Sunday, September 29, 2024

There will be no branded UPND face masks-Katuka


Zambia’s leading opposition UPND says it will not produce any branded face masks to prevent Covid-19 pandemic.

Party Secretary General Stephen Katuka says “As UPND, we have made a position not to politicise the Coronavirus pandemic into a campaign tool. If anyone sees a UPND branded face mask, it’s not from us but the work of our political opponents.”

Mr. Katuka said, “We believe it’s chillingly desperate evil, and satanic to celebrate the prevalence of the disease and use it as a campaign vehicle, when the whole world is closing ranks to fight the pandemic across artificial barriers.”

“And by coincidence, the PF regalia being used to make these masks is from China the same place where the disease first broke out from, then how safe are these PF branded masks?”

He added, “we are aware that some of our former senior UPND officials who have gone back to PF but still have lots of our party regalia, which they have been using to fake defections and may want to make UPND face masks.”

Mr. Katuka said the UPND is a decent party that does not engage in ungodly acts in making capital out of a deadly disease whose cure is still unknown.


    • Its not about the regalia but the votes,popularity is not about how many people are putting on regalia, rupiah painted the all country blue and dress trees with mmd regalia, where is him? pf clothed the all nation from head to toe with chitenjes, hoodies, work suits, what was their “WIN” margin? I didn’t see any landslide, even their chitenjes were put as flags in bustops and markets.

  1. The problem with upnd is that they are so predictable in their approach. No one has asked them to print masks with their symbols, and even if they did I don’t think anyone would be that bothered. Instead of engaging us on how we can work together, these empty tins only open their mouths in response to irrelevant things. How petty do you have to be to spend all day talking about a mere mask that is not funded by taxpayers money or your money. If the mask will save a life, does it matter if it has a symbol or not ? The wellwishers who funded this wanted the party symbol on them, so who am I or are you to tell them what they can or cannot do with their masks ? Grow up that is why you are professional election losers.

    • You should shurrup because you are not a UPND spokesperson. As PF you are embarrassing us and in any case you have embarrassed us enough. We should even be remorseful for bringing the country to its knees and stop stubbornness. You have been arrogant for too long and in any case nobody likes you in our party, that is why Stephen Masumba promised to come and sort you out. Sit down and behave, shaa

  2. On spot, KZ. Besides it was Obvious Mwaliteta of upnd who brought up the issue. Nothing to bother oneself with here.

  3. The funny thing is that Lazy Lungu endorsed those PF Branded face masks by buying them he must have been high fiving them cadres … any normal leader would have put his foot down…but Edgar is not a leader just a chucklehead waiting for the next PF campaign rally.

  4. I am sure if it’s worth it Ba Katuka. Use material available locally. Campaign materials is only free resources in Zambia.
    It is better to cut up those campaign T-shirts and chitenges to save lives, than use chitenge to make love.

  5. Zambian Citizen – As daft as you are I highly doubt it that you know that the twerp you are communicating with isn’t the Presidential Adviser but an imbecile sat in the UK subtly decamping PF with posts.

  6. Me I have just received my pf mask. Those that feel they don’t need a mask, then please ensure you stay home because the president was clear yesterday in his directive on masks. Do not say you were not warned when we lusambo you. Kz

  7. KZ, UPND Secretary General is reminding Zambians that politicising Covid-19 as PF regime is doing branding face masks with PF regalia that came from China where coronavirus originated is dangerous and insensitive to those who have died and others suffering of the same disease. PF face masks have not been certified by any medical experts nor meet WHO standards. PF and its members are puting Zambian lifes at risk with their PF face masks prone to spread the virus indiscriminately through out the country.
    KZ insulting well meaning citizens will not insulate you as public enemy of Zambia. You or impostor, Zambians will not forget that you have harassed, beaten, maimed, humiliated, kidnapped, fired guns and shot Zambians and dehumanise Zambians. Zambians deserve justice and time is coming to…

  8. Only Tinpot dictator Edgar Chagwa Lungu can allow such no sense. It is immoral at its highest to use corona virus as a campaign tool. Very uncultured and barbaric, archaic, cumbersome and *****ic to say the least, never ever take advantage of the current situation to campaigns for PF party, people are crying, mourning and in painful moment. Stop your crocodile tears we have known that you’re celebrating to use campaign PF branded masks. Useless PF leadership!!

  9. @Kaizer Zulu. Ninshi sunamvele pamane Sunday Chanda enzo kamba ati UPND should also cutout their chitenge material for masks?

  10. “Presidential Empowerment Iniative Fund buys face masks worth K25, 000 from local tailors for distribution”

    Screamed one head line , is that presidential fund used money from PF ??

    Don’t even argue with these dimwits …..every thing for them brand , we remember the toilet paper with lungus face on it ……utter dimwits

  11. This coronavirus bring out what Caliber of leaders we have Who cares about
    their narcissism.

    We need to embrace technology The group that is going to eminent out from this pandemic is those with access to International multifaceted of news.

    One of the recommendation will ask IMF. High
    speed Internet in all four corners of the Republic of Zambia has to be up and running Before they can release all the funds.

    UPND and PF time-out. Lusaka’s stock exchange stagnant on both of your watches.

  12. Thus us the time for PF to mass produce those party masks and distribute to Southern , Western and Northwestern provinces
    You will see how they will panic

  13. Truth be told upnd doesnt have the material to make masks, the material they have has a hh/gbm potrait now that gbm is now pf. He should start whipin anyone wearing a upnd tshirt with his image.

  14. @Daniel Chisebwe, what are you exactly referring to? Do you mean anything or something related to what is being referred to as 5G? May you please kindky clarify. Thanks.

  15. @Kenneth Kafunga Shachiinda

    “@Daniel Chisebwe, what are you exactly referring to?”

    Selfishness, involving a sense of entitlement, and a need for admiration.

  16. The first thing we should do as most Zambians is to stop politicking where it requires concerted efforts in fight the disaster such as the deadly COVID-19. Lets put politics aside and focus on what measures will help us erase this pandemic. Branding of any part face masks is politicking and should be condemned by all wise Zambians.

    This is not time for campaigning for PF to brand their face masks.

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