Sunday, September 29, 2024

Slot Machines Businesses in Compounds are flouting COVID-19 directives


The Zambia Gaming Association is concerned that some business houses involved in slot businesses have continued flouting President Edgar Lungu’s directives to suspend operations as a mitigating measure to curtail further spread of the COVID-19.

The association has observed that while some business entities like Casinos are fully complying with the directive meant to avoid overcrowding, some entities involved in Slot Businesses especially in the townships are not adhering to the directive with impunity.

Association Chairman Gift Simusamba has warned all businesses that are regulated by the Association that it will not hesitate to recommend revocation of their licences to the Ministry of Finance if found wanting.

While acknowledging that the gaming industry plays a key role in Zambia’s economic make up and job creation, Mr. Simusamba has noted the need for all stakeholders whether foreign or indigenous Zambians to observe the laid down laws and presidential directives.

He has advised members of the Association to endeavour to work closely with government in supplementing it’s efforts of fighting the pandemic that has ravaged the globe and not spared Zambia where 74 cases have been recorded, three deaths, and 35 discharged while 36 remain admitted as of 22nd April 2020.

Mr Simusamba noted that Zambia currently has one of the highest recovery rate with almost 50% of recorded cases having been discharged.

He says ZGA does not want its members to contribute in reversing the gains attained so far by government through various measures being employed.

Mr Simusamba said the Association will in the next few days commence a nationwide exercise to ascertain compliance levels of the Presidential directives for Casinos and businesses operating slot and gaming machines across the country.

This is according to a statement issued to the media by Simon Lungu, the Association Public Relations Director.


  1. Ati human rights ,kwisa? Donchi worry we soon cach up with them. Once my team target this area it will comply with president orders. We whip out covid mu chalo chesu cha Zambia

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