Sunday, September 8, 2024

President Lungu has directed FRA to start paying farmers Immediately-Wina


President Edgar Lungu has directed the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) to immediately start paying farmers in cash once they deliver maize to the agency.

President Lungu said that the FRA must use the 1 Billion Kwacha which has been released to the agency to ensure farmers are paid on time. Vice President Inonge Wina says the Head of State has made the directive to ensure farmers earn from their produce as soon as possible.

Mrs. Wina said this when she met Chiefs from Lufwanyama District at Lufwanyama Boarding Secondary School this morning. Mrs. Wina has praised Chiefs in the District for working with government to maintain peace in the area.

She said traditional leaders have been vital in fostering peace and national unity.

Earlier, Chief Lumpuma urged government to expedite the payment of farmers through FRA. Speaking on behalf of other Chiefs, Chief Lumpuma said Lufwanyama is expecting a bumper harvest because farming inputs have been delivered on time.

The traditional leaders praised government for various developmental projects in the district such as the construction of health posts, distribution of mealie meal and opening of the Luswishi Farm Block.

Among the traditional leaders who attended the meeting with the Vice President are Chief Nkana, Chieftainess Shimukunami, Chief Lumpuma, Chief Mukutuma and representatives for Chiefs Shibuchinga and Fungulwe.

And Chief Nkana of Lufwanyama District has condemned tribalism saying it has no place in Zambia.

Chief Nkana says what happened in Monze last weekend where UPND cadres disrespected President Edgar Lungu is sad and that all well-meaning Zambians must condemn the behaviour.

Speaking when he welcomed Vice President Inonge Wina to Lufwanyama this morning, the traditional leader said people in the area do not condone tribalism.

Chief Nkana has called on people of Monze to have respect for the President as he is mandated to run national affairs.

The traditional leader added that President Lungu’s government has not practiced tribalism.


  1. Excellent!! Payment upon delivery will enable farmers prepare adequately for their next farming season. They can also send their children to school on time, when things normalise. Thank you Mr. President!!

  2. Can someone tell us why we have a civil service, chapter 9 institutions and accountability and service obligation to our citizens? So now the Presidency is one big monarchical structure that decides what must be done, when and by who, using directives? Why do you have national development plans?

  3. Dont you know that the President has that power vested in him to direct? Please go and learn Social and Civics Studies at junior secondary school.

  4. According to this story, government had just released K1 billion to FRA. Can some one tell me why FRA receives funding from government year in and year out when they resell grain at a profit? In some good years I know FRA even exports the maize and makes a killing.. Is FRA a bottomless vessel?

  5. According to this story, government had just released K1 billion to FRA. Can some one tell me why FRA receives funding from government year in and year out when they resell grain at a profit? In some good years I know FRA even exports the maize and makes a killing.. Is FRA a bottomless vessel?

  6. If FRA has the money, why does it have to be DIRECTED by the President to pay what it owes? If FRA needs to be directed by the President to do what it is there for, why are the people in it not fired? Could it be that they do not have money UNLESS and UNTIL the ‘most high’ says so? What kind of government is this in which everyone waits for a presidential directive? Is Zambia a monarchy? People thank the president for building a road, for building police and military houses, for building a hospital. WHY? This is what a government should do with the money that it collects from taxes and borrows on the behalf of the people, for God’s sake! Sooner or later they will be thanking Lungu for not stealing.

  7. Our Farmers are also sleepy!
    How do you give away your produce before receiving full payment? Have you ever heard about “Cash on Delivery?” That’s how you empower yourselves! No one else will empower you! Learn to bargain hard! I know one old lady who refused to sell her Cabbages for less than K5 per head. The Soweto traders wanted K1 per head. Do you know what she did? She ploughed her Cabbages back into the Soil! At least her soil got some green manure for the next crop! So our Farmers should stop being Cheap!

  8. This government of Edgar Lungu and Inonge Wina is the government of directives. Is there no system in place to make sure that everything run on smooth path without being directed?

    What type of behavior is this?

    PF must go!

  9. timely advice! we hope they will adhere to this. Meanwhile what is opposition’s contribution to this? as we approach elections, you wont hear anything progressive from oppostion about people’s standards of living. All they are now obsessed with is election and winning power- both things they will never achieve in our lifetime.

  10. every organisation has a leader who has a final say. Our president comments on things that have a huge impact on the wellbeing of zambians. For example food security and farming which many rely on for their livelihood. Mwayenda ku disapora, you have forgotten the importance which farming has in zambia

  11. Only fooooools will applaud such triviality and myopic leadership of one Lazy Bum Lungu …I mean how can you direct FRA to do what they are mandated to do if farmers are not being paid immediately then there is no money. Next he is going to direct ZP to arrest all thieves on the streets.

  12. This is what happens in a visionless Kleptocracy.
    Poorly qualified ex mishanga sellers, grave diggers -(cheeseboy) call boys -ng’wangwazi’s are given jobs solely on the basis of being lickers, & clueless thugs who’s only preoccupation is to shout from the hilltops, Chak0lwa nafuchi Nafuchi 2021, whilst being incapable of working at their desk. Always waiting for their useless leader to shout down the megaphone & tell them to do the job they are getting paid for, whilst plundering @ the same time.
    These useless pieces of Sh!te need to be removed together with their Alpha & Omega of inept Governance or Zambia WILL be worse off than Zimbabwe. The G00n’z have failed to rule.
    Lastly, P.F.MUSTGO!

  13. This is what happens in a visi0nless Klept0cracy.
    Poorly qualified ex mishanga sellers, grave diggers -(cheeseb0y) call boys -ng’wangwazi’s are given jobs solely on the basis of being bu.t.t lickers, & clueless thugs who’s only preoccupation is to shout from the hilltops, Chak0lwa nafuchi Nafuchi 2021, whilst being incapable of working at their desk. Always waiting for their useless leader to shout down the megaphone & tell them to do the job they are getting paid for, whilst plundering @ the same time.
    These useless pieces of Sh!te need to be removed together with their Alph@ & 0mega of inept Governance or Zambia WILL be worse off than Zimbabwe. The G00n’z have failed to rule.
    Lastly, P.F.MUSTGO!

  14. Let us just assume that these scumbags have stolen all the money .That is the is the reason why we saw fake pictures posted on his face book page .Zambia deserves better than these thieves who are worse than cholera and covid 19 put together .

  15. What a step by Lungu, he has directed the Food Reserve Agency to pay up farmers immediately. Apart from this, 1 billion kwacha has been released by the government exclusively for the farmers. This clearly shows the seriousness and commitment of the Lungu administration when it comes to the sons of the soil!

  16. He encouraged them to take up farming, he directed the authorities to employ latest technology, he urged the farmers to go for SMART farming and now he has directed a super aid of 1 billion kwacha for these farmers. God Bless You, Lungu.

  17. While HH and the Anti-Zambia brigade is busy concocting chaos in other parts of the country, the President has been as always busy in serving the men and women of this great land. A whopping help to revive the farming industry, cut short the red-tapism and provision of agricultural inputs. A well-thought-out plan and very carefully implemented too in the best interests of Zambia and her citizens.

  18. To provide the required aid, PF has joined hands with the traditional leaders as the latter are quite impressed by the way the government has dealth with the entire matter. My dear Zambians, this is how a President should be, for an agrarian economy like ours, we need a leader who puts the farmers first before authorities and corporations and Lungu is surely the best leader!

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