Monday, February 3, 2025

HH distances himself from Chifubu saga


United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema says has refused to be dragged into the debate that the Patriotic Front (PF) won the Chifubu by-elections single handedly.

Mr Hichilema said he would use right channels to resolve squabbles affecting the UPND/PF pact.

UPND on the Copperbelt has accused PF of not being sincere in view of recent utterances byPF vice-president Guy Scott.

The UPND said it was disappointed with Dr Scott who portrayed the PF as being more popular than the UPND.

But Mr. Hichilema said that such debates should not be allowed in the public.

He said that it is pure immaturity to allow such debates to occur in the media as they are right channels to discuss such matters.
[ QFM ]


  1. My respect to you as we (in the PF part of the PACT) will always support you in good times and the bad and without the ugly- MMD! MMD is on its way out that’s why they want you to jump of a clock that has been at one o’clock since 1991! Kuya bebele that’s all! Zwa -MMD Yasila!

  2. What channels ba HH naimwe? These are your grass roots talking, it is clear that he never consulted them before dragging them into the Pact.
    The reason why he agreed to a Pact with PF without consulting the UPND grass roots is now clear. By joining the Pact with PF (a party with a strong bemba base), he hoped to cleanse himself of the tribal tag which has haunted him since he took over UPND from Andy. HH cannot be tribal if he can work with PF, that is what people would think. Very clever strategy for sure, but as all cheating it does not go far especially in a marriage of cheats.
    It does not require MMD to break the Pact into pieces, it is a self destruct organisation that Pact.

  3. Journalist please use your language well. If Mr scott speaks does it mean that is the whole PF speaking or if one UPND member speaks, does it mean that the entire UPND has spoken? This article is wobbly it has no substance at all. the author looks bias:-?:-?;);)

  4. The pact needs to hire a political consultant infact they should have done this earlier on as it is a critical,if they are ever going to make it.All these squables we have seen in the past were going to be avoided with the correct coaching,consultations and mentoring.Other issues they would have worked with a Political Consultant iare the allocation of Cabinet positions,an overall plan of which MP’s will be contesting in which area,harmonizing their manifesto’s ,legal guidelines of how they will work if they win the elections, legal guidelines for choosing the pact’s President even if they decided to choose one later on but at least some groundwork would have been prepared. By now they would be busy campaiging for 2011 and in the event that a Bye election comes in they would be…

  5. be prepared already, but with the way things are going they are far from being ready. Please URGENTLY get the services of a POLITICAL CONSULTANT even issues with making public statements ,is an area where the services of a political consultant would come in. Good response Mr HH that is the way to go,let all in the pact learn this skill and let everyone be consistent in it as diplomacy definitely is needed in the Pact.

  6. Was this article by Dr. Guy Scott a PF article or Dr. Guy Scott’s journalistic article? What I know is Dr. Guy Scott apart from other professions he is also a writer (journalist) and he makes more income out of writing. So, when he is writing outside PF umbrella people shouldn’t marry things he is doing in his personal life to PF. He wrote that article to make extra cash for himself and not for PF. So, why should PF (that did not even benefit from his income) be blamed for what Guy did in his economic life? People, have a life, please.

  7. #2 PF is not bemba based it shows how your analysis is tribal based or driven. HH has shown maturity by not resorting to the media. It is like the way MMD is now or the way the govt is composed of . Can you say it is runned by people from Eastern province merely on having more senior and junior ministers than any other province? The truth is PF is more populary in big towns where there are all tribes. Let us cotribute based on true analysis.

  8. I do not know about you guys but all the time I was living in Zambia, the MMD would win nearly all by elections. However, if the recent results are anything to go by, they are heading out of power, even with a divided opposition as it is. And the rise of Milupi party in Barotseland poses an even graver danger to the MMD because if he does not appoint someone from there as his deputy, they will leave MMD for Milupi in doves and given the current regionally based voting patters in Zambia, Banda and MMD will no dount be swept out of power, and Mlongoti ushered into Chimbokaila.

  9. #9 How do you reconcile the fact that depite UPND wining Lusaka in 2001, some people including Sata still accussed UPND of being a Tonga party??? To be specific, Sata used to reffer to UPND as a ‘bantu-botatwe + one’ party.

    Truth be told my bro….PF enjoys more support from the Bemba inclined people of Zambia than from any other tribal grouping. For me, this should not be a problem, its a question of like favouring like and it happens world over!…Political parties will always have strongholds!!!!

    Back to the topic, this was well said by HH. The only problem is that his diplomacy will not be reciprocated by PF!

  10. #10 Obasanjo….your analysis is correct. This is where PF needs to be very very carefull. The deciding provinces will now be the ones where UPND is strong i.e. SP and NWP + parts of CP. If HH does not contest, the candidate he will back will win the poll. I dont think ADD will contest the presidency, i think they will use their vote power to broker a power deal. Given the past and present situ, ADD is more likely to broker a deal with MMD or UPND than with PF. I also find it difficult to see how the UPND base can vote for Sata without HH’s efforts.

    The best case scenerio for PF is if ADD, UPND, MMD are all on the presidential ballot. This scenerio is very unlikely. There will be a lot of power brokering I think, PF need to show a lot of civility if they are to win this brokering…

  11. In a pact the best intrument is to control communication channels. PF and UPND leader also need to be realistic. If one person does anything outside party/Pact guidelines, they must deal with it immediately and should ban talking to media on any matters without party approval. Guy Scott being in politics for long should also have forseen the bearing of his comments on PF and avoided putting his head up. People won’t differentiate his private and personal views when on other matters he also speaks for his party. As we draw near elections MMD will do overtime to magnify any simple comments that sounds antigonistic in the PACT, just to disguide the simple minds of PF/UPND grassroot members. Zambia will never have guenuine elections becz it is feating time for commoners (power)

  12. Fellow zambians, simple minds will show by being brain washed earsily through simple differences like the one above. We all know tribal differences is the best weapon in Zambian politics. People even those with big minds easily fall prey to it. Guard your emotions, it is the weakest point in many zambians . This is the time to tell the leaders in the PACT to quickly look into it and instil some senses in those with short sights.
    Don’t go to the press and start complaining. On both sides some people will go outside the principles and we don’t all have to be suaded by their emotions and start breaking the PACT. My opinion; President or Vice, HH will eventually be President if succession is properly worked out becz age is at his side. All HH needs is to stick to real development.

  13. MMD is adesperate. MMD will use any weak mind, and the economically weak in society hold on to power. Cadres are there because that is thier means of some income. I dont think a sober mind will fight over a party. They fight for food. Any food, anything thrown at them. They have nothing to lose but to gain from the politicians. In western world there is no such thing as cadres. This concept wasw used in Eastern world to organise the power (peasants) by applying some intimidation. UNIP used it and Chiluba re-introduced it in MMD. There were no Cadres in 1991 in MMD we all know. But when power became sweet, suddenly Cadres re-appeared. Remember “By AIR”, CB and Lusaka know it better. “Ninshi waisalile cibi” – UNIP Mulilo

  14. Mwanga, was there before UNIP, as good as he is at sensing direction of wind of change, he moved away from Mr Nkumbula and stack with UNIP. He was rewarded. Come MMD at the right time he jumped ship. When people thought he was finished, he again opened the back door on MMD and bounced back. Chiluba stuned. With Banda in the driver’s seat, all was UNIP except the name. All UNIP tactics are back with Detention as a weapon KK taught them. Are Zambians so dull that they can’t see through Banda and see beyond his knees and realize his feet are UNIP hooves? KK got his secret methods a mix from Saddam/China/Russia. Please wake up and stop Tribal arguments and discuss reality.

  15. From Now on, If everyone starts saying l dont react with emotions. I need factuals, and respect the PACT then MMD will be dealt a blow becuase few will be interested in hear says. We want Change/. The wind of change is blowing. Just for your ears, we have lots of rural *****s in all camps so watch out.

  16. The unfortunate part is that PF and UPND have clearly shown us that they cant work together as there preoccupation is not service delivery but just winning. I can bet you, these guys might have no plan on how to run the country assuming they won the elections. There will be more fighting than anything else. The insults we have heard from HH have been adopted from the King himself otherwise what we are hearing now is what we have known HH for. HH can only genuinely pact with ADD as the terrain for that is favourable. The other camp is too smart for HH and honest people get uncomfortable with such groups which are appointed by individuals. The appointing authority then becomes their constituency and as such just need to please the appointing authority and that is what Guy is doing

  17. Just heard from the PF Vuvuzela that George Mpombo is calling for the riddance of RB. Can somebody out there tell me why honestly Mpombo has been hitting the headlines in the POST ever since he resigned from govt? wHEN HE WAS IN GOVT, THE MAN NEVER MADE HEADLINES…not even in GRZ papers and he falls out with RB/MMD, then the Post find him a valuable source of news even when it is on record that he is a loose canon with no facts in certain things he talks about. I understand why the Post has lost respect with certain people.

  18. Sata actually supported Scott’s article,and went further saying, ”UPND is jittery with the facts on the ground”.So you cannot separate Scott’s opinion from PF opinion.

  19. UPND fact sheet;
    1.It is a tribal party hoping to cleanse itself in the PACT.
    2.Only a Tonga can lead UPND.
    3.Its a junior party in the PACT.
    4.It cannot rule zambia on its own.
    5.It has a declining popularity,since 2001.
    6.Its destined for a major split come 2011.

  20. No wonder HH cannot comment on PF outbursts because he is fearful that big brother, who is unpredictable, can divorce him from the PACT and thus ruin his only chance getting into government.

  21. Couldnt agree more with VJ Rigger. Actually HH has already been ditched. Only insane politician like Ackson Sejani with his Mapatizya formula which he shipped to Mufumbwe can sing praise of HH. This seat will be nullified and MMD will win come what may. All those alleging that Scott the Eugen Terreblanche of Zambia wrote as a Post Columist are more stupid than the Ostrich of Namib Desert. Howelse can we interpret the behaviour of Mike Satan and Ginen Lubind”Chipato” delicace for Sata who think that PF is the alpha and omega. Am sure Andy Mazoka is turning in his grave coming to terms that Given is married to Sata. Equally Andy would have prefered SAKI to HH taking over the UPND mantle because he Andy was not a tribalist. No wonder he was able to score highly in areas that were not “…

  22. Lusaka Times even words that are not worthy censoring you are removing them. Fellow bloggers on the Astericks ***** on # 26 I meant s.t.u.p.i.d

  23. VJ Rigger & Alinaswe: you seem to be part of the MMD propaganda machinary trying to foster tribal divisions in the pact as a weapon to help you retain power. Let me warn you, playing the tribal card can be dangerous and it won’t take you anywhere. Whether you like it or not the truth is MMD is supported mainly by Easterners, PF is supported mainly by Northerners and UPND is supported mainly by the bantu botatwe groups(southern and Central) plus North Westerners. If you want to call that tribal then that is your choice but then don’t just pick on UPND. A good political analyst will look at the background to this political biasness. It’s a no brainer to know why easterners will favour MMD, just look at the cabinet composition & most top govt appointed positionsa and you have the answer.

  24. have settled in other cities or areas) becuase Sata used the prosecution of Chiluba as a basis for building up the support base of PF from 2001(after losing elections) to the 2006 election time. Sata at the time claimed that Mwanawasa was persecting the bembas through the corruption trials. Sata decided to ditch Chiluba when he realised that the Post newspaper hated his association with Chiluba and that was going to deny him his most valiable mouth piece. In case you have forgotten(or maybe you don’t know at all) the Post Newspaper campiagned vigorously against Sata a few weeks before cont…from #28: PF has it’s political stronghold in the Northern part of Zambia(or people who hail from their but the 2006 elections. Another point worth mentioning is that Sata exploited tribal divisions…

  25. Another point worth mentioning is that Sata & MMD exploited divisions at the UPND convention to promote tribal divisions within the party to win the support of those groups within UPND that felt aggrieved by the lose of Saki. They painted a wrong picture that Saki was hounded out of the UPND by the tongas. To the unanalytical eye it was easy to believe such lies but the truth or fact is HH was a better candidate than Saki & the convention was attended by delegates drawn from nine provinces in equal numbers. PF as the opposition, benefitted more from the the UPND fallout and that explains why they performed well in the main Urban areas. Sata’s anti Chinese rhetoric and the famous 90 days development plan also helped to endear him to the poor urban dwellers who felt economically squeezed by

  26. Do you need proof that PF is bemba based? Look no farther, just listen to the bemba political advert used for the recent Chifubu bye election campaign. Listen to Sata’s language bane and tell me that my analysis is wrong.

  27. MMD economic programs. If you look at the demographical composition of most Zambian cities by tribal origin it is easy to understand why Sata is popular. We should also not forget that in most major cities intermarriages have taken places over years but most intermarriages follow atribal cousin pattern arrangement.
    The UPND was formed as an anti Bemba domination forum during the Chiluba days. Even then UPND was percieved to belong to the Bantu botatwe groups(tonga, ila and lenges), Lozis and North Westerners. The Easterns stuck with UNIP joined FDD.. It’s no wonder that Chiluba decided to ditch Sata as his prefered successor and opted for Mwanawasa(an Lenje). Those ofyou who are claiming that UPND had a different support base under Mazoka are damn liers or you are just playing some ….

  28. cheap politics. I hope this will help to rubbish the lies being propaged an this forum that UPND is a tribal party. Some of you are even claiming that the tongas are tribal because they keep voting UPND. It’s easy to understand why Southerns vote UPND; it’s because they have the best presidential candidate. Why don’t you call Easterners tribal for voting for the same UNIP all the time until Mwanawasa offered them the Vice presidency? Why don’t you call Northerns(expecially bembas) tribal for voting PF? Is this not the case of a kettle calling a pot black. Let us be realistic in our blogging and thinking and stop fermenting tribal divisions with our fore fathers have worked so hard to discourage. It’s time we started focusing our attention on real issues like what the different…

  29. Zed Patriot….you blog with a lot of sense….I second every line you have put across. The good thing is that other tribal groupings are now realising that they have been used by the ‘clever’ bembas to propagate their dominancy in zed politics. Wait and see how they will shout down ADD as being a Lozi party just because the founder is Lozi. If a kaonde starts one, it will be called a kaonde party. Even MMD when it was led by one none bemba LPM, it became a family tree. When Chiluba appointed a lot of bembas in govt, it was not tribal, when RB does the same, its tribal. Even in work places its the same…them appointing each other its ok but if another tribe does, they cry wolf. How many PF MPs are not bemba inclined? wake up Zambia…lets chose leaders on merit not on tribal nonsense.

  30. from #34….as for the POST, the less said, the better. They already put it in black and white that they would want to have Bemba as a NATIONAL language!… cheap? Why cant they take a leaf from the SUN in the UK which deals with real issues affecting the common man. For Mmembe and his friends at the POST to take all their time creating an issue of making Bemba a national language tells what their core values are. Heaven alone knows why they now think Sata is the best thing that can happen to Zambia…..time will tell.

  31. the post has sold off the country but we shall not let them do that!!whoever thinks they are superior shall be brought down..sta tone down coz ur heart attack will be severe this time around when you lose!!

  32. zed patriot and legacy please reflect on what you have written. for people trying to stamp out tribalism your statements are very shameful. that fact is since the heydays of mazoka UPND has become simply a party for southern province with 2 seats outside. argue based on facts not feelings and assumptions. MMD is represented across the country and its cabinet has been composed of people from every part of zambia. in chiluba’s cabinet you had great ministers from southern province like malambo, bennie mwiinga, syamujaye, baldwin nkumbula, vj mwaanga and many more at deputy minister level. so how can you accuse MMD, FTJ or even RB os being bemba tribalists? first take the log out of your own eye before removing the speck in others

  33. the data from vj rigger shows clearly how far UPND has come down. I can tell you right now UPND is definitely losing 5 MP’s come 2011. hachipuka, nkombo, matongo, syakalima and mwiimbu will be leaving and joining MMD. HH is finished for agreeing to join a fool like sata. he should have had the courage to go it alone and convince the nation that he can be elected across the country but the guy is so mean he cant relate to people outside his own tribe and thats why all his friends are either foreigners or fellow tongas. HH CAN NEVER BE COMPARED TO THE GREAT LEADER AND MANAGER ANDY KAMBELA MAZOKA, A MAN FULL OF CHARM AND INTELLIGENCE. THATS WHY LPM WAS SO SCARED OF HIM

  34. In its current state the PACT is like a shattered wine glass. Instead of trying to mend it, the most economic option is to buy a new one.

  35. #33 Zed Patriot.: i laud your even analysis of the political status quo. Would you advise on my suggestion to float HH as president while we the young rally behind him irrespective of colour, race, gender or ethnicity..? this, in my view will help us the young to take upfront challenges the old have failed. Sata is Very old and cant deliver. what change can it be? if you want to prove me right, give him his boat and let him try to paddle it across luapula river. He will run out of breath sooner than he starts. worse he will drift with current. the young shld take up the challenge of leadership.

  36. 38/39 Captain Solo….stop the hypocrisy, when Mazoka was still alive, you called him tribal and even accused him of having stollen cattle. Now that he is no more, you want to heap praise on him, how cheap!

    The point we are making is that when UPND enjoyed the kind of support PF had in 2006 and 2008, it was still called a Tonga party just because it was also popular in SP; can it then be right to call PF a Bemba party just because its popular in Bembaland? What is bad for john, should also be bad for jane. If there is one legacy Sata and the Post will leave, its having incited the tribal sensitivities of people. The first time I heard a politician de-capaigning another on tribal lines was when Sata was trying to bring down one Mazoka. We will wait and see what will happen to Milupi!

  37. Thanks The Legacy & Kalikeka. I was taking a commercial break. Together with your contribution I will continue exposing the falsehood being propagated on this forum. I have noticed that some people thrive on lies and will continue posting lies until people start believing them or until they start believing thier own lies. We must continue exposing such lairs and countering thier propaganda. I am sure a lot of bloggers/readers are making sense of what we are posting.

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