Monday, September 30, 2024

Form cooperatives to produce quality goods , says President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has urged citizens to form cooperatives to ensure that they meet quality and safety demands if the directive for Chain Stores to procure Zambian produce is to be actualised.

President Lungu says this is the only way that Zambia shall collectively achieve the national strategic objective to: “Produce Local, Buy Local, and Use Local”.

He said in order to self-sustain the country’s economy now and in the long-term, Zambians must first produce local, buy local, and use local, and then export more.

President Lungu said with Courage, Patriotism, Collective Action, Perseverance and Hope, Zambians must face the days ahead, knowing too well that the country shall covid-19.

During his third address to the Nation on COVID-19 on 24th April 2020, the President directed the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry to ensure that chain stores prioritise local agricultural products in their localities.

He said the current situation Zambia find itself in opens a window of opportunity for Zambian farmers to produce and sell their products to chain stores, that for a long time have denied them business and opted for foreign products.

“If a chain store is in Chipata, let them buy agriculture products from our farmers in Eastern province. Under the circumstances we are in, only products that cannot be sourced from locals should be imported”, he said.

He expressed hope that once this is actualised, even after COVID-19, farmers will continue trading with these chain stores.

Meanwhile, Economics Association of Zambia President Lubinda Habazoka says the directive to the Ministry of Commerce by President Edgar Lungu to ensure that local farmers are given preference in chain stores should excite all those that are in farming.

Dr Habazooka has advised small scale farmers to form groups where they can guarantee quality, quantity and timely delivery to chain stores.

He said this is a big plus to those that are in farming and know the hustle.

Dr Habazooka notes that it has been difficult to get local goods on shelves and this move will significantly reduce pressure on the Zambian Kwacha.

He also emphasized on the need for local businesses to consider opening chain stores which will procure most of the local products.

And on the President’s directive for the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission to consolidate all monies available in all empowerment funds and direct them towards helping SMES and in particular youth groups, women groups and those that have been hit the hardest, Dr Habazooka said this is that time when citizens will be sensitized about various funds available to them for businesses.

He said this move will create new businesses and add value.

“It’s up to businesses to ask their MPs for clarity on the availability of such monies. This is not money to misuse but should go into business ventures”, he said.


  1. There is no way UPND and PF can form a cooperative together. Be more specific, cooperatives in chikanda, delele, or what’s in your mind Ba Edgar??
    Let’s give ideas which make sense. FRA should go out and buy vegetables from Luapula and sell in Lusaka.
    Zambian farmers don’t understand transportation systems, except HH who supply Zambeef.

  2. Is there something wrong wth this man, President Lungu? That’s not a new concept. Ask professional staff in the Ministry of Agriculture to tell you why cooperatives fail in Zambia. They know the reasons very well.

    • Am also wondering, are we in the same country, the ministry already has lists and names of cooperatives, the only problem is the cooperatives department under ministry of agriculture is not given much publicity and was only used for fertilizer distribution to small scale farmers, do we still have cooperative offices at agro ministry?

  3. This is not true he said that. We cooperatives everywhere. where are they??? And then Haabazoka the story of two decades is all to offer. Guys if you’re tired take a break. Weere are the like of the Mangande please? Kikikikiki

  4. This man is wise. Ba president this is what is needed. We can see from comments above that the lazy chaps in diaspora expect everything to be done for them. A government is there to facilitate, offer guidance and step in when thing go wrong. This is not diaspora where you can sit on your backside all day and sponge off taxpayers money through benefits.

    • How sad. An imposter working in the hope of receiving salvation from a starving country. what a waste of time for you in diaspora Mushota going back poor and hope to be fed by PF. We are supposed to go wealthy and build the economy you sad state of a human being. I guess prost1tut1ion dint help with nick. hahahahahahaha

  5. After almost 8 years this is when this incompetent excuse of a president is waking up ????

    You should have been making and acting on those pronouncements in your first year in state house ,

    Now he and his cronies have looted and Blown Zambia’s future prospects is when he is thinking about fundamentals ???

    I have no words

  6. This is vague advice with no substance…in order to attain required supermarket standard produce you require funding …how can you form a group when you are all broke…the lazy man is still relying on this fat boy Lubinda Habazoka with Russian papers.

  7. Look at this impostor he is still spewing his anti-diaspora rants yet he has a UK flag against his name…really daft and laughable indeed.

    • He fooled me thanks to you. I never though the real KZ would be such a dundrum empty tin but was surprised he was and wasn’t real. All good thanks tarino

  8. Give capital through CEEC, upto now you havent given us for fish farming. And ensure Margaret and her hubby pay back

  9. PWII – CEEC is just a tool for corruption …there are a lot of NGOs with foreign funding that are doing wonders in micro funding in Chongwe if PF were serious they would partner with them.

  10. You would have to be quite slow to think that some one in my sensitive position would access such a site using my genuine IP address. All government officials are advised to use VPN connections when using government electronic facilities. This is for security reasons. If I blogged with my genuine IP address I am at risk of cyber attacks which would put at risk government data. You were too quick to celebrate. I have nothing against diasporans just the minority sad inferior ones like tarino and co. I can’t take cat power seriously because he is just a useless big bozo the clown.

  11. The truth is that we can grow our own economy locally. President Kaunda started this in the ’70’s with ‘go back to the land,’ campaign. Shutting out unecessary Imports and foreign goods. We can build a strong economy ourselves. This is very good and a good response to the pandemic. Even Tourism can be upheld by citizens taking holidays locally, in Staycation tourism. The Tourism sector must appeal to Zambians, and they should wake up to the potential of home citizens by creating attractive low cost packages. We have beaches like Samfya and lots others that can be developed to suit citizen holidays. We need to inculcate the holiday notion into Zambian minds, it’s not just for foreigners. Traditional Festivals must be promoted for locals. LETS GO ZAMBIA!

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