Sunday, September 29, 2024

FRA recovers 99 bags of stolen Mealie Meal


The Food Reserve Agency FRA has recovered ninety-nine (99) by 50 kilogramme bags of white maize worth over 10,000 Kwacha that were stolen in Luwingu District of Northern Province.

According to FRA public relations coordinator John Chipandwe,the theft was uncovered when alert Agency officers were conducting an intra-district movement of maize from Shitimali Satellite Depot in Luwingu to the main holding depot in the central part of Luwingu District.

“In fulfilment of the Food Reserve Agency’s goal statement of ”securing national strategic food reserves”, the Agency working in collaboration with the Zambia Police Service recovered the bags after an operation” Mr Chipandwe disclosed in a statement.

Mr Chipandwe further said the ninety-nine bags were stolen by Francis Mwamba at Shitimali Depot who worked with other unknown people.

He said Mr. Mwamba was arrested, taken to court and was convicted of the offence and was imprisoned with hard labour.

He cautioned the public to desist from stealing maize or any property from its strategic reserves and further stated that the agency is working closely with the Zambia Police Service and reliable informers stationed at all the storage facilities countrywide.

“Members of the public are therefore requested to help in securing national strategic food reserves by reporting anyone found selling maize in FRA branded bags to any nearest police station” Mr Chipandwe said


  1. When its a nobody stealing they will caught out up with you but PF officals and PF cadres are driving away with truckloads of FRA maize.


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