Sunday, February 2, 2025

Let Your Love Grow



“We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing”
(2 Thessalonians 1:3, NIV).

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

God’s desire is to see you grow and increase in every area of your life—especially in your love for others. That’s because love is the greatest thing, and it is all that matters in eternity.

The book, Love at Last Sight: 30 days to Grow and Deepen Your Closest Relationships by Pastors Kerry and Chris Shook, sums it up perfectly. It says, “At the end of the day—in this all-too-short life we all share, all we really have are relationships with people we love and who love us. In light of relationships, the job and career we set as goals now aren’t really so important; the ladders we try to climb don’t matter so much; the objects we long to possess seem utterly trivial. What really matters in the end is that special look that you share with your spouse, the arms of your child reaching up to you, the quiet comfort of being with a friend who stands by your side in a difficult time.”

Today, I pray that your love continues to grow and build a solid foundation for your faith. I pray that through your connection with the Father, you are strengthened in all of your relationships as you move forward into the life of blessing He has for you!


Father God, thank You for loving me and transforming me into Your image. I invite You to search my heart and mind today. Help me to keep Your plans and purposes first and to love others the way You love me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

– Joel & Victoria Osteen


  1. Hi Joel & Victoria Osteen
    How should we pray? is it standing or kneeling down. please help in your next lessons including scripture references.

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