Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Nevers Mumba says Kamuzu Banda’s Malawi Congress Party’s Election Victory Offers Hope to New Hope MMD


New Hope MMD President Dr Nevers Mumba says the bouncing back to power in Malawi by the Malawi Congress Party offers hope to the MMD.

Dr Mumba says he has since phoned Malawi President-Elect Lazarous Chakwera who is also an ordained Reverend to congratulate him.

“I have just got off the phone with my brother the Rev (Dr) Lazarous Chakwera, the President-Elect of the Republic of Malawi. This is a peculiar moment in God’s special calendar for Africa. In one single election, God has conclusively answered the two most critical questions in governance,” Dr Mumba said.

“God has nullified the myth that a political party that loses power cannot be re-elected. Kamuzu Banda’s Malawi Congress Party lost power in 1994 and today the 24th June 2020 has won the election with a landslide. God has also nullified the long-standing myth that a Pentecostal Reverend cannot become President. Today, Rev Lazarous Chakwera has become the 6th President of Malawi.”

“The Bible says, “to everything, there is a season.” This is a new season for Africa to bring morality and integrity in African politics. This has been our fight and crusade over the last two decades. The Christian values are to bring equity and justice to the long-oppressed African person. This day goes down in the annals of history as the beginning of the true emancipation for Africa,” Dr. Mumba said.

“Congratulations Malawi. You have done it. You have beaten us at our own game. Congratulations Rev Chakwera for this memorable victory. May Zambia be next.”

However, Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) chairperson Justice Dr. Chifundo Kachale has warned media houses in Malawi to tread carefully when publishing unofficial results, saying the move has the potential of misleading the nation as some of the results circulating on Social media are fake.

Dr. Kachale made the remarks during the second briefing on the first day of the eight days of vote tallying at the National Tally Centre at College of Medicine in Blantyre.

“We are not transmitting any results of now. In fact, the first results are not yet in. However, there are unofficial results circulating in the media, especially social media.

“I advise media houses to ensure that they explain to their followers that their results are unofficial until MEC makes a determination on them,” he said.

Dr. Kachale underlined that MEC is the only body with powers to announce and declare winners.

“Those spreading unofficial results have the capacity to shape public perception. I ask for caution,” he said, adding that Malawians should also be on the watch against the proliferation of fake news.

Dr. Kachale, a judge of the High Court of Malawi, pointed out that unofficial results have been broadcast on radio and also circulating on social media.

“While the unofficial results have a potential of shaping the public perception on the expected outcome of the election, the Commission wishes to affirm its position that it is the only body that has the legal mandate to announce and declare a winner in an election.

“Therefore, those that are spreading unofficial results, especially media houses, should always not forget to put a disclaimer that what they are sharing are unofficial results and that the final results will be declared by the Commission.”

He said when determining the results the Commission does not just look at the figures but is also considers complaints and issues that have been brought alongside that particular result. The Commission is reminding all stakeholders to be on the lookout for fake news and false information.

“With social media, it is possible for anyone to come up with their own results and distribute them. All stakeholders taking an action basing on unofficial results should be extremely cautious,” he said.

Dr. Kachale said a candidate wins an election when all votes are tallied and not that in a particular district or region or constituency.

“Therefore, all stakeholders are advised to keep their eyes on the national tally that will be released by the Commission,” he said.

Dr. Kachale said the Returning Officers, who are mostly District Commissioners, will bring the results physically to the National Tally Centre.

He also stressed that MEC is not transmitting results through any electronic system or network. Therefore, no one should wake up and raise allegations of hacking or infiltration of the results.

Rev Chakwera’s MCP was once led by ex-president Kamuzu Banda, who ruled Malawi for 30 years until losing power in the first multi-party polls in 1994.

This time around the MCP president leads a nine-party alliance.


  1. There wont be anymore rigging for PF that will be tolerated in next years elections in Zambia! Otherwise all hell will break loose!

  2. Malawian opposition bana ponda nyelele to convince the grassroots. They have concentrated on alternative policies and new ideas which the Malawian people have bought into. What new ideas have Nevers and his new hope given Zambians for them to have hope??? Nevers inherited MMD as a party with 48 mps and brought it down to <1% national vote with the 4 current MMD mps reporting to a different leader, who would get hope from such statistics???

  3. Let the winners win. We have had enough of these threats from UPNDEAD about all hell breaking loss. Iam voting for PF

  4. First vaccinations begin in Africa for COVID-19 trial

    Say NO to COVID-19 vaccination trail. The large-scale trial of the vaccine developed at the University of Oxford in Britain is being conducted in Africa, Africa does not have the biggest number of infections like USA and Europe. Why allow such a vaccine be tested on our people.
    The vaccine should be tested only on PF leaders and their families.

  5. That is very true.

    We are ready to vote for the MMD next year.

    it will be the biggest come back of all times

  6. There is nothing common between MCP and MMD. MCP is UNIP.
    Pastor Nevers Mumba and always miss a point by an inch. Pastor Mumba has same in common as Rev. Chakwela, both American evangelists.
    But I agree, Malawi will be more cleaner under Reverand leadership, those Malawians politicians are dirty, worse than PF. Atleast Zambians dress good, and build mansions, not those Malawians.

  7. Ba Nevers Mumba mwilabilima, tekeni bola panshi. You are celebrating Malawi unofficial results. THAT IS NO WAY TO BEHAVE FOR SOMEOE ASPIRING TO BE A NATIONAL LEADER.

  8. Gives hope to Hon. Chitika if she is bold enough to dethrone tired boring unprincipled Mumba who has been around the bush once too many times!

  9. So, Dr. Nevers Mumba is congratulating someone based on unofficial results? Does he understand the implications of such behavior?

  10. Corruption as embedded in Zambia politics is very difficult to eradicate, it is such an evil that comparatively the equal evil of tribalism looks far much better.

  11. If Dr Mumba was principled enough, he would have gone very far in politics. I can see him coming even distant third in 2021 elections.

  12. Dr Mumba you are not ripe to lead
    Zambia.First try to make MMD a force.You are better off in church then politics.

  13. Yes this is a good signal for MMD and Rev. Dr. Nevers Mumba, however, it is quite difficult to unseat the ruling party unless there is unity of purpose by all political parties. Remember this was a re-run and only two candidates were contesting. Having said that, yes its very much possible that MMD can bounce back to power and that yes A clergy can get involved in politics and lead this nation. A bena Zambia lets learn from Malawi. A student has become a teacher. Congratulations to the all our Malawians counterparts for showing that it is impossible to change a seating government. Congratulations to Rev. Dr. Chakwera ( President elect), Dr. Chilima and all the alliance members. A new dawn for Malawi.

  14. Dr Laz Chakwera Banda will be the nekesiti president of malawi. Congrats for the good win for the mighty Malawi Congress Party.

    Unfortunately vote rigging is a growing industry across the globe and combined with poverty..africa is on a very dangeruos trajectory.

  15. Malawi Congress Party was formed by Kamuzu Banda.. UNIP was formed by Kaunda. So in Zambia UNIP is bouncing back in 2021.

  16. The Malawi Congress Party once led by the fierce Kamuzu Banda has bounced back at the helm of Malawian Politics and Government. Surely this gives reason to former ruling parties in Zambia to take a leaf from Malawi. The MMD did everything possible to kill UNIP and now they are being killed as well. But there is still hope for these former ruling parties as long as they can reform and prove they can deliver in this new dispensation. Not the way UNIP has been run down by selfish few individuals. UNIP can bounce back if it opens up to the new generation and allow the inclusion of modernity and stop leaving in the past. People have run away from UNIP because of dictatorial tendencies by those in power who cant allow being challenged. I hope they will get inspired by what MCP has achieved.

  17. Hahahaha opposition now thinks that this means it’s an automatic win for them. You don’t win an election just because another party in another country has won it. Go out and sell your message to the people. We in pf are confident of our track record which speaks for itself and are confident that majority will vote for us. We don’t need to rely on malawi to win an election. How absurd is that kiki

  18. PF has been rigging elections ever since it was formed. PF rigs elections even for a section chair person in remote places of Zambia. Just come transparently, you know when Zambians are mistreated they punish with a ballot vote, all the PF gifts showered to poor Zambians will embarrass PF in 2021 elections.

  19. Nevers Mumba is not normal, the Malawi Congress Party he’s getting excited about is an Independence political party, therefore a first generation party, but MMD in Zambia is not an Independence party, its a second generation party! MMD is paying for its sins for killing Zambias independence party, UNIP! And if a Reverend wins in Malawi it doesnt mean a Reverand in Zambia will also win! These are two different scenerios! No two people are the same! And no two environments are the same! Mr. Nevers Mumba , Reverand Chakwera has worked hard to build his integrity, while you, Nevers Mumba, has worked had to destroy your integrity over the years! Remember Levy Mwanawasa fired you as his Vice president because of indiscipline, and the bad record you set for yourself in Canada when you were…

  20. The only ones who can derive hope from that victoryiin Zambia are MCP’s age mates. I. E. UNIP. Ba MMD all the current youths can remember your rule and they aren’t in a hurry to get you back. UNIP just needs to dust themselves up, find a new leader who talks better than Tilyenji and they will be back in State House

  21. Ba @ Nickson mulibapuba tata nangu shani….surely you can still be supporting anything PF now in 2020….? These are the thugs Sata left for Zambia to rule Zambia as if Sata was a god….I cringe..?? People of Zambia brothers and sisters please wake up and vote wisely in 2021 to oust this current regime.


  23. I hope this fake pastoring political nincompoop is not again going to claim it was God who told him in a dream that this time he is going to win. Maybe it’s his Bisa/Bemba God he shares with Nkandu Lunyokolola who told him!

  24. Congrats Pastor Lazarus! It a new dawn for Malawi and Zambia will follow you soon. We need credible leaders with good morals and who have the heart for the people and the nation – not corrupt, immoral and greedy leaders. God bless Malawi, God bless Zambia! Psalm 33:12


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