Monday, March 3, 2025

Zambia Development Agency visiting food industry to appreciate the challenges the investors are facing


The Zambia Development Agency is visiting the private sector in the food industry to appreciate the challenges and opportunities the investors are facing.

The Agency’s visitation is in a bit to ascertain the country’s food production capacity as Zambia is moving towards self-sustainability in food substances following the restrictions in the importation of certain foodstuffs in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

ZDA Acting Director-General Matongo Matamwandi on 7th May led a team of experts from the Agency to Ross Breeders Zambia farm in Chainda, the Feed production plant and the Supreme Chickens abattoir in Mimosa area in order to have an appreciation of the industry.

Mr. Matamwandi revealed that the Agency picked Ross Breeders because of their out-grower scheme and the opportunities that the poultry sector offers as one of the low hanging fruits in trying to find quick solutions to food self-sufficiency for Zambia.

He said the challenges the poultry sector and Ross Breeders, in particular, are facing are related to policy, operations as well as the information gap between industry and policymakers.

Mr. Matamwandi noted that the Agency is more convinced that the Investor Symposium which it held last year for the first time is an important platform that helps deal with challenges that the private sector is facing as it brings both government and industry under one roof.

He has encouraged all business associations across sectors to be part of this year’s Investor Symposium.

Mr. Matamwandi reiterated that the Agency is looking at making the Investor Symposium an annual event so as to continue bridging the information gap between government and the private sector.

Meanwhile, Mr. Matamwandi has commended Ross Breeders Zambia for their over 37 million dollars investment in the economy and over 1200 jobs they have created for the people of Zambia.

He said the company is also contributing to the foreign exchange earnings as they export to over 10 countries in Southern and Central Africa.

Mr. Matamwandi further reiterates that the company is also providing a ready market for small scale farmers for both maize and soya beans of all quantities and the out grower scheme that it is running.

And Ross Breeders Managing Director Colin Lindsay expressed gratitude for the commitment that the Zambia Development Agency showed towards supporting the growth of the poultry industry in the country.

Mr. Lindsay notes that his group of companies will continue to work with government and small scale poultry farmers create the much needed jobs for the people of Zambia.


  1. Well over 50 years after independence only a white man can still come and create jobs….
    We the native has only specialized in witch craft, drinking, stealing and making babies.

  2. Well over 50 years after independence only a white man can still come and create jobs….
    We the native have only specialized in drinking, stealing and making babies.

  3. Was that all they could say, these experts? Wht about the disabling business climate of high interest rates, the toll crime imposes on the cost of doing business, inefficient Judiciary, high price and high taxes on petroleum products which we are told govt is subsidising but surprisingly also taxing highly? How do u tax wht you’re also subsidising?

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