Thursday, October 3, 2024

The 2020 Agricultural and Commercial Show has been Cancelled


The Agricultural and Commercial Society of Zambia has announced the cancellation of the 2020 Agricultural and Commercial Show due to the prevailing global pandemic caused by the Coronavirus or commonly known as COVID-19.

The global pandemic has recorded unprecedented spread resulting in higher infection rates and mortalities across the world and as a country we have been equally affected.

Society President Cosmas Michello says the advent of COVID-19 pandemic has led to the introduction of myriad public health measures which has adversely affected routine preparations and ultimately making it impractical to host Zambia’s most prestigious Agricultural and Commercial Show this year.

Mr Michello said this year’s Show was slated for the 29th July to 3rd August under the theme: “Innovation Through Technology”.

“As ACSZ, we found it prudent to cancel the premiere Show as a way of following the public health regulations issued by the Government of the Republic of Zambia through the Ministry of Health in order to stop the spread of the virus”, he said.

Mr Michello said the show deals with thousands varied participants coming from our communities, businesses fraternity and foreign delegates.

He said the Show brings about live events of face-to-face interactions through mass gathering such that if the Show is held this year would negate the public health measures aimed at effectively combating the Coronavirus.

“Therefore, the ACSZ is committed to strictly follow the public health guidelines such as social (physical) distancing, avoid overcrowding and embracing hygiene practices in order to prevent the spread of the virus”, he added.

Mr Michelo said the Agricultural and Commercial Society of Zambia, on 12th May, 2020 joined other Organisations by contributing towards the fight against pandemic by donating COVID-19 related Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)’s through our line Ministry, Ministry of Agriculture for use by Extension Agricultural Officers.

He said this gesture is in line with one of their beliefs and values of promoting solidarity and social responsibility in order to minimize the burden on our communities.

Mr Michello said the secretariat remains operational and proceed with planning arrangements for 2021 Agricultural and Commercial Show.

“We are therefore determined to effectively play our role during the COVID-19 pandemic recovery process by initiating the preparations for the next year’s Show early enough so as to assist the industry players, show-goers, smallholder farmers, small and medium businesses and foreign delegates to adequately plan ahead”, he added.

Mr Michelli has called on long-standing and new exhibitors, stakeholders, sponsors, show-goers and participants alike to remain supportive during this unprecedented global pandemic that has brought the ‘‘New Normal’’ of doing things and generally disturbed businesses and trading.

“We commit to remain resolute in supporting our Government’s efforts in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic and urge our partners to do the same so that together we can halt the spread of the virus in our country”, he said.

“We look ahead to start planning for the successful hosting of the 2021 Agricultural and Commercial Show scheduled to take place from the 28th July to 2nd August, 2021 whose ‘‘Theme’’ will be announced at an appropriate time”, Mr Michello has added.


  1. Alibipisha kabili alanunka kwati fye mala ya mfuko. Umuntu uwapatwa pamulandu wamisango yakwe nemimonekele yakwe.

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