Thursday, October 3, 2024

President Edgar Lungu should sleep with a free conscious on Bill 10-Ndoyi


Outspoken Youth leader Prince Ndoyi says Republican President Edgar Lungu should sleep with a free conscious on Bill 10 as he has left the process to be driven by stakeholders without interfering with the content.

And Ndoyi says it is time to make progress as regards the mixed member provision included in Bill 10 saying those who absconded their responsibilities at NDF process do not have new ideas apart from finding faults in the Bill.

He wondered what new ideas would come form their proposed constituent Assembly when in fact the National Democratic Forum was an all inclusive platform which they deliberately chose to stay away and misled people.

“So we want to comfort President Edgar Lungu that in so far as fulfilling all righteousness on Constitution Amendment Bill No. 10, and he can sleep with a free conscious at night on Bill 10. He has left the process to be driven by stakeholders and has at no point hinted any hidden personal desires.

“I want to use the words of Hon. Given Lubinda, that the train has left the station and those that chose to come late when the train was waiting for them for 42 months, can chance the next train. Who knows, we may have another window of opportunity,” he said.

Ndoyi said as advocates of Bill 10, they will continue to sensitize people across the country so as to ensure that the real issues are brought out as opposed to malice and propaganda being spread by those opposed to the enactment of the Bill.

“As Bill 10 Advocates, we are just preparing ourselves to go to Monze as an entry point into Southern Province to distribute local language material which we have translated into 7 local languages in sensitizing the people on Bill 10. We finished Eastern province and partly Muchinga.

“We want to do this before Parliament tables the Bill and hopefully even after to remove the contamination from the people. We welcome government’s decision to gazette the position of government on Bill 10. Let’s see now whose telling lies. We cannot have a country whose primary source of information is speculation and propaganda,” he said.

And Ndoyi has expressed disappointment with the Ministry of Information for failing to enlighten people on the contents of Bill 10 saying the Ministry with all it’s resources at it’s disposal had allowed propaganda and lies to out run the facts on the contents of the Bill.

“I also want to express my disappointment with the Ministry of Information which had lamentably failed to adequately inform and educate the people on Bill 10. With all the resource and infrastructure we have let the lies carry the day. Propaganda has travelled faster than the entire Ministry of Information. They can do better. ZNBC has failed to provide platforms to engage to the citizenry on Bill 10, hence the opposition narrative has contaminated people,” he said.


  1. NDF exposed the fooolishness in PF, how did Mulyokela find himself as a delegate when his Party isn’t registered? Christian Democratic Alliance is illegal yet it was represented. Don’t waste our time on useless debates. Just do what you want and satisfy your ego

  2. The contaminated prince by PF regime can not see beyond the temporary comforts he receives from PF. The prince without royalty in his misguided illusions has nursed a belief that the recent expressions of concern of Bill 10 from the Zambian clergy is false, the civil society apprehensions with Bill 10 is unfounded too. Well, LAZ too, the custodians and defender of laws in Zambia among others have said Bill 10 is retrogressive and added to that all opposition parties in Zambia are against Bill 10. You are the only one contaminated with PF and Bill 10 and your Lubinda. Shame on you.

  3. The love of money will drive the unpricipled to sell even their children for a bit of money. That is the case with the likes of ndoyi, ntewewe etc
    Bill 10 is driven by i motives.
    And its a joke to say that lungu has left the process to stakeolders. Why have independent and opposition MPs been offered bribes and government positions to vote for it?
    Bill 10 is not even worth the paper it is printed on! Its only fit for the manure pile. The NDF was a waste of taxpayers’ money!

  4. Its also funny that someone even suggest that lungu can sleep with a clear conscience.
    1. 42 fire wheeburrows for 42 million
    2. Overpriced ambulances
    3. Theft of social cash transfer
    4. Medical stores scandal
    5. USD 14 million contract for supply of medical kits given to an unregistered walk in pharmacy
    6. Ati japan donated bicycles – Kampyongo. No we no nothing about these bicycles – Japan. Actually we ony bought 100 – Kanganja
    7. 316km road for 1.2billion USD
    8. I can go on forever…
    Can a man like that sleep with a clear conscience? Is it surprising that he is desperate to hold on to power? His conscience is not giving him peace and he is scared that he will either go to jail or have to flee the country.

  5. There are certain words you can not use in the same sentence as Edgar Lungu.


  6. Edgar Lungu sorted out what the other 5 presidents failed to do for over 50 years. Even the “great” Mwanawasa, the “icibumba” failed to put together a new constitution. Right you are Prince, Edgar Lungu should sleep with a free conscious.

  7. Some people are very useless and foolish, they think where they stand forgetting that it’s the future that matters. It’s not good to defend a wrong thing just because it gives U an advantage today. U need to support something that is not selective. Bill 10 is just a weapon PF wants to use survive corruption charges and criminal offences they have been allowing when they lose power. They know their sins won’t be forgiven so they want to forgive themselves by using bill 10

  8. The best thing you can do PF just step down and ask for forgiveness maybe the next government will reduce charges to minimal 55 years in prison with hard labour. Your violations are uncountable. You have violated every right of every living thing and the constitution itself. Cases coming against you next year are no longer civil but criminal to even capital cases where you are lucky we are a Christian nation otherwise people like KZ would be facing death sentence just for many crimes he committed against Zambian people with his guns. Evidence will be presented.

  9. The lips of the righteous teaches many
    But F.ools die for want of wisdom

    Winston Hubert McIntosh (Peter Tosh) MHSRIP

  10. “….entry point into Southern Province to distribute local language material which we have translated into 7 local languages in sensitizing the people on Bill 10…”

    How much money has been spent trying to push this bill 10 ?. Enough to build a byclcle factory or solar panel factory….

    If this bill had zero advantages for lungu , there was no way so much time and money would be spent….I mean here is a person who disregards court orders like toilet paper , court orders like that order for ministers to payback monies earned after dissolution of parliament…..

  11. Imwe Fcuk you and fcuk bill 10! Ala! Mumfwila kwisa, kumatako? No sane Zambian wants that stup!d bill aimed at perpetuating the stay in power of the most incompetent president in the history of this country. Atase! Kwati paliba nakamuntu. No economic growth under his tenure and a debt trap to his name what fcuking more damage does he want to do to the country? And !d!ots on here cheer him on like the deranged monkeys they are. mcheexmmm!

  12. NDF was full of PF surrogates who were in the majority and it was going to be folly for the UPND to participate in that sham as it was going to give legitimacy to something which was detrimental to society and PF and its surrogates after using their majority numbers to pass those clauses were going to say after all the UPND were also there. How do you participate in something which you know the outcome was a foregone conclusion. It was better to stay away.

  13. Zambians Zambians , sure i really cry for SATA ,if president SATA was a live this stupidity would have not been there why you pf government troubling us like this what are your interest in Bill 10 do you need peace or you want to kill us . You are just digging your graves who told you that that you should start stealing now you have seen the out come having sleepless nights thinking how you should rigging election still late bwana for get ,we are remaining with how months to vote why changing constitutional

  14. Kaiza Zulu and your friends you be going straight to Jail and bill 10 won’t go through despite wasting money instead of paying retirees imbwa imwe

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