Sunday, September 29, 2024

Mutati has no moral fibre to advise PF- MMD Youths


Opposition New Hope Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) Youths have said that Former Finance Minister in the PF led Government Hon. Felix Mutati has no right to advise the PF because he contributed to the current economic downturn in the country.

In an Open letter to Republican President Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu and Finance Minister Hon. Bwalya Ngandu, Senior former MMD Economic leaders have advised the PF led Government to get an IMF bailout package as this will ease our creditors in restructuring our loans. These former MMD Economic leaders include Hon. Situmbeko Musokotwane, Hon. Dipak Patel, Hon. Ngandu Magande, Dr. Caleb Fundanga, Dr. Moses Banda and Hon. Felix Mutati.

In a statement, New Hope MMD National Youth Secretary Mr. Gregory Mofu said that the MMD Youths welcomed the Open Letter.

“We as the New Hope MMD Youths shall welcome any advice from our Former Economical leaders. The Economy which we left in 2011 on Cloud 9 at a B+ rating is today nose-diving. Inflation is now rising, our debts have surpassed the Pre – HIPC Period and our Kwacha is dancing to major currencies. There is an immediate need to find a solution to this economic meltdown and hence the advise given by our former economical leaders to the PF led Government is very timely and welcome”, Mr. Mofu said.

Mr. Mofu said that Hon. Mutati behaved like an Ostrich by sinking his head in the sand when he was Minister of Finance.

“We are shocked that one of the signatories to this letter is One Felix Chipota Mutati. This is someone who served in this Edgar Chagwa Lungu led PF Government as Finance Minister between 2016 and 2018. When he was Finance Minister, he never gave any warning about our debt as a country and continued to borrow money. Our Party President Dr. Nevers Mumba did write to him on the 31st of July 2017 asking him to inform the Nation of Zambia’s alarming debt, but what did he do, he sank his head into the sand like an ostrich by not responding. President Mumba sent a second letter in which he uncovered the real debt and challenged Mr Mutati to refute the figures, but he refused to answer again”, Mr. Mofu said.

Mr. Mofu said that Hon. Mutati is simply playing to the gallery by advising the PF.

“We are shocked that whilst Hon. Mutati was the Finance Minister, he never advised President Lungu about the alarming debt. For your information, he is the second longest-serving Minister of Finance in the PF led Government. But today, he has the guts to go on an anthill and hide among his friends who are not part of this mess and who are advising the Government. To us, Hon. Mutati is simply playing to the gallery”, Mr. Mofu said.

Mr. Mofu said that Hon. Mutati had no moral fibre to advise the PF.

“Lastly but not least, we would like to challenge him to inform the Nation what he did to avoid this debt trap when he was Finance Minister. We know of a number of loans Zambia got during his tenure as Minister of Finance. Hon. Mutati has no moral fibre to advise the same people he helped fail into this debt trap”, Mr. Mofu said.


  1. That country is finished. I am glad I moved out when I did. The health sector is non existent whereas here i can access NHS fully free. Unemployment is order of day where as here I can move between jobs. Hunger is order of the day whereas here the problem I have is finding ways to reduce food waste. Gay people are abused and killed instead of fighting corruption where as here my orientation is respected and corruption is shunned. I can go on and on

  2. That’s the problem when you have too many idle minds, we really need to fight poverty. Mutati has already left MMD but those that have remained have still found it necessary to discuss him and not the substance of his message. The issue isn’t Mutati but his message. Has what Mutati and others proposed right or wrong? That’s what we want to hear from MMD

  3. I support you my brother, this former finance minister so called Felix Mutati truelly be allowed to advice or comment in a situation this country is passing through, he contributed badly to our suffering as if he was from a different planet. Ad he dreams of becoming a president, ama brain yamo u can fail to understand, wht goes in them, who can vote for such person, na satana awama. Better we erase him frm the Zambian history, he squeezed us bad. Ba Mutati better u jst shut up maybe then we’ll respect u, than advising whr u failed then tukamituka bad.

  4. Yes Mutati is one of the contributors to the current malaise. He is trying to ride on the reputation of the others.


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