Sunday, September 8, 2024

This is one of the most unusual labour day holidays in Zambia’s recent history-President Lungu


As Zambia marks the labour day today on which workers commemorate the value of human capital President Edgar Lungu says this is one of the most unusual labour day holidays in Zambia’s recent history where workers will not gather as they are forced celebrate it from homes.

The President has however urged workers to use this opportunity to reflect on their real individual and collective contributions as Patriotic citizens of Zambia in this challenging time.

He said it is also a time that workers should take stock of the efforts Government is putting in place to cushion the impact of this slowdown on the lives of the average Zambian family and businesses, large and small.

“We hang on to the hope and trust that we shall overcome and our dedicated labour force and human capital will once again go back into their productive units with most of them employers and creators of their own jobs”, he said.

President Lungu highlighted some of the ways in which his Government is supporting workers’ contributions with a lot more mitigating and supportive measures being rolled out.

He said the Bank of Zambia has provided a K10 Billion line of credit to banks that may face liquidity challenges and has also directed the Minister of Finance to ensure that priority is given to SMEs adversely affected by the COVID-19 outbreak such as schools, gymnasiums, restaurants, bars, and nightclub owners whose businesses have been halted and have sent their workers home.

The President said Commercial banks are obliged to give them loans at an affordable rate to enable their businesses to survive.

President Lungu said his Government has already released K500 million to the public service pensions fund to pay over 1,500 retirees or their beneficiaries adding that government has already released K170 million to banks to clear third party arrears.

He said the government has already released K140 million to various road contractors and decided to waive tax penalties and interest on outstanding tax liabilities resulting from the impact of COVID-19 which will assist companies and businesses to manage their cash flows during this period when they are faced with reduced revenues.

He added that the Government will extend the list of medical supplies that are not subject to import duty and value-added tax for an initial period of six months. This is also meant to expedite the provision of medical-related devices needed to support the fight against COVID-19.

The President said he has already directed the Ministry of Commerce, Trade, and Industry to ensure that all chain stores prioritize local agricultural products in their localities. Under the circumstances we are in, only products that cannot be sourced from locals should be imported saying this is the only way that Zambia shall collectively achieve its national strategic objective to: “Produce Local, Buy Local, and Use Local”.

President Lungu acknowledged that for Zambia to achieve its desired inclusive, robust, and resilient economic growth in the near-term and in the long-term, the nation must first; produce local, buy local, and use local, and then export more.

“To our nation’s labour force in the formal and informal sectors, you are the true value of this nation. I thank you once again for your contributions to this nation”, he added.


  1. Only a tonga man can lead Zambia to success. We have tried all tribes and none of them have done anything. Tonga men are strong like bulls and also intelligent. I have dated men from all over world and my biggest disappointment was a bemba man who was weak in bed and stole my money.

  2. Gymnasiums in Zambia?? Even if speech was intended well, always turns to sound childish.
    Why copy terms from Europe? Even that risky minister the- slow – Chitalu Chilufya like to copy words from cnn, like when reach “plateau”.
    Just use Zambian terms, be real, don’t sound styupid.

  3. But this man, my boss and Zambias boss, father etc is very wise. A humble man sharing very wise words. He doesn’t rush to issue irrelevant statements like the infant HH. I was shocked to learn that HH is now a renowned joker on Facebook and social media. He even uses words like bally. How very unprofessional and childish. I think his stay in prison during his treason case had had a lasting impact on his mental health. Kz

  4. By the way I have been receiving lots of emails since I advertised my range rover for sale here. It appears I am getting lots of emails from diasporans. Please I am not selling to diasporans I know most of you are broke, live off handouts and can’t afford it. Do not waste my time. Kz

  5. Until I listened to the audio of Elias Kamanga and Chimbaka begging for their lives that’s when I tried to figure out the role of the Ministry of Freedom Sikazwe. No wonder he has no office nor PS, very strange Ministry

  6. Comment #1 Hon Payne Mwamba that comment is as unwelcome as a punch in the throat.

    Otherwise, good to see government doing what it can to preserve the economy from further damage. There are no quick solutions in this crisis and even developed countries are on a blind flight to an unkown destination. A long-term strategy is required. Especially when it comes to food security on the African continent. We can look into the future with confidence if we fill our barns now.

  7. “Republican President Edgar Lungu has said that he will not abuse his office to fix people.”
    – February 2015

    I prefer the original President His Excellency Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, not this current President His Excellency Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu. The preoccupation of the current president seems to be how to remain in state house.

  8. Hey did ka Chimuka AKA Tarino gave you back your money? All we need is a person who will take our motherland to greater and new horizons economically if its HH or any other be it as long as they are equal to the task at hand. No thieves we are already poor and many have stolen from us……….

  9. “The President has however urged workers to use this opportunity to reflect on their real individual and collective contributions as Patriotic citizens of Zambia in this challenging time.”

    And that includes you Dr President. What are you going to do better than your preceding five years as President? Please pack any vindictiveness, become a better president, and ensure a good legacy that we shall fondly remember you for on your 96th birthday.

  10. Ba Nostradamus, “plateau” is now a medical term in COVID-19 English. Even if you used a bemba or tonga term it still means the same. And the good Minister Hon Dr Chitalu Chilufya was speaking in English wasn’t he? Isn’t English the official language in Zambia? You want him to speak in 79 languages including the latest, Chinese?
    Please leave our good Doctor alone!

  11. Nine Chale – If I were you I would ignore that comment especially anything with a UK flag on it and the blogger is trying to cause division.

  12. Its only unusual to Lazy Lungu because he is forced to sit at home instead of a watching workers who are not paid on time matching past him …now he is just reading speeches even he doesnt understand.

  13. He promised 5 million new jobs to the unemployed Zambian people.
    GDP at less than 2% , national debt of $19billion,exchange rate($1 USD-ZMK18) ,Food basket at ZMK 7,500.
    We have not forgotten.
    2021 is just next year.

  14. @Hon Payne Mwamba Kapema.
    I know you think that’s just politically incorrect and so it must be true. You’re wrong, and you being wrong reflects the poor critical thinking you have.
    You thought process is no different from those racist whites who think Africans (blacks) are incapable to self rule.
    The failure of Zambia to rise above it’s problems is not a tribal problem but a national one.
    Also, the next time you’re in Zambia let me know. I don’t disappoint in bed. I’ll rock your bones, you’ll even refuse to go back ku mangalande.

  15. Indeed Mr P! Very unusual to fire Namachila on May Day!
    His crime was trying to stop PF officials from looting Gold! And because of having the wrong Surname, he got a severe punishment sadly on May Day. Only time will tell.

  16. “Amazon’s CEO tells investors ‘you may want to take a seat,’ as he explains why the company will spend ‘entirety’ of $4 billion profit.”
    Jeff Bezos: ‘We are inspired by all the essential workers we see doing their jobs — nurses and doctors, grocery store cashiers, police officers, and our own extraordinary frontline employees.”

    “The President has however urged workers to use this opportunity to reflect on their real individual and collective contributions as Patriotic citizens of Zambia in this challenging time.
    He said it is also a time that workers should take stock of the efforts Government is putting in place to cushion the impact of this slowdown on the lives of the average Zambian family and businesses, large and small.” LT

    PF time-out!

  17. Mr president please can you guide these banks how much % thy should use because as at now thy are charging too much

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