Tuesday, February 4, 2025

‘HH will never be president’ – Chizyuka


UPND president Hakainde Hichilema with his party's parliamentary candidate for Luena constituency Muyunda Ilionga during a campaign meeting in Mongu

Namwala Member of Parliament (MP) Robbie Chizyuka has advised United Party for National Development (UPND) president, Hakainde Hichilema, to accept that he will never rule Zambia.

Major Chizyuka said the recent by-election defeat in Luena to the Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD) is a clear indication that Mr. Hichilema has limited support in the country.

He said it is quite surprising that the UPND president has been boasting that he controls the western province when in fact not.

The Namwala MP said the only province that the UPND could boast of having support is southern province, and a bit of North western province.

Major Chizyuka said Mr Hichilema’s hopes for the presidency are a bridge too far, adding that the sooner he realizes it the better.

He added that in the history of Zambia, no candidate has won the presidency with support from one province.

Major Chizyuka noted that the only hope for the UPND president is to become vice president to Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata.

He, however, observed that the PF is making inroads in the UPND strongholds.
[ QFM ]


  1. Oh you mean there are people who even still think this is a debatable question? Its a no brainer. 1 ) he can’t win an election on his own 2) He needs PF and The POST newsspaper to win an election, will those two allow this one dimensional chap to lead them into a election. The nsawer is a resounding NO.

    Case closed. Nothing to debate.

  2. “He, however, observed that the PF is making inroads in the UPND strongholds”
    Please tabulate the figures and where not that lousy claim

  3. Chizyuka is just an MMD sponsored vuvuzela playing some psychological war on UPND supporters to force them into forming a Pact with MMD. The truth of the matter is that UPND will be a power broker in the 2011 elections. Neither MMD nor PF can win on the proposed 50%+ voting system so they will need UPND. Chizyuka is also economical with the truth because he knows that UPND has support in half of Central province, most of Luasaka Rural, part of Western province, part of copperbelt rural, part of Eastern province and scratered areas through out Zambia.. If he is soo dull as to understand issues it would help him to visit the electral commission website to view the last presidential results.


  5. “Major Chizyuka noted that the only hope for the UPND president is to become vice president to Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata.”
    For real otherwise being President on UPND is a dream far-fetched.

  6. Chizyuka who are you to declare that HH will never be president? At 49 yrs HH can still contest the presidency the next 30yrs until God grants him his will. UPND is growing in popularity and this is a fact your sponsors know about. They are worried about UPND eating away thier support base in traditional MMD areas under Levy. Even the Luena elections have sent some shock waves in MMD circles because UPND increase their vote share despite voter apathy. Politics in W/P has changed and MMD can not be guranteed the vote since the people there have decided to back thier own son. HH do not be discouraged. It’s just a matter of patience, you can lose next year’s election and win the next one in 2016. The best thing for you is to stand onyour own or continue in the Pact if PF agrees to a good…

  7. No. 10 The reason Sat-an challenges HH to gio for an HIV test is simple. Both of them are sick. Sata contracted it when he chewed two sisters -Achibishop Mpundu’s siblings at once whilst HH got sick when he made a fortune too early in his life. He used to wire the hell out of girls whilst at Coopers/Grant Thornton. Both of them are on ARV. AS FOR BEING PRESIDENT OF ZAMBIA NEITHER WILL RULE THIS COUNTRY AND GOD KNOWS THIS FACT. BY-ELECTION ARE NOT A BAROMETER TO DETERMINE GENERAL ELECTION RESULTS. THESE ARE TRIPATITE IN THE CASE OF ZAMBIA. The oppossition resorces and thinking will be stetched and the mighty MMD will still emerge victorious come 2011 and beyond. PF has already lost Luapula and losing ground on the Copperbelt but non existent in Southern Northwest Western and most of…

  8. #14 alinaswe thanks for the details about these two musketeers. Im told when HH made a fortune he used to buy NHA houses as presents for girls. Then he was a careless millionaire but the money is gone just look at coinzambia securuty, so miserable no salaries

  9. We already have a measure of HH’s popularity i.e. the 2008 presidential elections. RB:718,359 (40.9%), MC: 683,150 (38.13%) HH: 353, 018 (19.7%). There is limit to the number of votes HH can win in SP.For him to win the presidential elections he needs to make substantial inroads in other provinces. HH has an inflated opinion of himself. He brags that UPND has won more parliamentary seats recently. So what? Will that make him win the presidential elections? He is issuing such a divisive statement when there is a rift in the pact. So Chizyuka’s assessment is not sour grapes but a fact. His only chance lies with working with the old man and make his presence felt in the pact so that he can take over from him. In fact the way forward is to do away with this pact nonsense and merge the…

  10. alinaswe thanks for bringing out data about these two guys so they are bad news in as far as skirts are concerned. but why is it that sata is so confident and publicly challenges hh for a kaposis and hiv test.what gives him the courage

  11. I somehow agree with Chizyuka on the grounds of popularity though i feel its wrong to say HH will never be president. Its true that as things stand SATA has more chances of becoming president than HH. HH may be a right candidate but he is not yet popular, not ripe for 2011 elections. Remember late Mazoka led the party for only a short period of time and almost became president of the country but how long has HH been UPND presido? Has there been any progress in perfomance since he took over? I feel a change of UPND president would make a very big difference. even if HH lead the UPND-PF PACT MMD will still have high chances of winning. UPND has good policies but the presido is not popular. Magande or SATA can have more chances of winning under PACT in 2011. Thanks

  12. Sata tells HH that his UDA never went back to chadiza to thank them for voting UDA and therefore the reason why PF fielded candidate there. HH brags that UPND -and not the PACT- has won more seats than all parties. from the common man in the streets there is absolutely no PACT. each of the Pact leaders trying to outdo each other by speaking the loudest. Zambians cant you see that this PACT thing is just fiction that never was

  13. Let not HH brag about being Tonga . he is not Tonga enough because he does not even speak the accent i know. only Magande can but he is no also Electable material co he store PF vote in Chilanga after being rejected to stand in his home village on account of being allien to his kinsmen. HH IS SPOILT BARROT PAPER AND SATA IS COMEDIAN PRESIDO CANDIDATE. one wonders why Zedians keep voting a comedian. so than he can come and make comedy out of ZED. God forbid

  14. The problem with most Zambians is that they have the memory of a friut fly when it comes to politics. UPND under Mazoka was operating in a different political environment. The party was seen as a forum to challenge the bemba dominancy through MMD. FTJ realised this and deliberately sponsored Mwanawasa, a Lenje, in order to weaken UPND. Since the Easterns backed either Christon Tembo’ FDD or UNIP, MMD was able to use the Northern vote(Luapula, C/B and N/P) plus central to win the elections in 2001. The current UPND is operating in a different political environment. They have a good chance to win most disillusioned MMD voters in Central, Luasak, C/B, N/W and other parts of the country. MMD know this fact and is panicking hence they reason for sponsoring loose canoons like Chizyuka.

  15. Since 2008 presidential by-election defeat Sata has never held a rally in Western, Northwestern and Southern Provinces even in Luapula. does he expect these peaople to vote for him really. this cofirms the reason why Sata will continue getting two digit votes in these areas whether sycophant PF supporters like it or not. Sata does not regard these areas as being part of Zambia. to hell with Sata-n

  16. Chizyuka is a Comedian in all these things, just Like John Malambo alias Chief Mwanachingwala. He is a Hired Gun, a hired Muzzle Loader. U easily catch him when he misses cause his gun takes 3 days to load. As it is this time, he has missed HH by days not inches. Let him resign and recontest his Namwala Seat as Independent or MMD. UPND will teach hima lesson.

  17. This chimudala chi Chizyuka u seem to be a frustated chap. Everytime u open yo mouth its only rubbish that comes out, atase. No wonder Zed is poor. How can the whole of an MP be occupied with debating an individual all the time instead of solving the problems his constituency is facing. Be serious iwe!

  18. I like Zed Patriot’s opinion. It sounds logical and mature. These games are all about political environments. People should not just cling to I got this, I got that in 2001, 2006, 2008. Things change, circumstances change, and the environment changes. It is for sure UPND has gained popularity in Central Province is getting back North Western and also is commanding some following in Lusaka.

  19. Chizyuka may be right in some way and i feel for HH! ( but read ) the truth is the PACT will only chose one Presidential candidate and that will be MC SATA and HH will deputise him . Then unfortunetly the tongas will not agree to vote for SATA…that is where the problem is so SATA cant win without the southern , western and northwestern vote. But in an event they all go it alone, then actually HH has a slight chance to show PF his gained ground. Southern , Central, Northwestern pastrs of Lusaka and Copperbelt….lets wait and see.

  20. # 31 dogma998: that is exactly what MMD is hoping for. that explains why they are sponsoring the likes of Chizyuka to create doubts, anger & fear in the minds of UPND supporters so that in the event of the Pact chosing Sata as the presidential candidate then they can encourage UPND supporters(and not tongas only as you are claiming) to back RB. This is a political psychological war perpetrated by the MMD to split the opposition so that they win the next elections. It’s up to the Pact to came up with a wining strategy or alternatively UPND can go it alone and gain momentum for 2016.

  21. Mhhh guys continue blogging while us are making big money. So long as my parents and relatives are doing fine I have nothing to do with you dull Zambians who thrive on tribalism. continue with your tribalism and see if it will feed your children and relatives.

    Byee tribal Zambians.

  22. But ichi chimudala nichi Zenje! I even wonder how he got conscripted into the army! So why the F.U.C.K did you stand on UPND ticket as an M.P if you knew that its leader could never be president. It’s not too late, just resign from the party and contest under MMD and then we will see!

  23. achimwene….he has ever right to speak as he wishes just like Mpombo…..or the PF rebels its called democracy. You remeber what Obama had to go tru to win from Mrs Clinton , the husband and the Republicans . Its good to have such people in every party. You just want to hero worship them? no….

    The fact on the ground is the faster HH left the PACT the better. Unless he doesnt realise his potential…central province can fall to HH and so is North western. He just needs to work hard in Lusaka and Copperbelt.

    If he wants for the PACT to die naturally then his doomed we only have 4 months to 2011.

  24. Actually ADD will perform better than what PF got in 2001……they will have Mps from the entire western province. I dont think SAKWIBA will win Livingstone this time around , ADD will even win there. As for HH i really dont know but he can pull a surprise especially with North western and Central province.

  25. HH can clinch it. Remember when Chiluba (alas Kafupi) came into power, when he reminded us how sweet power was. It was believed that even a dog could have beaten KK , who we in retrospect think was a very nice man indeed. RB appears to be a s.t.u.p.i.t i.d.i.o.t who we will never look back to say he was any nice, I swear.

  26. #40 dogma998: Livingstone will be a bit tricky this time round. I am sure you are basing your assumption about ADD wining on the fact that there are many lozis settled there. Well apart from lozis there are a lot of Easterners settled there as well and that is why nyanje is the spoken language. In recent years a lot of tongas(plus the tokas) have moved there to seek work as a result of the draught being experienced in most of Southern province. The voters who backed Saki in 2006 are likely to be shared between MMD & ADD/ULP. My prediction is that UPND will win the parliamentary elections if they field a popular candidate, however, if Saki stands he will still win because the people of L/stone across all parties like him. In 2006 Saki won but HH got more presidential votes.

  27. now who is this useless so called major promoted on the basis of exeperience not educational..he’s a poor man where he hails from..he’s going to lose the seat to UPND even if they did that today…HH is not sick like these other old madalas…

  28. On “Major Chizyuka said the recent by-election defeat in Luena to the Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD) is a clear indication that Mr. ichilema has limited support in the country” expelled-UPND MP Chizyuka has given a good and valid point here but Luena Constituency is not Western Province in whole but as a part. Therefore, Chizyuka’s jealous of HH in his “The [expelled-UPND] Namwala MP said the only province that the UPND could boast of having support is southern province, and a bit of North western province” is not necessarily true because the mighty UPND beat PF in both Chadiza and Kaoma Ward by-elections.

    Sadly, to Chizyuka and the MMD the PF-UPND has not broken and it appears that it may not break until it forms GRZ Administration possibly in 2011.

  29. MMD Chief A** bootlicker,you are so dull that you dont even know the spelling of Answer,thats the correct spelling and not nsawer.what a shame…you just keep exposing you dullness and stupidity..

  30. Alinaswe,you seem to have all the relevant data on these two candidates,am wondering what gender you are!or,are you a scorned lover,where you rejected for the young chickie babies at Coopers/Grant Thornton or the beautiful Mpundu siblings,ku sumina fye nga bakukana noti ukzipanga.Do not be so smart with your mouth am sure you are just some frustrated individual and i would suggest you get a life……../…………..

  31. \:d/\:d/\:d/\:d/

    CHIZYUKA WA LASA!!! That is why we need the PACT. However, none of the current leaders in the PACT can win a national election…unless in their dreams ofcourse. They need to merge into one political party and then choose one fresh and CLEAN presidential candiate. Otherwise forget it, 2011 MMD will still win, whether I like it or you don’t!

  32. 44 continued.

    As for “Major Chizyuka noted that the only hope for the UPND president is to become vice president to Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata… however, observed that the PF is making inroads in the UPND strongholds,” this is not bad at all because Mr PF/Sata MC is also a human being and PF has a right to expand (the way it grabbed UPND’s seats in Lusaka in the 2006 election) because the Constitution of Zambia allows each and every Citizen to have freedom of association.

    Interestingly, the UPND has proved betond any reasonable doubt that it is the only political party that has expanded in Parliament and Local Government-wise in the last 12 — 15 months.

    Have a blessed day all as we look up to the election of the PF-UPND presidential candidate.

  33. We have a leadership crisis in Zambia! HH is a leader of a tribal party Sata is too old with Unip era ideas. These old chaps data Mugabe and all will continue too delay africa progress. Look at the average age of the western leaders. It’s time for fresh ideas the pact is just another movement filling in a leadership void like the MMD in 1990. And when there is a void, even monkeys can rises to power and us into deeper S H I T !!

  34. #42 Zed Patriot. Let me correct some assumptions you are making. First it is wrong to assume that those who speak Nyanja in Livingstone are necessarily from Eastern Province. If there is a second Language that most Lozi’s prefer it is Nyanja. Hence the Lozilised Nyanja you find in Livingstone and the Police Force. It is also wrong to say that Toka Leyas have also moved into Livingstone. My dear Toka Leyas have always been in and around Livingstone. It is home. They can also have Lozi names and also speak Lozi.

  35. If this UPND/PF Pact does not choose a candidate before the end of next month, MMD is winning come 2011 General elections. The best thing the pact is supposed to do is choose a candidate other than Sata and Hichilema. Both Sata and HH should then work together sell that candidate to the electorate. Otherwise, whats going to happen is that HH supporters will never vote for the pact if Sata is chosen pact presidential candidate, same for the die hard PF (Sata) supporters if HH is chosen candidate. So the sooner they do that, the better for both parties.


  37. HH has no Mission Statement (MS). He is a businessman and must know that to succeed you to have a MS. He needs to sell a vision, dream and revelation to Zambia, especially to the young generation. He needs to be an Emerging Markets Politician of Zambia.

    He appears to have random ERECTIONS, where he will pops up, makes some noise and just goes FLAT. If he has any advisors, he needs to fire the whole team.

    What is wrong with HH? Young, energy educated, good businessman and yet, he fails to stand on stage or platform. SATA & RB are both from the GOP [Grand Old Parties], being UNIP & MMD and they both are outplaying him.

  38. continued…
    It just appears like Regional Political parties are the theme on the current market in Zambia. If you look at it from coherent & statistical point of view, HH will not win the next election.

    Masoka’s daughter has started biting HH hard through the husband Fred M’membe. She wants him out ASAP.

    Both HH & SATA are playing a Chase Game. And as long as they keep the same trend, it will leave MMD to be very victorious and that is just the FACT.

  39. Despite Chizyuka being a nutcase, couldn’t agree more with his statement! HH’s UPND enjoys minimal support and the best he can hope for is Veep of the PACT. But be warned, according to our current constitution, your PACT is a mere gentleman’s agreement i.e once elected, Cycle Mata has no legal obligation to make u his Veep or create a coalition govt!

  40. If HH were smarter, he’s better off risking an electoral pact with MMD. Chances of MMD pulling a fast one on him later are less compared to that constable goon; Chilufya Sata! You honestly think Sata would voluntarily appoint an educated young chap like HH, as his Veep? C’mon, don’t be naive, he’ll be more comfortable surrounded by his lumpen buddies like GBM & Nsanda.

  41. #51Toka Man Mushabati (Lozi 4 Sand): I grew up in L/stone and I know what I am talking about. Yes the Nyanja spoken in L/stone is spiced up with a lot of Lozi and Tonga words & that is due to the inffluence of these two languages. The Toka Leyas are a breed between the Tongas and Lozis so most of them have allengency to either tonga or lozi. L/stone has a large number of Easterners who settled there long long time ago when L/stone was the capital city of Zambia. There is also a large number of Luvales, Bembas and other groups.
    The Toka Leyas are also found in the areas surrounding L/stone(eg Mukuni) and Kalomo area.

  42. I think according to me the opposition will be the one’s forming government next year looking at the situation on the ground. It doesnt matter whether HH is popular to other Zambia or not neither does it matter if Sata it popular in southern and western provinces. What matter’s is that as long as they work together they will couple the votes in these area, as these will be their strength. They both need each other despite both not having equal number of popularity.

  43. To all MMD sympathisers due to sick activities that they want to continue doing, please ask your acting-president and Mr President of Zambia RB Banda to appoint HH as Vice-Presdent or Zambia immediately.

    If this is too difficulty for you to do, ask Mr President RB Banda to appoint ADD self-appointed leader Hon MP Charles Milupi as Zambia Vice-President immediately if you think HH and UPND are not a factor in the 2011 tripartite elections since you can then improve your MMD chances of forming GRZ Administration in 2011 by getting some ADD Western Province support. Remember that Hon Charles Milupi has been willing to work with MMD from his past behaviour and attempts to succeed late Pres. LPM.

    Be blest all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…

  44. If you don’t try how will you know. He’s more of a man coz he has the guts to step up. So why condemn him? Look at past and current presidents, do some of them have the credibility to to be presidos?

  45. As Zambians we should not be trivial by looking at HH being president of Zambia, but we should worry of our sufferings and our relativess’ poverty, as such we should just choose someone who can solve our some of our problems, someone who can represent us with integrity and humility, be it Sata, Banda Milupi or HH. If we look at personalities we will lose track. If you have observed the trend in Zambia, Mwanawasa was not a good public speaker but he performed very well, we should not just consider those who can speak louder, but those who can act. Actually, HH is already Sata’s vise as we are talking and pf will never win any election without UPND and thats a fact. Pf and UPND should just respect each other and work together for them to win elections period.

  46. Yes we know MMD is likely to lose elections next year, but the opposition should also try to work together. I can tell you Mpulungu elections will be violent because the MMD is scared of losing the seat being theirs, like Solwezi and Mufumbwe. Whenever MMD realises that they are losing a seat to the opposition they respond with violence.

  47. Chizyuka is going too far in his bitterness to lose his seat. How does he change statement to suggest that HH should take Vice President in the pact, when he does not believe in the pact. He did not want UPND to have a pact with PF. So what has changed now for him to suggest the rubbish that is saying now? the man should keep quiet may be he can be forgiven in near future when Pact forms government.

  48. WELL SAID CHIZYUKA – HH should have realised long ago that it’s not just money and eductaion, but a combination of either money and charisma, money and balls, charisma and education or money, charisma and balls that makes a politician. But HH only has money and education/profession. So he lacks something that can make him acceptable everywhere, and he must admit it. Folks, I’d like a professional person for Zambian President, but this is just the plain truth for HH. Maybe he must settle for the vice presidency as Mr Sata is ageing, and learn the ropes from him.

  49. #68 Wan Ngwee: Zambians are now wiser and alert. They will not chose a leader simply because he is charismatic. We had a charismatic leader for 27years but ended up with a failed eh shortages economy with food shortages as the order of the day. We had another one for 10 years and ended up with the most corrupt regime in Zambia’s history. I know deep down your heart you know that HH is the best presidential candidate who you can be proud of but you just don’t want him to be president due to other personal reasons. Call a spade a spade and we will respect your opinion.

  50. Is this all Major Chizyuka does as MP? Always targeting HH, Sata and the PF-UPND pact? His criticisms of the pact has become excessive. Zambia is more than HH, MS, the pact, RB, GK, etc. Chizyuka should be addressing the problems facing Zambians, otherwise he will end up in jail for eventually making an attempt on HH’s life due to his fascination with him. I rest my case.

  51. On “Major Chizyuka noted that the only hope for the UPND president is to become vice president to Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata” I think the expelled-UPND Namwala MP Robbie Chizyuka has seen that MMD may not need a loose canon like him in the next MP elections and thinks that PF (which has no principles accept its incessant appetite to take Sata MC to State House as President since PF accept former UPND members that tarnished UPND like Madyenkuku) can adopt him to stand in Namwala Constituency as MP in the 2011 elections since UPND has expelled him.

    I’ll be closely following Chizyuka comments to check his future political career.

    Be blessed all as all progressive citizens advise HH to just ignore the confused Chizyuka as answering back makes him popular…

  52. say what you like – we gonna continue doing what we does. Come 2011 my vote is on HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH……

  53. He added that in the history of Zambia, no candidate has won the presidency with support from one province.

    Very right, Chizyuka. You should have added that no candidate or party has ever won the Zambian presidency with support from only the Bemba-speaking group. That would have blown up Satana’s inflated ego.

  54. Mu Zambian I liked your “He added that in the history of Zambia, no candidate has won the presidency with support from one province.[..] Very right, Chizyuka. You should have added that no candidate or party has ever won the Zambian presidency with support from only the Bemba-speaking group [of irrational kaponyas and not necessarily all Bemba Zambians by tribe]” .

    I hope PF excited character’s over expelled-UPND Namwala MP Chizyuka’s remarks will come to senses very quickly because the UPND is bound to teach PF a serious lesson in the 2011 tripartite elections where UPND is most likely going to reclaim its 2001 elections results muscle.

    As for the MMD cadres, I continue asking you to ask ADD Luena MP Milupi to become Zambian Vice-President now.

  55. Its HH all the way and Sata never. RB should also reserve the little energy he has left to pleasing his wife, otherwise bakamwafwa.

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