Friday, October 18, 2024

Suspend PAYE for all Healthcare first responders for at least 3 months


By Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

The United Party for National Development (UPND) continues to sympathize with ordinary people whose lives have been disrupted, and in many cases destroyed, due to the non consultative response approach adopted by the Patriotic Front (PF) regime to COVID19.

Let it be known, that the UPND has always advocated for smart incentives targeted at not only supporting the mainstream economy by delivering targeted incentives aimed at helping the wider business environment ride the COVID19 storm, the UPND is also on the record for having called for the suspension of VAT, PAYE for businesses and individuals, as well as suspending some taxes on the pump price of fuel for a period of at least Three (3) months in order to shore up economic activity.

This is intended to work side by side with a robust public debt renegotiation strategy to suspend debt repayments for a determined duration, with the principal aim of freeing up resources into the mainstream economy.

We are particularly concerned, that our healthcare workers – the doctors, nurses, clinical and laboratory technicians, including cleaners and many other first responders; have continued to diligently serve our country on the frontline of the fight against COVID19 with zero incentives.

Our healthcare workers across the board are having to do an incredibly difficult job of being first responders at a great personal risk to their own health, as well as that of their loved ones; with inadequate protective wear and support equipment, and without any added incentives to motivate their exceptional efforts.

And while we continue to call on the PF regime to deliver robust economywide incentives to help individuals, households and SMEs ride the COVID19, the UPND is particularly calling on the PF government to immediately suspend Pay – As – You – Earn (PAYE) for ALL our doctors, nurses, clinical and laboratory technicians, cleaners; and all identifiable first responders in the fight against COVID19.

This is to say thank you for their effort, dedication and professionalism in our time of this unprecedented public health crisis.

This is not the time for the government to renew its appetite to attack the household economy with persistent taxation. This is a time for the government to loosen its grip on taxation, particularly for our healthcare responders and allow them the lattitude of a liberated conscience as these frontliners lead the fight against COVID19.


  1. This highly charged politically biased worm is at it again. Please learn to liaise with respective ministries before issuing disparaging political articles. You will find that some of the rubbish you raise are already dealt with or are in the process of being implemented. The government does not act by knee jerk. There are processes and rules we follow. So I advise you, if you are genuine , to engage government through the right channels. Kz

  2. That sounds great for our Frontline health workers but the problem is that PF government is broke. PF government is broke and they cannot implement such suspension of vat and paye. Edgar Lungu and his colleagues destroyed the economy and if you see them scampering for covid-19 donations just know that the public coffers has dried up.

  3. Poor advice, there a lot of people driving the economy and contribute immensely indirectly to the fight, such decision if considered can lead to the collapse of the economy. Are thise the people who wants to form government?????????

  4. The title was good, but as usual the UPND version of the PF’s mouth piece had to rant on meaninglessly. Stick to the original subject.

  5. Please can we be real on some of the proposals we make to sitting govts. If you u suspend PAYE, VAT to all the suggested industries where will this broke govt get the money from?

    Already you are on record pushing donors to suspend any help to govt and very little money is coming into zed.

    You are the next govt unless you dont want to enter state house in 2021, so I call on u UPND to begin exercising pragmatic governance now as u advise outgoing govt .

    I wish you well

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