Thursday, October 3, 2024

Zambian Parliament to Resume its Sittings Today


The 4th session of the 12th National Assembly which was abruptly adjourned sine die due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 will resume today.

Clerk of the National Assembly, Mrs Cecilia Mbewe said, in an issued a statement that the Fourth Session of the Twelfth National Assembly, which adjourned Sine die on 18th March, 2020 was due to resume on Tuesday, 9th June, 2020 at 1430 Hours.

Mrs. Mbewe further said, in view of the public health crisis caused by the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the suspension of admittance of visitors to the National Assembly of Zambia Public Galleries will remain in force until further notice. 

“This is a precautionary measure aimed at contributing to the national and global efforts to contain the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19),” she said.

During the meeting, several new measures in view of Coronavirus are expected to be introduced.

Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019 came up at the second reading stage at the time of adjournment is expected to continue at the same stage and is likely to be at the centre of the proceeding this stint.

All Members of Parliament receive about K1,500 per sitting.


    • Does bill 10 have healing properties for Covid 19? When someone is discharged from covid isolation, for how long should they stay away from the public?

  1. I’m warning those progressive mps who still want to retain their seats to shoot down this bill 10 without fail.

    We don’t want president fir life situation to change thw constitution at will and bring anarchy in our country.

    PF must go!

  2. Just K1,500?? Less than $100? Hoooly sh!t that’s why they don’t do anything in that parliament. Hooo my goodness K1500, is too little. I was wondering why MPs have same hair cut style, bold, is because they can’t manage to pay at Chinese Barbershops.

  3. I once met a Ugandan who asked me if we Zambians knew the dangers of our president frequently visiting Yoweri Museveni. I told I didn’t know. Then he said, his worry was that nothing good for Zambia would come out of it. He said Museveni wanted more and more African leaders to be like himself, u know, staying in power as long as they want. We are getting close to that. The Law Association of Zambia arranged a meeting at a hotel to discuss Bill 10. PF sent thugs to disrupt it. The police who were providing security could not dare arrest the thugs. Is this enough warning to Zambians?

  4. This is too much why is the government concerned more about Bill 10, instead of the issues the country is facing cause they are very big issues they can discuss in parliament that can help our country move forward……

  5. How did Siliya and Chilufya get covid 19 negative within one week when most people take not less than 3 weeks to change status from positive to negative? It is clear proof that the two were not diagnosed covid 19 positive. The had question is what possible motive could have caused a normal person to feign an illness? This behaviour is below the stature of minister. Shame on them.

  6. Timely. Let’s hope opposition MPs will use sessions to raise current Youth concerns rather than incite Youths to riot and destroy job creating businesses.

  7. I have seen it all under the sun where people enjoy hearing Covid 19 cases and Deaths. And when No cases are reported, Insults can be heard and life becomes “Normal”.

  8. They should test all MPs for covid-19
    Those who test positive must be stay away from the proceedings.
    For UPND and progressive MP’s just walk out to prevent you from contracting covid-19 in parliament.

  9. I urge all upnd MPs who are broke and need some money to vote for bill 10. You will be rewarded handsomely


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