The opposition Democratic Party has refuted media reports that its leader Harry Kalaba has tested positive to Covid-19.
DP Spokesperson Judith Kabemba said the party is astonished with the story runnung in the Mast Newspaper that Mr. Kalaba is hospitalised with Covid 19 in UTH.
“As a matter of fact, President Harry Kalaba is home and has no Covid 19. We are taken aback on how someone would get a fake story and without verifying it, make a publication in the name of news. We appel for professionalism in media reporting,” Ms. Kabemba said.
She said the publication is false and must be dispelled with the contempt it deserves.
Ms. Kabemba has since challenged anyone to produce results indicating that Mr. Kalaba tested positive to Covid 19.
We need to realise that President Kalaba is also a human being and as such he can also fall sick, but associating every kind of a small sickness to COVID 19 is a very sick joke and defamatory on his part.”
“It is in this regard that we retaliate to inform the nation that the situation with President Kalaba is normal and getting on well from the under weather situation, contrary to falsehood that he is admitted in UTH hospital for Covid 19.”
She added, “We urge people not to take President Kalaba’s health for political expediency, because it is not morally right in our Society to politicise someone’s health and attempt to get political mileage out it.”
Wash your hands, wear a face mask in public, and observe social distancing. Sharp-sharp!
Get well soon Harry….
Even covid-19 temulandu. That Chilufya’s attempted covid- positive stunt by PF was a flop. Nobody wished him well, nobody paid attention, and life went good without him.
Kalaba is a very vocal person why are you speaking for him? Bring him out . Let him speak for himself. Dora spoke for herself, Kafwaya spoke for himself, the president of Brazil spoke for himself. Why is Kalaba using vuvuzela when we know Harry to be the spokesman for the party himself? Very rarely if any have we heard of the DP spokeperson. Bring Harry out!!
@Luka Chpt 1 we are told “The situation with President Kalaba is normal and getting on well from the under weather situation” means he’s unwell. they will bring Harry out!!! soon when he’s fine. Wishing him a quick recovery and Gods blessings.
These newspapers you have nowadays in Zambia. They can cook up anything and serve it
Abena KZ bena li tow ray
Reiterate and not retaliate. Spokes person check your spellings.otherwise,your message is now misdirected
@ Jimmy the misspellings are the reporters and not the spokesperson. Everything has been intonated with “She said”. So much for our journalists today.
@ Jimmy Shaba, the misspellings are not the spokesperson’s but the reporter’s. The whole report is intonated with “She said”. So much for our young journalists today.