Thursday, February 6, 2025

Government Chief Whip Defends Speaker from Muna Ndulo attacks


Government Chief Whip Brian Mundubile says he is very certain that posterity would judge Speaker of the National Assembly Dr. Patrick Matibini very FAIRLY on allegations being levelled against him by Constitutional Lawyer Muna Ndulo who alleges that he, the Speaker made a statement that he reserves powers to interpret the Constitution within the confines of the operations of the Legislature and that the Constitutional Court can not tell him what to do.

Mr. Mundubile says he had had the privilege of reading the ruling by Speaker Matibini where he said on page 47 that he, the Speaker may be required from time to time to interpret the laws of the land in general and the Constitution in particular at least in so far as they relate to the functioning and management of the National Assembly.

He said there was nowhere in the entire ruling where Dr. Matibini made the statement as alleged by Muna Ndulo.

The Chief Whip said, at page 50 of the ruling, Speaker Matibini said ” the actions and decisions of the National Assembly as well as that of the Speaker and other Presiding Officers are subject to Judicial review”

Hon. Mundubile explained that here, the Speaker relied on two cases, first the case of the Attorney General and the Speaker of the National Assembly v Ludwig Sondashi (2003) Z.R 42 and the second being the case of the Attorney General and the Speaker of the National Assembly v the people (1999) Z. R 186.

Mr. Mundubile who is also the Mporokoso law maker and PF Chairman for legal, in exonerating Speaker Matibini said the allegations being levelled against him are not true according to the ruling and said he was certain that posterity would judge Dr. Matibini fairly.


  1. Prof. Ndulo is a deadwood.
    One feels for Ndulo’s associates. You can’t have a person claiming to be so learned but discharging blanks at knowledge.
    Every statement issued by Ndulo through this podium is either from without or out’a touch with reality.
    We’ll soon start screening qualifications from these so called professors.
    You don’t go to school only to resurface to mislead people.

  2. And this is a professor who cannot even read simple English. It seems when people move to diaspora they lose their common sense. It appears the institutions there maybe still teaching inferior Africans to despise their own countries. Because I have never seen some one who claims to be so intelligent being so lazy as to use unverified news as a basis for his opinion. The man is dull and a upnd cadre. Please go March for BLM and keep away commenting on my country

  3. Most of Muna Ndulo’s legal opinions aren’t instructive, they’re mere general comments. He’s far from what’s written. I doubt if he has any record at the Bar. I’d rather listen to Patrick Mvunga and Luduig Sunday Sondashi, unfortunately both are conspicuously quiet on important national matters. I don’t know if they have been gagged. Why are they so quiet when the nation needs their counsel?

  4. Mr. Matibini indeed will be judged fairly by posterity. As a speaker that had no respect for the rule of law!
    And to think that the only people that support his cause are pf caders, who have no competence at all in matters of the law just goes to show how guilty the man is. We have had two exceptionally qualified constitutional lawyers render their opinions and they have been called all sorts of names for doing what they do best. And instead we have compromised people like tutwa being heralded as experts at law! Really laughable


  6. I don’t think Muna Ndulo had access to the entire ruling delivered by the Speaker. I think Prof Ndulo was relying on press reports of the Speaker’s ruling. I expect the professor to change his mind upon reading Speaker Matibini’s ruling in full. I happen to know both Muna Ndulo and Patrick Matibini. I know the two men in fact like each other. The ruling by the Speaker was sound and Muna Ndulo himself will agree with it upon reading it in full.

  7. Ayatollah: Here’s the truth about Muna Ndulo. He actually worked in the attorney general’s chambers and is qualified to practise law in Zambia. I hope I hv freed you from your ignorance. Prof Mvunga accepted to be lead the government agency that inquires into allegations of misconduct by judges while still running a law firm. Hw does a lawyer who’s still presenting cases before the same judges sit to hear complaints against those same judges? It’s absurd. You know it, Prof Mvunga knows it and even Edgar Lungu who appointed him knows it but he still appointed him anyway and Prof Mvunga accepted the appointment anyway.

  8. Matibini is PF speaker he can’t and will never be impartial.

    He knows that he is one of the looters and trying hard to protect his interests by favoring the PF.

    Didn’t he know know about the lapsing of Bill 10!? Why did he allow tge debate in the first place?

    Under the sun, there is time for everything.

    PF must go!

  9. Madilu System: Speaker Patrick Matibini has a duty to clear the question u hv posed. I am given to understand that under the rules of Parliament, Bill 10 had lapsed. I expect any alert MP to rise on a point of order and seek the Speaker’s ruling. There’s also the precedent he set himself in the impeachment motion. He didn’t allow it to be presented and debated on account of a legal challenge in court by a non-MP.

  10. Everything PF and their rats say should be judged against the economy , everything.

    It’s like listening to rapists telling you how to treat a woman……

  11. Yes, Baron Ndhlew has not changed since the Munali days. The Trump virus is catching.

  12. Muna Ndulo uses tribe to think unfortunately. That’s why it would be a tragedy if the Zambians voted in Akainde and his bunch of brainwashed cadres into government. No one would drink water. Nalanda.

    • Countries are run using the law, unless you are telling me that you have not read the constitution and don’t understand you rights, then you might have such ituri rainforest mindset.

  13. This is very simple junior secondary school civics, the legislature makes the laws, the judiciary enterprets them while the third arm of government, the executive, implements them. So which ever gutter Matibini pulled out the belief that he as Speaker reserves powers to interpret the Constitution, within any confines whatsoever, is must ludicrous. To argue in his support is tantamount to exposure of foolish ignorance and only *****ic fools like Kainyokolola Zulu can wallow in such kind of stinking nincompoopery!

  14. @Nemwine, you seem to contradict yourself on Muna Ndulo, if he didn’t have access to the full judgement by Matibini then why did he make a comment? A man of his standing base his comments on hearsay. At the Bar, your arguments must be either factual or supported by Law. So I’m correct to infer that most of his presentations are general commentaries that can’t be relied upon. If he worked in the AG’s Office which cases did he argue? Has he any record at the Bar? As for Mvunga, your insinuations are a story for another day. Mvunga is a successful lawyer and lecturer

  15. Anyway, for Kainyo Zulu’s own information, Patrick Mvunga is down with Alzheimer’s disease and if he is the one you are relying on then no wonder your interpretation of the constitution is as cantankerous as your hero!

  16. Sungwe and Ayatollah: Muna Ndulo is not a tribalist. It’s just that he doesn’t belong to a fashionable tribe in Zambia. The tribalism of fashionable tribes in Zambia is never reacted to by the PF government (Chris Yaluma and Nkandu Luo) while that of unfashionable tribes is swiftly reacted to ( Lamba-Lima Royal Council rejection of Patrick Zulu’s appointment as Masaiti DC). I hv not spoken to Muna Ndulo so I don’t know for sure if he has had access to the full text of Speaker Matibini’s ruling. I hv assumed that he hasn’t had access to it because knowing him as I do, I don’t expect him to hv come to the conclusion he has drawn. Apply your mind to Professor Mvunga’s appointment as head of the Judicial Complaints Commission, Ayatollah. Let me hv your honest view of it.

    • @Nemwine, I’ve not labeled Muna Ndulo as a tribalist. I am just shocked by his opinion. It doesn’t qualify as expert legal opinion. I already spoke about Mvunga’s appointment at length. I’ll try to retrieve the link and share it with you. Mvunga’s mischief doesn’t account for Ndulo’s empty comments, and that’s my point. If his comments were to be taken seriously then he’s not different from Edgar

  17. A podium discussion between the two VVVIP of the country would reduce tension ad calm spirits. The open confrontation is counter-productive because humble souls will start fighting an open war of words with the possibility of open bloody confrontation. The two institutions, namely Constitutional Court and Speaker need to cooperate and accept to work together in peace and harmony. Public confrontation would create conditions conducive for break down of law and order. The ruling of the highest court need to be accepted by the leaders for the public to also emulate the leaders. The two leaders need to do more to resume peaceful coexistence. law schools need to seize the opportunity to develop Constitutional Law programs. Already, Commercial Law is doing exemplary well at ZICAS.

  18. Ayatollah, It’s Sungwe who labelled Muna Ndulo as a tribalist. If u look at my posting, it’s addressing both of u. It was intended for Sungwe.

  19. Nina Ndulo is a tribalist. He only sees sense in whatever his tribe, UPND, says.
    The Speaker, Matibini, said matters to do with National Assembly can best be handling by him as exemplified by ZR_186 and ZR_42. Parliament has set a substantial precedent. The judiciary must not exert undue pressure on the legislature.

  20. Decent and rational people change their minds whn facts are made known to them. That’s wht Muna Ndulo will do aftr teading the full txt of Speaker Matibini’s ruling. About this I am quite sure. Prof Ndulo may living in New York but he never stops thinking about Zambia because u can’t take Zambia out of him. He’s always grateful for wht Zambia has done for him.

  21. This Prof is just jealous that his tribal kingpin has been losing elections. He promised him the position of Chief Justice or top ConCourt judge in charge.
    Professor has been out of the country for so long and he is still poor and some of us, including the President who have just been in government for a short period can now pay his salary from our own pockets. I have houses I own in the UK and right there in the USA where this fake Prof teaches.

    Of course Speaker Matibiti will always side with the PF government. He has to ensure that the government discharges its duties responsibly without any interference from the UPND childishness. Don’t tell me about impartiality, even USA Speakers are never impartial and advance the interests of their own party. So what is the big deal when…

  22. Mvunga is nothing compared to Ndulo, Mvunga would never ever have been a Prof. At Cornel University, never! All this damned constitution we have to revisit all the time was a creation of the Mvunga fool!

  23. Kainyokolola Zulu,
    You just wait and see, this tribal bigotry you and yours have unleashed will get round and bit you in your backside where it never shines and it stinks. By the time you realize, Zambia would be split up and you fool would be exporting mbeba!

  24. @ my clone above, a little advice,please do not write very long comments as there is a word number restriction. Try and break it up into smaller comments otherwise you won’t post fully. Otherwise I am happy with the work you are doing here. Continue promoting pf. I thank you

  25. Our media is porous. Issues are taken out of context to suit their political inclinations. Fellow intellectuals make sure you read or listen to origin statements before you provide counsel otherwise if you rely on what news paper a or b said you will look foolish in the end. You would have misused your intelligence to commènt on twisted facts.

  26. People learn to debate issues intellectually without usage of vulgar words. Insults belong to shallow minded people

  27. PF supporters on this forum make me believe that labeling any one who does not agree with them a tribalist is a boardroom strategy to divide Zambia. PF believe that the word tribalist is a catch phrase. Stop it and grow up. We know you both by your words but more so your actions. The word tribalist stinks.

  28. Whatever.. the real wrong thing here is so called learned people ripping people in powerful state functions. In this case by appearance based on pompous self perception.

    We need to respect Govt, Parliament, MPs, Ministers and President because however you see it they have been selected to Lead the nation.

    The exercise of intellect is best shown when acting with intellect….

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