Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Malawian President’s arrival in Pictures



Traditional dancers from Lundazi performing at Lusaka international airport as part of the tradition to welcome visitors to Zambia


Traditional dancers from Lundazi performing at Lusaka international airport as part of the tradition to welcome visitors to Zambia.


Malawian President Mbingu Wa Mutarika alights from his Presidential plane when he arrived at Lusaka international airport.


President Rupiah Banda embraces his Malawian counterpart Bingu Wa Mutarika at Lusaka international airport


Nyau dancers of Gule Wamukulu dancing before receiving Malawian President Mbingu Wa Mutarika at Lusaka international airport


Nyau dancers of Gule Wamukulu dancing before receiving Malawian President Mbingu Wa Mutarika at Lusaka international airport.


President Banda's official Mercedes Benz arrives at the show with Malawian President Bingu Wa Mutharika on board


  1. Kwithu ku Lundazi, Kanele bokosi wanu. Kunchunga zamusuzi uswesi. Muganda from Lundazi. Gule wamukulu. Those were days in Lundazi inwe. I was born in Lundazi, educated in Zandazi. Awe mwandi these pics have made my day. Naimwe ba Yohane #2 Insansa kuchunjanya. Its our turn Lundazi people today.

  2. @John I think it was to make him feel at home because those are dances found in Malawi as well.
    Does Mutharika also have a challenger? Aint it strange how african leaders really aspire to lead affluent lives yet they don’t see any reason why the people they lead should lead just a mare decent life. So much greed its nauseating!

  3. Of course what do you expect from people like # 4 and # 5. Just look around those countries you are now squatting in. Dont you wish mother Zambia had progressed in the same manner. Can your Lundazi roads accommodate mobile clinics? Well that is what easterners are bringing to the table. We are yet to see more mediocre leadership from eastern. ” It our our time – My foot! # 4″

  4. Wa Mutarika is a typical Malawian, very dodgy character. His utterances are a dangerous recipe aimed at causing hostilities amongst Zambians especially at this time when campaigns for the 2011 elections are getting on. Away with peace destroyers!

  5. #6….What do you find wrong about my statement. Have you never had a visitor at home and you prepare their local dish just make them feel at home? Presidency is about a person and not a tribe. If RB is mediocare doesnt meant easterners are the same. Do you become dull just because your siblings or parents are dull? I bet you don’t even realise just from your statement that you are a tribalist. I belong to One Zambia One Nation and not the easterner, bemba, lozi, Tonga, bantu botatwe clicks. Abash trabalism abash! Abashi John abashi. Muleikalafye nga tamukwete ifyakulanda.

  6. Wow! LT thanks.
    Rare appearances…I miss home makamaka Ivindungu. Zambeziland indeed is motherland. Inspite of the artificial colonial lines called boundaries, we are one people.
    Can you please, also show us Imbeni, Akalela, Makishi dances etc.

  7. Yes let us warn this Wamutalika that he should not poke his very big nose in our elections next year as a way of paying back RB. The international community is watching these two dull guys.

  8. # 8 You are drunk with your tribal’s man being in power and practising open tribalism. Even your one zambia one nation is hollow. Take a leaf from KK, that is if you were already an adult. Easterners are RB’s strong hold and dont see anything wrong with the way he is governing this country. Ask the chiefs from Eastern may be can repeat how they instructed RB to run this government. Its people like you easterners who need to be abashed. Is lundazi the only local dish in zambia you n.u.m.s.k.u.l.l! You stand up and advise your man that Zambia is not NAMBOARD or Ministry of foreign affairs where he practised open tribalism, then we shall support you!

  9. #10, Ba John you seem to have some beef with RB and Easterners. Well I am not an Easterner and you can tell from my name what I am. I just respectively wanted to tell you that I like the way in which RB is governing the country. Our GDP will grow by more than 6% this year and Bob Sichinga expects it to post an even higher figer. Mr. Sata is my brother, but he does not qualify to govern a country like Zambia in this day and age. The world has changed a great deal and Mr. Sata just doesn’t have the intellectual tools to deal with the complexities of today’s world. For instance if we were to send Bashi Chilufya to the United Nations we would only be embarrased as a nation.

  10. #10 Ba John, Of course Bashi Chilufya is winning the Chifubu by-election but it still does not change the urgument. The Copperbelt is undergoing very serious structural changes changes in employment from a state mining company providing miners with everything from pensions and housing to healthcare to private mining houses which employ only a handful of employees and contract most of their operations. These changes are necessary to reduce the cost of mining copper. But of course the people are incessed and Bashi chilufya is the beneficiary of that anger as he can promise anything he wants.

  11. # 13 Are you listening to your self, mr theory! Yangu tata totally brain washed. Stick to your 6% and remember me when the price of bread, sugar, cooking oil, mealie meal and fuel goes up this time next year. I feel for you my brother. Hey we are cashing on the falling kwacha and scooping all your women!

  12. Was worried to hear the Malawian presidentz statements at the show grounds when he started saying ”Viva MMD and Viva Rupiya Banda”.did he came to viva the mmd n banda or viva showgrounds.Help me.

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