Sunday, September 29, 2024

Zambian lecturer in the UK dies from Covid-19


Tributes have been paid to a Swansea University lecturer and father-of-four who has died.

Brian Mfula, a lecturer in mental health nursing, was described as “an inspiring teacher who taught from the heart”.

The university where he worked said he died on Friday after a “battle with Covid-19”.

Mr Mfula was a father of four and described as a “dedicated family man”.

Professor Ceri Phillips, head of the College of Human and Health Sciences at Swansea University, said: “The College of Human and Health Sciences has been inundated with messages of condolence, all of which pay warm and heartfelt tribute to a dear friend and colleague.

“Students have described Brian as an inspiring teacher and role model who taught from the heart, and had a passion for mental health and nursing.

“Colleagues from across the college have made reference to his generous spirit, his warm personality and his highly infectious laugh, all of which made others feel good simply by being in his presence.

“His colleagues have also described him as a lovely man who will be sorely missed by themselves and his students.

“Brian was also recognised as a dedicated family man, and our thoughts and prayers are extended to his wife Mercy and children Kato, Nkweto, Thabo and Thandiwe for their tragic loss.”

Mr Mfula’s son Kato said he was “honoured” to be his son and described him as his “hero”.

He wrote on Twitter: “I never even got to say goodbye to my hero, my dad Brian Mwila Mfula. I’m so broken right now I don’t know what we’re going to do without. I love you so so so much and I’m honoured to call you my father but I’m even more honoured to be called your son.”

Source:Wales Online


  1. Human rights don’t save human life. RIP. Sad and low blow to family friends and country as Zambia. We continue to fight covid 19 here, human right or not. If we beaten you, it is beecoz we love you. Safety first, human rights later.

  2. This is the other side of covid-19 you dont see; all those people dying abroad have faces and families so when we say PF govt is simply touching on the surface in its fictitious fight against this pandemic hoping for it to pass, we know where we are coming from.

  3. Chi tarino you are a faacking dog. Do you hear me? A female faacking dog. A life has been lost and all you can do is talk bad about Zambia. To you those whites can’t do anything wrong even if one of our own dies there. You are a muzungu anikonde type. I hope you die sooner because you are a liability to us. Mukongo yako

  4. Very Sad…MHSRIEP….I am sure the fake Kaizar Zulu on this blog will be excited about the death of one in the diaspora…

  5. God naena sometimes… Lusamba na Kaiser are alive with hangovers today, but decent humans like Brian has died. This is unfair.

  6. @Lusambo
    I hope this *****ic uneducated thug does not become a regular contributor on LT. We already have one thug too many in KZ

    Brother Mfula MYSRIP

  7. Poetic Justice – that’s not Bowman its that silly childish impostor he has found a new hobby..its not easy to masquerade as two personalities. LT still continue to tolerate the boyo to post impersonations on their website yet they state that they have moderators all over the globe.

  8. In fact, N.3z /Mu2h0ta is the “Bowman” you are seeing now posting here.
    This lowlife N.3z has ZERO morals & lots of time on his psychotic personality disordered hands to post endless non productive tripe, the L.T sanctioned not.

  9. Ba Tarino awe sure. Brian is definitely outside PF jurisdiction for protection. He will not even count as a Zambian on WHO website for Zambians that have died of corona. I wonder why Dr Chilufya is counting the suicide one also.


    Following a rise in Covid-19 case in Lusaka, the epicenter of the pandemic, as Provincial Administration, we have intensified our inspections to ascertain levels of compliance to presidential directives to wear masks especially in public places.

    We toured InterCity Bus Terminals and we were impressed the general levels of compliance especially among bus crews who have provided face masks to their staff. The passengers who did not have face masks were encouraged to get one before boarding. It is also important that only those with essential travel undertake trips out of Lusaka

    It is critical that we continue exercising responsibility towards our own health and those of the people next to us.

    #StayHome #StaySafe



    Following a small rise in Covid-19 case in Lusaka, the epicenter of the pandemic, as Provincial Administration, we have intensified our inspections to ascertain levels of compliance to presidential directives to wear masks especially in public places.

    We toured InterCity Bus Terminals and we were impressed the general levels of compliance especially among bus crews who have provided face masks to their staff. The passengers who did not have face masks were encouraged to get one before boarding. It is also important that only those with essential travel undertake trips out of Lusaka

    It is critical that we continue exercising responsibility towards our own health and those of the people next to us.

    #StayHome #StaySafe


  12. @Poetic Justice
    This Lusambo impostor is the same Kaizar Zulu impostor….notice he cant even spell the names right…..Lusambo’s middle name is Chiloshi….and Kaizar is Kaizer….so dont be bothered by this low life impostor who is doing it for attention seeking…using famous people’s names…i think he has some serious mental problems who ever the impositor is….and the best way is to ignore him he will vanish just like Mushota from UK

  13. Brian Mfula, a lecturer in mental health nursing, was described as “an inspiring teacher who taught from the heart”. My brother I know a person can dodge death but I feel if you were in Zambia at this moment you could probably not have died. MYSRIP

    Brilliant intellect. You made us proud here in the UK. We will miss you greatly. My thoughts go to your immediate family and to close relatives back in Zambia.
    You were truly hard working and I still cherish your hospitality when I visited Swansea.

  15. God take him to His Bosom and bless his family with peace and comfort. In Christ we ask it. Amen.

    I hope we are all taking matters more seriously and unite to fight this battle, hand in hand no matter our differences.

  16. Dirty ,unplanned and crowded Lusaka is the next deaths hotspot for Covid-19 and the mayor is failing on preventions.

  17. Tomorole It’s a beautiful new week. Remember to continue sanitizing and maintaining social distance. Our collective resolve can defeat #Covid19.


  18. Honorable Sir with due respect what about those who av babies when need calls out to go and they don’t drive what they suppose to do to they babies and they av no one to look after the baby (assuming that) what’s the solution to babies?

  19. Zambians are becoming like the Chinese, without even realising it.

    Fake this, fake that. And they think it is funny.

    Anyway, RIP young man.

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