A new coal mine is expected to be opened in Sinazongwe District in Southern Province before the end of this year.
The mine will be called Indongo and Jonah Coal Mine and will be set up in Senior Chief Mweemba area in Mulungwa.
Indongo and Jonah Coal Mine Counsultant Lewis Tumbama told the special meeting for Sinazongwe District Development Coordinating Committee (DDCC) about the new development today at the Council Chamber.
Mr Tumbama said that 50 percent of the mine would be owned by Zambians while the other 50 percent would be owned by foreigners.
He disclosed that US$ 10 million would be pumped in as initial capital for the operation of the mine.
Mr Tumbama noted that the mine would be an open pit mine and will have a washing plant, pollution control facility, a residential area for high cost and low cost houses.
The Consultant said the life span for three open pit areas that would be opened would be 15 years.
He however, noted that 53 households from five villages within the mining area would be relocated to other area that has already been identified.
The Villages includes, Siabwacha, Siapukwe, Malyango, Mudododi and Siavwela.
Mr Tumbama said the company would bear all the cost of relocating the people through building them new houses and assisting them to start their new life.
The DDCC committee has also recommended to the new mine owners to set up a development trust fund to ensure that the interests of the community were addressed.
Zambian shareholders in the new company includes Livestock and Fisheries Development Minister Bradford Machila, Dipak Patel, Satwant Sing the former rally driver, and Davison Mulela former Minister in the Chiluba regime.
Before I read the details, coal mining is very good for Zambia’s industrial energy us well as for fuel in the rural (and urban) areas where there is no electricity in order to avoid excessive tree chopping for (malasha) charcoal. But, unfortunately, up to date and despite the abundance of coal in Zambia, coal is never pre packed for usage in domestic homes. As a result of this trees in zambia have been felled to the extent that Zambi is turning into a desert. Do we really have educated people in Zambia to advise the grz on the consequencies of deaforestation?
The life span is too short to dislocate people and I hope those foreign should not be chinese cabbage. Let them build houses before start mining
I thought that no Government Minister could own shares in a company whilst holding office.??
This leads to corruption.!
Why do these coal companies not package coal for domestic use – would save our trees.
Agree with Peter’s comments above.
Interested Reader, So where should politicians take their money if they can’t invest? Besides mention one country where it is illegal for politicians to make investments whilst in office? This country needs invest regardless of the source including politicians. We want Zambians to invest but we want to put up hurdles saying not this Zambian. What’s up with us as a people?
And who is intrested in your ……? zambia now is a …? we need to go back to…?
Comment: The govt should be very careful, they shuld first consider the life of villagers in the area. These investors are devils becoz they just destroy other pipo by making them suffer. They can’t even give them fields. Where can the house take u in typical villages? Minus a field were they get food from. Am not for the idea. This is too much. Pipo of Zambia hav suffered more than enough becoz of these foreigners.