Friday, March 7, 2025

Senior Chief Mukuni comes to the support of Chief Chitimukulu over the Radio Mano Interview


Senior Chief Mukuni of the Toka Leya people of Kazungula in Southern Province says Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba people is likely to have been quoted out of context in some questions that were in most cases prompted and crafted by clever journalists that were interviewing him.

Chief Mukuni says the Chitimukulu expressed displeasure at his subjects who were not critically using the power of the vote in choosing a quality and responsible leadership that would bring development to his Chiefdom, and that they were usually duped by empty promises made by politicians.

He says that’s a cry of every traditional leader who wishes to see economic and social advancement for his or her people.

Chief Mukuni says the past few days have had a diversity of media platforms inundated with the debate over what the Chitimukulu, is claimed to have said or not said and this is a healthy debate that underscores why a robust media in a democracy must be harnessed than harassed.

He said this encourages a wealth of ideas to be interrogated and competed for, and a way forward shaped for posterity. This is the way it should be.

“However let me also add my personal opinion as a traditional leader, but most importantly as a citizen who wishes to exercise freedom of expression”, he said.

Chief Mukuni said the Paramount Chief therefore merely counseled the Bena Lubemba to emulate the Southerners better known as the people of Chuundu, who recognize the importance of voting than follow the false fantasies of politicians.

“He actually never cited any political party in which his subjects must particularly identify themselves with. As a matter of fact, he encouraged them to make their own choices, but based on quality leadership that would deliver and also protects their interests”, he added.

He said Chitimukulu Mwinelubemba is an intellectual and an accomplished historian who appreciates the established norms and resolve of Southerners in using the vote, to resoundingly register a grievance against any unjust establishment.

“In 1991 and 1996 the Province registered a high turn out in support of late Fredrick Chiluba, a Bemba speaking candidate, who twice in the above years, polled a 100% parliamentary vote in Southern Province, more than in his own home region of Luapula, and the MMD strongholds of Northern and Copperbelt Provinces, that still had pockets of UNIP”, he said.

Chief Mukuni said it is from this historical perspective that he viewed the basis of the remarks by Mwinelubemba to his people, and instead of needlessly condemning him for other gaffes that were made, due to reporters’ prompting, he must be applauded for the timely advice to his people, and as a matter of fact to all Zambians.

He said the 21% majority population the Paramount Chief may have made reference to, which has also drawn a lot of debate, is a combination of Luapula and Muchinga Provinces, which are viewed as Bemba speaking, but not necessarily Bemba inhabited.

Chief Mukuni said as a follow up to the above assertions, it would, therefore, be very important to read history in its proper perspective in order to be correctly guided adding that the book ‘The tribes of Northern Rhodesia’ by W.V Brelsford, 1956 on page 31 may help to arouse further discussion:

“The Bemba numbering 145,000 are the second largest tribe in Northern Rhodesia. Tonga, the only tribe to outnumber the Bemba are very mixed, whereas the Bembas are a homogeneous tribe. Obviously to draw a correct and proper understanding of such a statement, one has to read the whole book and other books on the subject in question. The underlying factor, however, is that there’s no one tribe that is bigger than the rest of the nation”, Chief Mukuni said.

He said Zambians must, therefore, strive to live as one people who celebrate their rich diversity and multifarious culture and languages but one nation under one God.

Chief Mukuni said politics must not divide the people but must instead conjoin them.


  1. So Senior Chief Mukuni has some good humanity and Zambianity in him after all, he is a Senior Chief indeed, so what was he given to drink after 2016?

    I am thoroughly impressed with him now, the intellectual from BP that we knew before he became Chief, before he went astray after 2016. Most welcome our Seniir Chuef!!

  2. It is good to have educated Chiefs,some of who have more developed intellect than some Law Makers!! However,the issues are very sensitive especially these days thus even Chiefs,who preside over ethnic groupd (tribes) must stay reminded their is Nation, which is bigger and matters most than any ethnic group.Every advice should be to encourage subjects to think development for their Chiefdoms as part of a broader One Zambia One Nation!

  3. Mukuni is right, I see that he has also started reading. Yes the Bemba are few but the tribes that align themselves to the Bemba are many and combined they can take up 40% of Zambia. Politics about numbers, so when the Bemba say Edgar must go, he’s definitely going. You can’t govern with jemasoni in your head

  4. Chief Mukuni. I would have sat this one out if I were you. You have tried this before – showing civility and empathy by coming in support of this person – remember when Sata tried to shut him down. How were you repaid – by thinly veiled long articles basically inciting animosity against you and yours. Shame, good conscience and civility are just not resident in some people. Accept that. Think about it – had it been you who uttered these words, everyone and their neighbours’ chickens would have been queuing up to insult you and the people of the South. After all – its only tribalism if it is being practiced by someone from the South. Good luck to you sir.

    • Agreed, Mukuni should have sat this one out. Never heard of Chitimukulu coming to the rescue of Mukuni …… someone is misreading the goodwill here….. it may not be mutual

  5. The whole point both traditional leaders are talking about is making those entrusted with public works accountable, and also calling for credible leaders to aspire for political leadership.
    Where wrongs are done, citizens should not sit idle. He gave an example of poor workmanship at the traffic lights in Kasama, where even the town clerk seemed to have accepted shoddy works.
    Lastly he says we shouldn’t do voter apathy because it’s our own problem when poor leadership ascends to power!

  6. @BembaMan
    I am convinced beyond reasonable doubt that you posted your comment without reading the article. Stop trying to be relevant on issues you don’t understand. Or at least read first before you let your judgement get clouded by stereotyping. Read!

  7. You can decipher all you want from what he said or allegedly said. We don’t deal with fake news . As I have said, numbers don’t lie. If you live in cuckoo land like our frirvds in upnd,continue dreaming that pf is losing. Continue wasting your time instead of actually having a message for people. When we won in 2011 , we didn’t win by criticism of the mmd. We had and continue to have a solid development agenda for our people. As I have said, if pf loses the next general election I have sworn to run naked from arcades to mandahill. Can hh also agree to do the same if upnd lose ?

  8. One good deed by our Southerner has made him seem sober now. For the very first time he has sounded intellectually pregnant. It took a Bemba to pump sense into a Tonga..Pretty much encouraging! While generally Bembas can not be superior to Tongas, because of their large numbers, democracy always works against the Southerners.


  10. it is great chiefs are now talking . Mr politicians be careful. You cannot fool people all the time. one day they will turn around and ask for what belongs to them.

  11. Ba KZ, I think it is better not to swear like that because between now and the time of 2021 results, a lot of things can change, including your position as a PF member. Just ask CK, GBM, Dora, Musenge and many others who were singing and dancing to one tune, only to u-turn in shame. My humble advice is to just keep that resolve in your heart. Who knows before 2021, PF would be like the UNIP or MMD of today? What will happen to all of us who and singing this tune? But, you are a free Zambia to say that and I respect that. Know that I will be praying for you.

  12. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    The only truly independent, brave chief in Zambia! The rest are sell-outs who just care for their bellies.

    “With great power comes great responsibility”!

  13. I have carefully read this statement. It is clear in my mind that some PR person wrote this article for Chief Mukuni for damage control. First of all, ordinarily chiefs don’t directly respond to subjects debating an issue. Second, there are quotation marks. So this is a PR excersize

  14. If you want proof let the author post a video of the interview….as was done with Mwenelubemba

  15. Senior Chief Mukuni and Paramount Chief Chitimululu are a million light years ahead in intellect than the likes of those who are at the forefront of criticising them from no basis whatsoever apart from where they come from. Some of them are here on this blog and others are in government. The two chiefs have read, still read and analyse, something that is alien to most.

  16. let some other chiefs learn something from these two wise chiefs. let also the citizens of the nation learn timely advise from these two wise chiefs. no one will free this country from the forced chains of slaverly by one group of corrupt and thieves. rise and be counted it is time.

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