Friday, October 18, 2024

Over K78 million donated to COVID-19 fight-State


Secretary to the treasury Fredson Yamba has announced that the estimated total of cash and donations in Kind is K78, 150, 914.30 million.

Mr Yamba says this figure excludes pledges that have not been honored and items whose value has not yet been communicated to us.

He said for the period 1st March 2020 to 30th April 2020, 19 individuals and organizations contributed K9.78 million cash.

Mr Yamba said all cash donors to collect stamped Government receipts from room 36 in the Accountant General’s Division at the Ministry of Finance in accordance with Financial Management Laws.

He said the total value of donations-in-kind received from individuals, organizations, and other well-wishers, is K68, 370, 159.21 million.

Mr Yamba said between 1st March 2020 to 30th April 2020, one-hundred-and-nine 109 individuals and organizations made donations in kind through the Ministry of Health. The estimated value of these donations is K66.2 million.

He said the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit received donations estimated at K1.55 million from twelve donors.

Mr Yamba said the Ministry of Community Development received donations-in-kind estimated at K52, 500, Ministry of Finance K52, 750, and Muchinga Province K479, 586.

He said the donations-in-kind comprised Personal protective equipment, Foodstuffs, Medical supplies, Campaign and lighting facilities adding that the next publication for the period March to May 2020, will be made in June 2020.


  1. Since HH and his supporters claim he is a billionaire, why doesn’t he match that amount? Am sure it is a drop in the ocean for him. After all he says he is in politics to serve, why not show us how generous he is ?

  2. This is styupidy at it’s best! Why should a respectable man Yamba get involved in justifying theft to that extent? Obeying commands from Dora Siliya.
    Which rural Zambian in Nakonde will be interested those justifications?
    Yamba just lost his job offer in the next UPND government.

  3. Thank you to the Donors, May God grant you many blessings.

  4. The Mpika Mafia, these are empty declarations. Ask Chilufya to explain why he has put PF cadres in charge on sanitation as if they were public health workers

  5. @ kaizar,with this level of ur thinking no wonder zambia is in mass like this..HH and his weath is his nd his famliy ..zambians are not asking to justify personal money but the money Tht has been donated in fighting against Convid..
    You are same poeple who are mking the President to be called with all names.think like a leader not a call boy.

  6. Excellent ! Thanks mr yamba for clearing the issues. I totaly agree with kz ,hh a self acclaimed billionaire should donate atleast a million if he wants to serve, not those cheap ebu and yebo soaps in a 2tonne van.

  7. Stating that I have received £1 million doesn’t cut it….I have to account for the funds its not like funds are just sitting in the account tell the people what you are spending the funds on.

  8. Penias – If I was you I would ignore the UK based impostor simply mark him down.. the man-child has no affiliation to PF hence the reason he posts such without care as tomorrow the man child will just change his account and start posting as someone else no principles, no etiquette no opinion just a silly child playing online from UK council flat whilst on furlong leave.

  9. KZ

    how much has lungu and tasila donated since they became billionaires even without owning any businesses ???

  10. Now HH is the top topic of the wealth of?
    If he don’t want to donate anything leave him it’s his personal family money .
    He worked for it not to fund the country.
    Work hard also stop eyeing your friend’s wealth.

  11. Yamba is useless as Edgar Lungu and entire PF maggots. We need the current covid-19 donations. Germany and other EU countries donated more than K370 million, where is it? Should we speculate until July that’s when we’ll get the update? PF must go!

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