.
When we arrived we all took our seats with the Chief Justice, Ernest Sakala taking the first sit on the front pew with his fellow Supreme Court Justices and some government officials such as Minister of Defence, Dr. Kalombo Mwansa
The entire rows behind were taken up by mostly, High Court judges, members of the Judiciary, and members from the Attorney General and Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) chambers. Some ministers such as Mike Mulongoti and Kenneth Konga sat on the benches with family members.
When the body arrived and was placed at back of the Church in readiness for the service, Mr. Michael Sata walked in accompanied by Given Lubinda and other PF officials.
At this stage, the entire church was seated and almost silent. Mr. Sata headed straight to the front seats but was quickly restrained by ushers who showed where his seat and that of his officials were.
He refused. He then went where some women were seated and asked them to give him and his officials space. There was some small drama as the women appeared reluctant to leave their seats as the church at this stage was full to capacity. This situation was only rescued by the ushers who insisted that Mr. Sata and his officials had his seats allotted to them. He was led to these seats.
It’s at this stage that Mr. Sata began his drama. He began to go around the benches especially those occupied by the Judiciary and lawyers. Clearly he had mistimed his greetings. Usually at a funeral service, such open interaction is left for outside after the body viewing which is after the service. Mr. Sata ignored this decorum and appeared desperate to be recognized by everybody and to establish his presence.
Mr. Sata began to prance about asking for Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) President Stephen Lungu. Lungu was seated with Attorney General Abyud Shonga.
There were audible murmurs about this conduct.
Probably as a Chief Mourner, the Chief Justice was disgusted with this conduct which does not fit with the status of Mr. Sata and showed his disapproval by not extending his hand to greet this excited politician.
It is not up to me to justify the open disdain shown by the Chief Justice against Mr. Sata, but my guess would be that the disapproval was not to Mr. Sata but his open misconduct at a funeral of dear colleague.
But the mummers were heard everywhere. Many were wondering. How could a leader seeking the highest office in the land disregard the mourning environment and traditions of a somber gathering like a funeral and preoccupy himself with selfish activities designed to give him cheap publicity?
Even when he was not greeted by several people or some chose to ignore him totally, Mr. Sata went about repeatedly visiting these benches. At one time, he came to these benches loudly calling and asking “where is Chalwe Farai Mchenga?” he kept on calling for the DPP demanding that he needs to know Mchenga as he is the only lawyer he doesn’t know personally.
Clearly the post newspaper deliberately ignored all these matters and fished out facts out of context for their own selfish reasons. It is not surprising that this has now formed the basis of a dirty campaign designed to hound out office a constitutional office holder.
But now The Post is known to make an issue national, when in fact it is a private agenda. This Chief Justice Ernest Sakala is a man they worked well with. His entire Supreme Court Bench once attended a gala night hosted by The Post. The fall-out has been steep and the empire was partially dismantled with Sakala’s loyalties lying with the State and with Justice and not with private individuals.
It’s up to you to be ensnared to a private agenda or make a stop to what “the Post wants the Post gets philosophy”.
It’s incumbent upon LAZ to speak against these open plots and evils against constitutional officers or institutions such as the Judiciary will fall prey to the evil influences and manipulations and will continuously be held hostage by The Post.
We might not like Chief Justice Sakala, but to allow The Post hound out office or willfully participate in schemes selfishly designed to scandalize officials is not acceptable. They have been campaigning for the removal of Vice-President George Kunda, the DPP Chalwe Mchenga, Inspector General of Police Kabonde and that has been resisted and ignored. This scheme falls in that category and is best ignored.
Disgusted Lawyer
Source: Lusaka Times Competitor
Mr Capitalist your postings still dont justify why Justice Sakala refused to shake Sata’s hand. As far as I’m concerned that was a very childish thing for him to do in front of all the mourners.
:d his a-s-s h-o-l-e ship the thief justice has read too many books yet hez as uncivilised an easterner mouse (kambeba)! hw low can any sane human being sink to refuse to say ‘sup’ especially pa malilo!
ppl calling for to hang him by his you-know-what are justified. this piece of coal does not deserve a chair in the justice system, not even as a clerk!
You guys cant post thread after thread coz your audience never read that. Try to do one thread at a time to give bloggers chance to know what u are saying. These are critical rule about blogging that can make or break you. I advised Senior Citizen to do the same. Its that simple. lata
Mr Chanda said the CJ should resign on the basis of the CJ’s refusal to shake Mr Sata’s hands – this is so laughable. Is shaking Mr Sata’s hands a precondition for the CJ to keep his job? What warped thinking. This is a man who is busy insulting the judiciary and you expect the CJ to be smiling at him. CJ Sakala is a very serious man – forget playing games with him. As for Mr Sata – this is the only opposition politician I have seen walk the red carpet following the President behind – a total clown — no respect for institutions. He will never be president of Zambia.
Sata did not go to pay his last respect to the late judge Peter Chitengi,but to know the DPP Chalwe Mchenga on issues of Dr.Chiluba’s and refusal of the DPP to appeal.
Ba Sata and his schemes,backfires on him.
Ba Chief Justice Ernest Sakala, by next near what-where-how will you be? Change is coming whether you like it or not. I want to believe you have worked so hard to get to where you are now and the position you hold is mounded with dignity. My question is, what have you found now, that is worth more than what you have achieved, that you can easily p!ss on. You have just the few years you have remaining to serve? Have dignity and if you have non then please don’t mortify the Office of the Chief Justice
Awe ba sakala balifakapula mwe ! Nangu kalijo nifyo ! A little “shani bakamba ba sata” never killed anybody.
Capitalist nabanobe why write so much? A few wise and propanda free words can do.
#122 THE CAPITALIST IS RIGHT TO tell this forum what really happened. AT least the truth is starting to come out.We were all speculating on what actually happened that day.THE TRUTH and only THE TRUTH will SET US FREE. THE POST and SATA SHOULD be blamed for what happened.
Why do you want to make a comedia a president?
I wonder what Zambians see in Mr.Sata that is worth worshiping.
Chanda get a life! What is criminal or immoral about refusing to shake the paw of that waffling joker? If what CJ did warrants his resignation, what Sata has done in the past completely disqualifes him for the position of Republican President. The man is a thug with a sick ego!
You have really made my dat. Ati Regina mwanza chiluba shakes hands with Mr Mwanza. But does chiluba shakes hands with mwanza or Vera Tembo chiluba. I remember in eastern province vera had to excuse herself when chiluba and Regina where greeting people at a traditional ceremony in chipata. Ba LT please give us a photo chiluba greeting Mr Mwanza or Regina greeting Vera.
Chief Justice MAFI !!!! AMATUFI !!!! AMAFI !!!
Sata want to be master of ceremonies everywhere he goes. It doesnt make sense for one to be greeting people in church. why didnt he wait until they go out. I’m sure he new what was going to happen that why he has to do that in front of camera in church when everyone was humbly sitted. shame on you sata
There were five serious diseases found inside Satana that time he nearly kickd the bucket and Levy shipped him to Morningside. These diseases are infectious, by contact, and that’s why Sata is todate still refusing to disclose them. One should therefore not be suprised when the CJ refuses to shake hands with such a diseased rascal. Further, with all the wives and conclubines Chiwa has, what would stop a vicious kanswende escaping through the hands entering Sakala in the process, nothing. For one, I would not shake hands that fondled a chief’s kalukobo!
Unless you don’t how mwanawasa died then you can go ahead and shake hands with Satana, remember he followed mwanawasa at cathedral of little Jesus the day he was leaving for Egypt and made sure he shook hands with him and the rest is history…….wise up, Hon Sakala did well to refuse a satanic gesture
Its all interesting that now October 2011 Sata is president. As they say he who laughs last laughs the best……