Late president Levy Mwanawasa’s son Patrick has questioned the coincidence of the courts’ decisions on former president Fredrick Chiluba’s cases with his father’s death anniversaries.
Patrick recalled that last year, Dr Chiluba was acquitted two days before his father’s memorial, while the high court decision to dismiss an application seeking to register the London high court came almost a week before the second anniversary of the late president’s death.
He said he does not understand the rationale behind the coincidence in the dates.
In an interview, Patrick bemoaned that things that his father fought for have now been abandoned by the current regime.
He observed that people who worked closely with his father have now abandoned his plans and strategy.
Patrick, however, remained optimistic that things would change and will be better for all the people in the country.
Young man, join the PF is you want your father’s legacy to be safeguarded. Otherwise, dont weast your time talking to vultures, they dont listern becouse they have no ears. Do the right, resign now from the MMD and join Zambians. identify a constituency then get to the PF so that they can accept you.
This small boy he thinks Levy was the ultimate, we have no obligation to follow your father’s philosophy as a country. Wisen up young man and take your frustrations to Teka Farm.
Patrick go to school and get educated ,Zambia was and will continue to exist with or witout your family name.Your father was helped by people like FTJ to get into power .They were other better zambians to be president like the late Mazoka who could have led the country even better than your late dad did .Can you and your stepmother respect us for affording you to live at plot one.Zambia is country of of 11 million people who are still living.Your dad did some things right and others very wrong and bad like appointing your uncle George Mpombo as minister am sure you know how empty he is.So please give us a break with your leagcies my grandmother does not eat any so called legacy she still tills the land thanks and walks 5Kms to fetch water for years.
This young boy should just shut up his cabbage dad paid people even when they did no work.
MMD is definately losing the erection!
As long as patrick does not finish his education, then he is useless as a politician. we need youthful politicians with good and sound educational backgrounds and not drunkards from olympia and northmead. grow up young man!!!:-?
Nchito wanted to be reaping the zambians8-|8-|
Patrick – please heed the advice of all the people above and get an education! Your father was president because he was educated. What about you? Use the money you inherited and go back to s.c.h.o.o.l.
Patrick mine is personal. Take care of your Mother before Setting your eyes on becoming an I think is bigger than your mothers responsibility
#3 yaya point driven. patrick have your own life your dad is gone. indeed levy wasnt the best man for the seat just that FTJ thought he would be the easiest to manipulate if you consider the vegetable salad name. if anything you owe it to FTJ for ever having lived in statehouse. dont think your dad left a clean record bcos if govt wants they can go after your stepmum and unearth a lot of dirt. she was involved in so many dirty jobs and helped herself to bloody cash. RB is matured he has decided to let the sleeping dogs lie. can you explain the mushrooming petroda gas stations and the money held in that private bank owned by an indian he is the only one who knows the balance in millions of dollars
This boy is an *****.
… After all we did for him and his father! Legacy, Legacy, Legacy my foot! A legacy of the Family tree, that’s all. We got people like G Mpombo courtesy of the legacy. Please! Let’s choose what is ggod for the country not this stupid legacy trash. On this one I agree with Tres Mpundu, no less!
Leave Levys’s Son. He is entitled to his opinion more over the vultures have taken over the reins now and stealing with inpunity. There is no fear of theft by public servant. Infact, they want to institutionalise it and call it ” Mistake by oversight whilst in Office” and Not Jailable. This will replace abuse of office case.
Sorry people, I don’t get it. To those of you who know this buy well can you elaborate for us the ignorant. Is this buy all big mouth and no brainer? What is this stuff about going back to school? I am in the dark.
#13 meant to say “boy” and not “buy”
Mwaice iwe give thanks to God and to Chiluba for waking up your dad who quickly forgot who woke him up! Have you forgotten too? If you bite the finger that feeds you you will bite yourself.
This Boy Is a Brainless Chicken,What do you expect of an Offspring of a Cabbage like his late Dad?
This Nicompoomp patronises Bars in the Co. Of Iliterates Who Cheat him that his dad was better than anybody.Shame on the Boy he has failed to go back to School and wants to do a Shotcut into Politics.
Not in this day & Age – wake Up & Do Your Own Thing !
is this an MMD motivated blog? Let the boy speak. i see 98% of u guys r happy with RB and his way of thinking and doing things. Too bad! Our late president did something good and i’ll live to embrace that “good” he did. And why the hell r u shitting about Patrick’s education? Where has freedom of speech gone? # 11, what did u do for Levy? U must b a real Jeck!
The late President had strengths and weakenesses, this chiluba trial as indeed drained the the treasury, Patrick junior must also realise that the father was being paid for his job and he should be allowed to rest in peace.
#16 Let Patrick speak, patronizing bars kwisa? And how the hell did you know, unless you tell us that you are one of the ‘Illiterates’ who you say are cheating him. Just because you have little knowledge on how to use a computer and got access to the Internet does not make you over qualified for you to condemn Patricks educational background? How do we even know whether you are educated (whatever you called education) yourself.After all, his is still young. He (Patrick) was just giving his opinion, which is his birth right by the way.
Although I do not support RB and his MMD headless chickens, I do not think that RB is obliged to inherit all of Levy’s philosopies.
These ‘coincidences’ are a bit like seeing faces in the clouds. Whatever date of the verdicts would have rankled the likes of Patrick.I dont think his dad did a great job in anything except prosecuting thief Chiluba. Otherwise nepotism and corruption thrived under Levy.
#5 JOHN, the other guy #1 RED CARD FIMO FIMO missed your humour on the othe blog.when you said erction bena bachikumwenamo kwati nauluba.it’s always the case when you want to show off as a mr genius.only a half brain can miss such humour typical PF mentality
Does it mean 90% of Zambians who blog on LT are such useless in Language. What of what they think? Because what they say is what they think. Now I understand why Zambia is rich in resources but very poor in management. So all these people who are posting their nonsense here come from Zambian? I was thinking of going to Zambian for my vocational holiday but this example I have seen on this blog puts me off. Is this what it means to be Zambians? They are full of rubbish ideas and language. What are you doing in other people’s countries if can be supporting people who plunder your countries? Go back to your poverty stricken Zambian where you are used of insulting one another. When cleaning our offices, buildings and roads you pretend to be good people and yet you are full of vulgar language.
levy was the president of zambia for over 6 yrs, why didnt chiluba case come to the end?just busy using grz money paying his friends called lawyers.infact chiluba’s case has consumed more money than the money they are prosecuting him for. patrick shud shut up, zambia is not a chiefdom or kingdom where leadership goes from father to son to son
# 23 – you’re are Zambian! Which “nigger” worth his salt can blog on “Lusaka Times”
#23 European nigger, that is some bad bad English, upipa amafi yatukote ati waba ku UK? bbbwaaaaaahahahahahahahaha
dont even conterplate coming because if you do so those homos you give that ass there will miss it and homo sexuallity is a crime here so you will starve to death,so stay right right there you true niggar
Blame it on the press that even wastes its precious time when we have genuine people to interview. So how has this coincidence disturbed the Mwanawasa family? I will never understand Patrick. By the way can some one enlighten me on what Patrick does for his life?
pa zed yalikaba
People let us not insult the dead. One day or another we shall all die. The insults we are hurling at the dead will also be thrown unto our children. Let us insult Patrick because he is alive. This culture of insulting the dead should come to an end. Mind you death is inevitable. Even those who are insulting ikamiyanga one day or another. And you own chidren will be subjected to the same insult you are throwing unto dead Mwanawasa. Let us not be cheap in thinking as Zambians. We have to broaden our thoughts beyond insulting the dead. Mwanawasa was not an angel but during his time he tried his best. The Kafupi man we are extoling today was the worst president Zambia will ever had.The chap deserves a bullet in the head. Come 2011,if he is not careful, he will receive a bullet in the head.
Hey this boy called Patrick wot has he studied kansi…!!!
By the way this shud not think just coz his late father woz presdo and a lamba by tribe then he wil b accepted automatically ….neva….go 2 teka farm..mwaiche
tulakufuka chikaba chobe”ba levy”
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