Thursday, October 3, 2024

Police arrest Photographer Tukuta for allegedly insulting Siliya, Kingsley and Amos Chanda


Police in Lusaka have arrested Chella Tukuta for Criminal Libel.

This is in connection with some derogatory remarks alleged to have been produced and posted on social media by the accused person against Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services Dora Siliya, Zambia Revenue Authority Commissioner General(ZRA), Kingsley Chanda, Northern Province Permanent Secretary, Charles Sipanje and Former Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations, Amos Chanda.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo said Chella is in police custody yet to be charged with four counts of Criminal Libel.

Ms Katongo said Chella is also expected to face more charges on the Copperbelt.


  1. I cannot comment substantively on something that is being investigated by our independent police. I am not yet aware of the detailed allegations or issues leading to his arrest so I will desist from giving my views. Let the police do their job. No sacred men in Zambia. Whether you are rich or eve even president lungu, nga walakwa the police will investigate you. Nothing sinister here. Kz

    • More dictator tendencies by scatter teeth, the 1doit is even scared of young kids, no wonder he is not a man, more like a scared girl hiding behind his useless PF cadre police, one ball president useless as they come, no leadership what so ever even a grade 1 has more leadership qualities than this sh1t

  2. Yaba this is dictatorship at its best. Chela is arrested for talking but the criminals who are stealing for innocent Zambians are free and still working in PF government. Well it’s not surprising we knew this was coming. I’m waiting to see what the ***** brainless thug Kaiza Zulu will comment on this.

  3. Arresting this boy won’t change anything rather adding salt to the wound.

    Edgar Lungu stop using the police to silence the youths. Nothing will change and listen to what they are telling you.

    Let them express themselves. You are digging your own grave by arresting this boy.

    PF must go!

  4. Is there any independent police in or justice system in Zambia ? Criminals who are building mansions around State house using stolen tax payers money are walking freely walking on the streets of Zambia .Anybody who speaks the truth is locked up on political directives of the lazy one and his scumbag friends who now think that they above the law and are a law unto themselves

  5. The plunge into dictatorship does not happen overnight. It begins slowly with subtle acts of individual intimidation and injustice. Before you know it the masses are enslaved.

  6. Muchoseni atase! why silencing people with opposing views to you? As if we have robots operating on command sure. I hope the head of state can step in to release the young man because we know it’s certain individuals trying to settle scores. Freedom na ulemu vipusana.

  7. “The truth hurts” goes the old adage. The government has just confirmed that Chella has spoken the truth. Chakubabani and that is your reaction. You cannot f0ol all of the people all of the time…….

  8. After all is said and done in 2021 , some people from ZP must be arrested and charged ……even hitlers generals who claimed to be following orders were hanged.

    People in the police hierarchy must be tought that following criminal orders is a crime ,

    least it happens again,

    By the way , we are still waiting progress on the PF gassing investigations ……..50 people were murdered.

  9. The fall of PF, Actually Dora should be arrested after her tenure, she is he most useless Minister. Now asking Kapyongo to arrest boys yet Dora used to middle Finger Sata? You people should have shame.

  10. Yaba! PF is scared. Kuti waseka. Criminal libel? Why can’t the people he insulted sue him? That’s the way it’s done. He hasn’t defamed the President who can’t sue or be sued but those private citizens can individually seek redress. Why should they use the police? ZP we’re waiting to hear about the gassing project not this. Anyway, whom gods want to destroy they first make them crazy. Everything has turned up side down in PF.

  11. @Ayatollah criminal libel is like assault. When I report assalt to Police you go in. Similarly if I report you for criminal libel you go in. So simple ….read the law before you start misbehaving.

  12. The politicans who were hiding behind this boy and pushing him on to insult people will be in their homes enjoying coffee, They boy will be in the cells . Akulanyela muchikopo .

  13. This guy is only photographer with a news media house. There is an editor, managing editor and the news paper itself is independent from this photographer, how is arresting him as an employee justified?
    Then, PF MUS GO

  14. @MunaDekhane…this boy has personally been insulting on face book. All the evidence is their. Balamunyela!!!

  15. Is there an independent police in or justice system in Zambia ? Criminals who are building mansions around State house using stolen tax payers money are walking freely on the streets of Zambia .Anybody who speaks the truth is locked up on the political directives of the lazy one and his scumbag friends who now think that they above the law and are a law unto themselves .Dora and her son were dragged to court by the ACC for having money which was believed to been proceeds of crime .Up to now justice has not been done which begs the question ;Is there a law for poor Zambians and another law for the rich like Dora ? This government is worse than covid 19 and cholera put together .

  16. The day that Zambian men realise that Dora is a spoiler is the day mankind will move forward. In the last days of MMD and Rupiah, she had a hand in some shady deals. Now with PF, more scandals. Leave this woman alone, leave that Bokosi alone….kikikiki Chisha Folotiya is doing well, he survived Dora.

  17. Yeah we knew this was coming after he revealed that Dora the explora is the one who organizes all the little girls for the big wigs. It will be an interesting case as more things will be revealed.

  18. Meanwhile the silly boy Tayali is walking free with a criminal libel and defamation case hanging on his head because he kisses Lazy Lungu’s ring. I hope they wont play delay tactics tomorrow to make him spend the weekend in the cells.

  19. How dictators intemidate citizens
    The three women were in tears, distraught, and seemingly faint with hunger, as they sat in filthy prison uniforms in the dock in a magistrate’s court in Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare, waiting to hear if they would be granted bail.
    In a country grappling not just with coronavirus but with a string of deepening economic and political crises – including rumours and denials of a coup plot – the extraordinary and deeply controversial case of opposition activists Cecilia Chimbiri, Netsai Marova and Joana Mamombe seems to point to something grim and fundamental about Zimbabwe’s current struggles: an overwhelming loss of public trust in its key institutions.
    “We see a very jittery state that is at war with its citizens,” said Fadzayi Mahere, a spokeswoman…

  20. Continue
    “We see a very jittery state that is at war with its citizens,” said Fadzayi Mahere, a spokeswoman for the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), who attended the bail hearing on Monday and argued that the women’s humiliation was part of an overtly political strategy to instil fear in the public.
    The MDC activists are facing trial on charges that they lied about being abducted and sexually assaulted last month.

  21. This is a state run by thugs and criminal incompetents. And so every Zambian of voting age should prepare to vote out these bunch of do-nothings(aka Street Vendor Kapyongo, Ms Vocal Siliya, Jack Daniels Lungu, etc).There are serious national policy issues to discuss than silencing critical but constructive discourse.

  22. The biggest problem we have in Zambia is mediocrity. We often confuse the freedom of speech and outright rudeness or insolence. Freedom of speech comes with a certain level of responsibility. Your democracy ends right where your nose ends and where your neighbour’s nose begins.

  23. John Sangwa where are you? Is this lawful? As far as I know criminal libel in Zambia exists only to protect the president. It’s not for everyone

  24. Just the picture of this boy tells you the chap needs MEDICAL attention, not arrest. He doesn’t look normal to me. And the chap has been acting up lately. l think he should be examines at Chainama mental Hospital! Just passing..

  25. In Zambia it has become so fashionable to be insulting, and even maliciously defame LEADERS with impunity. And there’s certainly no shortage of cheerleaders. But surely there are laws!! Let this PRIMITIVE looking human-form be caged. Period!

  26. Where are some people getting this strange fuulish idea that you can just work up and create malicious stories about someone, even government leaders. And somehow hope to go scot-free??!

  27. This really UGLY man has been barking and making news for all the wrong reasons lately. What is wrong with him??

  28. I will not comment on the culpability or none of the arrested person. But all said, this should not be a criminal matter. It belongs to the private realm. The individuals involved should have sued Chella through the civil process. How many libel cases can the police pursue? How many people have ‘rubbished’ others in public and been arrested? This is the absurdity of this law, just like that of defamation of the President. The police are quick to act because ‘prominent’ persons are involved.
    For some of you bloggers, surely, do you have to proffer opinions about the accused’s looks? What’s it got to do with anything?

    • Muna you are very right. Police cant be arresting defamers or adulterers
      If we have such a law then it is very out of skew with our constitution and must immediately be removed.

  29. The only way to end this nightmare is to vote these PF clowns out next year. Make sure to start the campaign now. Tell your friends and relatives that we need to take our country back from this crime syndicate headed by gangster Lungu. If we don’t vote these criminals out next year, you might as well forget about Zambia. You can see they’re using the police to intimidate Zambians and try and keep us quiet. If anybody needs arresting in Zambia, it’s these PF criminals who have looted the national coffers and run the economy into the ground. Let the young man out, you slimy thieves and bandits. If you feel libeled , you can sue him. But to criminalize insults is unconstitutional. Why don’t you arrest Lusambo then who insulted the youth, calling them disgruntled and naked? Hello? Let…

  30. …Tukuta go free, you dictators. You’re all going to prison next year, every last one of you.

  31. PF have wrong advisers, arresting Chella only makes him a national hero. They should have ignored him.

  32. Jolly good. And what ugly teeth, they should arrest him for that too.

    Imagine insulting people through that mouth….YAK!

  33. Finally the law has visited him, this boy thought he was tough!! Let those who were supporting and encouraging you come and bail you out; if at all you will see them. Good luck with the chooks this winter.

  34. This boy is stupid. Please pound his balls to powder so that he can start to know that insulting and accusing innocent people of corruption is punishable. That is not courage but utter stupidity. Where are the people who were praising you for insulting? Zambia is small Ch1ka1a tukuta.

  35. I’m sure Chella is a mental suspect-half mad. After his wife left him because of the scandal he created, he has started distructing us by promoting his name on social media in a bad way. He is embarrassing himself.


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