Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) will conduct a public auction of various game and protected animals to be hunted by interested citizens for meat, ZAWA Public Relations Officer Wilfred Moonga has said.
Mr. Moonga said the animals to be auctioned constitute 21 species packaged into 228 bags containing two to six different species per hunting bag.
He said the auction was intended to allow even people without firearms to access game meat because licenses to hunt wild animals were only given to people owning licensed firearms and were in possession of a blue book.
Mr. Mtonga said the animals to be auctioned were secured from this year’s approved resident quota of animals to be hunted under license.
He said the quota of animals to be hunted has been split into normal resident hunting, auction and SMS conservation awareness campaign competition.
Mr. Mtonga also said that hunting applications for citizens interested to hunt in the 2010 hunting season closed on May 31 this year and that the selection of successful applicants will be conducted through a public draw in August at ZAWA head office in Chilanga.
Meanwhile, the SMS competition which was launched in March this year would continue to run up to end of this month with live draws conducted every two weeks on Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) television.
I think and firearm and a hunting license would be great to have in Zed. We are still closer to a hunter gatherer society anyways.
Can ZAWA please grant me a hunting licence to hurl down the presidential challenger jet.