Sunday, September 8, 2024

Let’s unite to fight challenges in Zambia-Yaluma


Malole Member of Parliament, Christopher Yaluma, has called for unity of purpose when addressing challenges such as the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and floods in Northern province.

Mr. Yaluma, who is also Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, said Zambians need to embrace love and unity in overcoming the challenges which the country is facing currently.

He said this when he held a sensitisation meeting on the coronavirus, also known as Covid-19 pandemic, in Mabula ward of Mungwi district.

And Mr. Yaluma has urged people in his constituency to seriously follow the Covid-19 preventive measures which Ministry of Health has put in place.

The lawmaker also donated some hygiene items to help prevent the spread of coronavirus.

He said people should continue protecting themselves by observing the preventive measures such as avoiding none-essential travels, public gatherings and handshakes.

And speaking when he received the donation on behalf of the people of Mabula ward, village headman Mwila Mabula thanked the Member of Parliament for the help.

Headman Mabula has however appealed to Mr. Yaluma to extend the assistance to people in remote areas where access to radio and television is a challenge.

He noted that people in remote areas have little or no information on the Covid-19 pandemic.

The coronavirus pandemic, which first broke out in China, has spread throughout the world killing over 200,000 people and infecting nearly three million others.

The respiratory disease has also affected Zambia with Lusaka being the epicentre and Kafue and Chingola districts as other hotspots. So far, three lives have been lost to the disease.

Northern Province has not been affected by the virus since the first case was recorded in Zambia on March 18, 2020.

However, the province, including parts of Mungwi district, have been affected by floods resulting from excessive torrential rains which have washed away homes and crops, leaving people in destitution.


    • Lusaka times what about the part where he was preaching hate against people from southern province, the information people from the north are been fed is so dangerous to national unity, the only way southerners will counter this misinformation by pf cadres like yaluma, is to also take to the media and show the people that feel at home in the south from other regions, go to those fishing camps. And most of these guys peddling this hate are married to Tonga ladies, one wonders the future they sowing for their own kids.

    • Civil Servants irritate me with their necklaces of Name tags, Computer Flash disks and Access Control Cards even when they’re out of their work environment. It’s more like the standard way of identifying all those to steal out tax Kwacha!!!!

  1. This is laughable indeed, Tribalist calling for unity and is he not the one who told his constituents not to wear PF masks in southern because they are bad people? What type of unity is he preaching when he is so divisive? Is he on drugs? PF must go.

  2. A lot of sense spoken here. Ubuntu is part of us as zambian and African. This way of life is unheard of in western communities. That is why the diasporans have grown to become very individualistic, stingy and critical of others.

  3. What is it with Kaizer Zulu and diasporans? I really want to know. Can somebody please help me.

  4. Is this not the same moron who two days ago was telling the nation that Tongas are bad people? What do these PF thugs smoke?

  5. This ethnic bias in Cabinet is chocking these guys. This guy is just another tribalist who finds pleasure in inciting hate against the people of
    Southern province. Meanwhile, his boss will remain quite while claiming to be president for all Zambians.

  6. Unity of purpose when you are greedy and enriching yourselves with tax payers money with your fellow PF bandits…..learn to share first…ba makaka skanka pankunya

  7. Ba LT be objective we all know that you have skipped the part where he walked and talked that tribal talk. He is just a goon promoting hatred among citizens.

  8. Its sad that this moron is still in cabinet with his rotten mindset…surely what do Presidents see in this man is it his papers the man is absolutely useless!!

  9. when you cause damage, the best is to apologize than to pretend you have done nothing wrong. Given an opportunity, i would cease it by offering an apology no matter how fake it is.

  10. Christopher Yaluma must have some secrets about PF hence the reason the keep appointing him when he is a consistent non performer!!

  11. I wonder how his Tonga wife feels when she gives him a cake at night!? He is very stuoid minister indeed!

  12. Commerce Minister. No industries, so why keep the portfolio in cabinet, just put up a directorate under Ministry of Finance to handle the little commerce issues. A country with a GDP of 25 billion dollars, Indias tycoon Mukeshi Ambai is worth 43 billion dollars, just an individual twice the GDP of Zambia. This ka country of ours is small ehh,

  13. Tribalist now calling for unity. What a joker he is. KZ, please castigate him for his tribal remarks before praising him for this unity call.

  14. what is honorable about this chap?he is inciting hatred against our friends..ulekwata ko amano chimutwe

  15. Where does this person even get the nerve to talk about unity so soon after uttering filthy tribal remarks? Why is it that Lunch remains quiet when his minister engage in unbridled tribal talk? The real tribalists are showing their true colours after failing to pin tribalism on others.

  16. @PM, it’s surprising that the president is pretending he has not heard what this moron tribalist has said. What sort of leadership is this, not even at primary school can you get away with this. This is what you get when a president is captured, failure to lead thriving on tribal division.

    Say one thing in the morning & do the exact opposite in the evening.

  18. If you go to southern province u will communicate in nyanja bemba tonga lozi they will hear and respond go to the northern part of the country they r proud to learn other pipos languages and thats the truth

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