Sunday, September 8, 2024

UPND Troubles in Western Province Continues as Youth Oppose dissolution of executive Committee


UPND youths in the Western province have warned party president, Hakainde Hichilema of a looming destruction of the party if the decision to dissolve its executive committee is not rescinded within 48 hours.

Youths said they were disappointed with Mr Hichilema for failing to reverse the ‘illegal’ dissolution of the executive committee despite several pleas.

Youth chairperson, Mbangu Mbangu, said the dissolution was illegal because elections were supposed to start from the lower structures.

Mr Mbangu said the party had abandoned officials who had sacrificed a lot for it to get where it was today.

“I was shot in Mulobezi and still have some bullets inside me, I have been in prison all because of UPND,” he said

Mr Mbangu has since given Mr Hichilema 48 hours to see to it that the decision to dissolve the executive committee in the Western province was rescinded.

And provincial vice youth chairman for politics, Boyd Muyotwa, said all the 19 constituencies had agreed to melt the party in the province if the dissolution was not rescinded.

Mr Muyotwa said youths in the province would not let a few selfish individuals destroy the party by imposing their preferred leadership.

He said the leaders that had been abandoned helped build the party together with its founder, Anderson Mazoka.

Meanwhile, provincial youth chair lady, Munkombwe Mufwambi, warned that the UPND was headed for doom if a few selfish individuals were allowed to make illegal decisions.

“The same dissolved committee there is an old man, Mbingi Shishwashwa who was the right hand man of Mazoka, today they want to abandon him, we won’t allow that,” she said.


  1. The sleepy sheep in upnd are finally waking up. However I would advise these young fellas to move swiftly and carefully because hh won’t stop at anything to destroy anyone who comes into his path. He is power obsessed and a danger to society. Good luck

  2. UPND should delete those juveniles on watch-imbwa and observer gumption before doing any more damage in party.
    Those online useless websites cost UPND elections.
    Then stop being dictors. Do like you did in Northern province. GBM dissolved leaders, but party went back to reinstate them.
    Listen to what those lazy lozis are saying.

  3. We should dissolve the UPND Central Committee starting with bo Hakainde. These guys have been in the committee with no elections and have delivered nothing for the more than 10 years. We have failed to put a president in state house. We have lost every presidential election. Mwanawasa raised from his bedroom beat us, Banda from the farm beat us, Sata beat us and even the unknown Edgar then beat us twice!! Guys are we serious with this Hakainde and his team? They have have failed and shoulg go. The problem is not the lower structures. Hakainde, Gary, Mweetwa, and all central committee must pave way for new leaders.

  4. Internal wrangles are normal in any given organisation or institution, that includes UPND, so dont magnify the issue. Let the Central Committee resolve that issue. We have hard wrangles in PF, MMD, UNIP, which have been resolved each time they come up. I would like to advise my brothers, the UPND youths in Western province to sober up and not listen to hatters but engage their Central Committee to sort out that problem,

  5. Malweeza yatalika ku muloonga.Ichisakanya chilakubusha,nga chakulya mulandu obe.The much talked about “2021 is coming” will be a disaster for upnd,the writings have started to apear on the wall.Benangu bantu baza kafenta niku uzani!

  6. Has Western Province decided to side with the rigging team? PF is not a winning team, but rigging team.

    • And the entire Zambia has seen through the I have no vision of lungus own statement and PF as a party of thieves carders and riffraff’s. Of Zambia is stuck auto pilot MH370

  7. The youths in Western province have expressed sentiments that are prevalent in all parties in Zambia. Those who do not take heed will do so at their peril. To begin to impose individuals on the people is un democratic and does not build up the party but destroys it. UPND need to accommodate such views and resolve them internally. The UPND should have learnt lessons in the last elections of their selection of candidates that was opposed in many constituencies and the huge uproar at their secretariat following adoptions was a clear sign people’s decisions were not respected. However, the youths should not use a gun of threats of ultimatum as that is equally counter productive. What is expected is for the party now to engage with everyone concerned and resolve the issue internally.

  8. This UPND central Committee has tried everything to get HH to state house but failed!. Look, they tried to work with SATA but he realised cannot work with the under five. They brought in Milupi and it has failed. They brought in Mutati, Lupando Mwape failed. They started using Chief Mukuni …it has failed! They brought in GMB….it has failed!!. They tried Kambwili in Roan, ..he abandoned them in Chilubi. They had an opportunity at the constitution court…their lawyers messed it up. SO WHO IS THE STRATEGIST FOR UPND??? Whoever it is has failed . That is why we are calling for the Central committee to go NOW!!

  9. Please guys in Western province just come together and solve the problem there is no party with no issues problems are to be solved.

  10. Kz, let me expless gratitudes to you, its good that you are back, yesterday these morons in the diaspora ,bene tarino were sayin u have gone for good,we learn alot from u because you know how to analyse issues. As for the upnd the solution is to remove the he goat at the helm of the party.

  11. Western province UPND members and everyone in the province need to realise falling prey to PF schemes will make the province even worse for its already the most undeveloped province in Zambia. Even Luapula that had no tap water a few years ago is receiving chunks of development from PF because of crooks in PF who hail from there. PF regime got loans to build Lewanika University and youths in Western province still can not go to university for there is nothing in Western province. The bog tragedy is that EVEN THE VICE PRESIDENT COMES FROM WESTERN PROVINCE. The loan PF got for Lewanika university was diverted to MUchinga and Northern provinces. Beware of PF regime, they don’t care about western province.

  12. There’s no one in the UPND at the moment who has a legal mandate to lead, all are illegally occupying office and so such dissent will be very common especially as we go towards elections. It’s quite embarrassing when you issue instructions and your juniors defy you. Can you seek a fresh mandate from your members because it expired 10 years ago

  13. To those wondering about my flag, it has always been the english one even before LT decided to get rid of the flags. As previously explained, I use a VPN connection which sets me an IP address based in foreign countries. This is for security reasons. Diaspora do not celebrate thinking i have joined you there. I may own properties in london but my home shall forever be zambia. KZ

  14. These are the politics we want to see. Enough is Enough let hh sober up he thought wamuyayaya 15yrs at the helm, am appearing to kz to pleas to talk to the relavant authorities award hh with the consistant looser’s medal. During any annual event cerebrations. Maibe he can quit with an award, mind you he has never been a section chairman.

  15. Africa will remain Africa because of in-fightings! We don’t know how to share power. It doesn’t matter whether you are PF or UPND! They are all Chitenge materials from the same cloth! When you see in-fightings, know that it’s about hunger. There is no honour among the hungry!

  16. Most African leaders are greedy ,pompous ,power hungry and suffers from delusions of grandeur and only believe in their own greatness and importance even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary . The think that the citizens owe them something and need to pay back by them staying in leadership at all costs without allowing others to participate and no elections at end of tenure .Kano fye ebena, …There is abig difference between African and western politics .In Europe when a leader is defeated in an election or not wanted by people in his constituency he will immediately resign. In africa he wont give in easily.Why . Reason as above ,Kano ebena. Shame on you guys


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