Government will spend a total of K226 billion to successfully conduct the 2010 National Population and Housing Census, which is scheduled to kick-off in October.
Secretary to the Treasury, Likolo Ndalamei said in an interview today that Government has already started releasing money for the census.
Mr. Ndalamei said these funds were being disbursed in stages according to the census activities that were undertaken at a particular time.
He said last week, Government released K62 billion to the Central Statistical Office (CSO) for conducting training workshops and purchasing materials.
He said in the next few weeks, Government will be releasing money to the CSO in quick intervals because of the increase in census preparation activities.
Mr Ndalamei said government was determined to conduct the census and has since appealed to Zambia to cooperate with enumerators when the exercise begins.
And Secretary to the Cabinet, Joshua Kanganja described the census as a cornerstone of all statistical processes in the country because it provided critical information on the size of the population, its distribution and composition.
Dr Kanganja said the census provided important information in the distribution of national resources and allocation of representation to Parliament and other levels of administration up to ward level.
He said this in a speech read for him by his deputy, Evans Chibiliti, at the official opening of the training of trainers’ workshop for the 2010 Population and Housing census in Lusaka.
He said the census data helped in establishing the number of eligible voters in the country.
“Therefore, the census contributes to good governance and enhances democratic values,” he said.
Dr. Kanganja said the population and housing data was critical for monitoring and evaluating the country’s development plans and agenda aimed at improving living standards of Zambians.
The Secretary to the Cabinet said this year’s census would include some information and questions that were not in the questionnaires for the previous censuses.
“Quality census data can only be achieved if sufficient attention, time and resources are devoted to the training of field staff. The quality of census data can be affected by poorly trained enumerators and supervisors,” he said.
He challenged trainers of trainers to ensure that only people of high calibre were trained sufficiently.
[pullquote]“Quality census data can only be achieved if sufficient attention, time and resources are devoted to the training of field staff. The quality of census data can be affected by poorly trained enumerators and supervisors,” he said.[/pullquote]
Dr. Kanganja further urged workshop participants and the would-be enumerators to pay particular attention and consult when need arises in order to capture correct data for the country.
He has meanwhile thanked cooperating partners for supporting Government materially and financially towards the conducting of the 2010 Population and Housing census.
“In particular, I would like to thank the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Kingdom Department of International Development (DFID), the African Development Bank (ADB) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) for their support,” he said.
Dr. Kanganja has also urged other cooperating partners to join in assisting Government to hold the 2010 census.
And UNFPA Representative, Duah Owusu Sarfo, commended Government for its determination to conduct the census amid financial difficulties.
Meanwhile, CSO Acting Director, John Kalumbi, called for concerted efforts from all wings of Government and other stakeholders in order for the census to succeed.
Zambia has successfully conducted censuses in 1969, 1980, 1990 and 2000.
The Problem is Mulongoti, Shikapwasha and “Dirty Dora” will spring to MMD defence when we question or demand accountability of this monwy. It’s OUR Money us the TAX payer. We dont want another character to DuDwila it like Kapoko did.
So we demand fullaccountability and disclosure of how this money will be used and how it shall be used. Let it not be diverted for campaigns.
I thought we did not need donor money according to RB.
Come and see documents/records management Zed style. –
K226billion(just under $50million)! Thoze in privileged pozitionz have yet another chance to build mansionz, sort out a couple of their financial problemz and drink more castle.
i really wnated to take part in the counting but i didn’t knw how. Please advice!
:)>-waith for the count i heard they will be counting TV’s also how true is this.
How much are the enumerator going to get after the exercise…has any one got a valid answer.