Thursday, October 3, 2024

UPND accuses Given Lubinda of lying over Bill 10


“It is illegal, misleading and unprocedural for Government to Gazette Constitution Amendment Bill Number 10 of 2019 without following the laid down processes and procedure, says leader of the opposition in parliament and UPND Legal Affairs Chairman Jack Mwiimbu.

Addressing journalists at the UPND secretariat on Monday, Mr Mwiimbu said Justice Minister Given Lubinda’s statement that Government had opted to remove contentious clauses from Bill 10 was misleading as laid down Parliamentary procedures were not followed.

Mr Mwiimbu said the changes were based on a faulty modus operandi as it falls short of the Constitution amendment guidelines provided for under Article 77 of the Republican Constitution as amended in 2016.

He added that the Justice Minister decided to deliberately mislead the nation when he disregarded Standing Orders Number 108 and 112 which allows the National Assembly to table issues for debate before changes to any piece of legislation can be made.

He noted that the purpotted reliance on Standing Order 112 by Mr. Lubinda was out of context as it was not supported by any provisions or rules and regulations governing conduct of parliamentary business.

Mr Mwiimbu has since called on Zambians to treat the said changes with the contempt deserved, saying that the party’s position not to support the Bill has not changed.


  1. the law must be observed not disregard…..Any deviation from the law ignites lawlessness. The rule of law must be observed by all arms of the government…………Everyone in Zambia must swear to obey the law above partisan or selfish interest

  2. Thanks Ba Mwiimbu,you gallant men in UPND who are standing on law,patriotism and truth. Please educate us, remind the speaker of these omissions so that if he has wisdom,he can advise PF to follow procedure and possibly withdraw this bill,which is aimed at killing our democracy!!

  3. Failed lawyer like mwimbu now wants to open that chi ugly mouth of his and yet all along he has shunned any forums or submission of views on bill 10. Very ugly man. Is there any handsome people in upnd ? My friends daughter is asking for a friend

    • have you ever checked yourself properly in the mirror KZ? Had it not been for the public funds you have been stealing, Muliokela would have been a perpetual runners up to you as an ugly person. Stolen wealth helps to polish up the ugly,

  4. Given Lubinda is very treacherous and must watch him with one eye squeezed. Sata knew this man very well and it appears Edgar Lungu is unaware of Lubinda.

    PF must go!

  5. We cant be surprised. That is in the very fabric of the nature of pf. LIES, LIES, CORRUPTION, THEFT, DECEIPT…….
    That is pf

  6. Jack, while academic argument is welcome, common sense also prevails in legal thought . What does one do with a system based on extramural and unparliamentary argument? Your modus operandi is hide and seek: walking out of parliament or even absence and avoiding participation in public debating fora!!

    The minister acted to defeat wanton public misinformation Trump-style.

  7. @Kaizer Zulu have some respect for our law maker. Ba Jack is a noble handsome and eloquent lawmaker. Infact one of the best lawmakers this country has ever produced. You are being naive and disrepectiful by calling him ugly .Attack his message and not his being. We are all made in the image God and therefore no single being created by GOD deserves to called UGLY. We are all beautiful in the image of God including Lawmaker HONORABLE JACK MWIIMBU.

  8. MAN OF GOD is right. Argumentum ad hominem debate is unjustified. Attack the message,not the person.

  9. Which laid down parliamentary procedure is he talking about? They were never in parliament. They walked out. You have indirectly agreed that what the Bishops are demanding is illegal. It has to pass through parliament. Be courageous enough to tell all those people demanding the withdrawal of bill 10 is illegal. So next time Bill10 Is presented, stay and debate. Don’t accuse Given. You should also stop talking about bill10 since as you said it is before the courts.

  10. Misinformation and lies will not take you anywhere. The gist of the article is to expose the misinformation and lawlessness of the PF machinery. Walking out of Parliament by UPND does not in itself remove intelligence from their Brains (the way Pf cadres have failed to comprehend the critical matters in the process of enacting EVIL BILL 10.

  11. All these shenanigans by PF is becoz they don’t have the numbers to pass Bill 10 with a 2/3 majority vote. The Bill is already on the Floor of Parliament so why not allow the Bill to be voted on? Put the Original Bill 10 to a vote during this Second Reading. Period.

  12. There was war in heaven, satan, mdyelekezi saw everything that God was as punishment to His created beings. Satan, Mdyelekezi stood his ground until no space was found for him in heaven. Woe to the inhabitants of earth because satan, Mdyelekezi has gone out to deceive many unsuspecting nationals of the world that God is NOT love, that he, himself is better place to offer a “love”. But thanks to Jesus Christ and His death on the cross, satan, Mdyelekezi REMAINS a defeated FOE.

  13. It is unfortunate that PF has cadres such as KZ who never says any thing sensible, he’s a petty thug who has dehumanised Zambians a crime shielded by state house. If Pf has any liability in form of human beings KZ is one of them. Zambians are fed up with PF and do not want to be associated with a paty that gassed and killed 50 of its citizens. KZ is a liability to PF and is decampagning his boss and party in all that he says on this site.

  14. In other countries a Bill is first referred to the Parliamentary Legal Committee (PLC). PLC’s role is to vet the Bill and ensure it complies with Zambia’s Constitution and the relevant Parliamentary Rules and Procedures b4 it is tabled on the Floor in Parliament. Has the Amended Bill 10 of 2020 been vetted in this manner? What Law has Minister Given Lubinda used to unilaterally amend this Bill which is going thru the Second Reading in Parliament? Hon. Lubinda is putting our Parliamentary System in disrepute. These illegal and unconstitutional manoeuvres by Minister Lubinda must be stopped. Bill 10 must be withdrawn at all costs. Alternatively all Progressive MPs must vote against Bill 10 in the interest of our nascent Constitutional Democracy .

  15. What does UPND want. At first they say ‘ No they won’t change the issues’ . They change and again they say ‘ proceedure Shani shani

  16. UPND are not sure what the want. One of these days they will go forward past State House not knowing they have reached. How do they know what has been tabled in parliament when they walked out?

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