Sunday, September 8, 2024

KBF is hallucinating, there’s no vacancy in the Party leadership – Davies Chama


PATRIOTIC Front (PF) deputy national chairman Davies Chama says Lusaka lawyer Kelvin Bwalya Fube can continue dreaming about his ambitions to contest the party presidency.

And Chama in an interview said it is laughable that an educated lawyer like Fube does not understand the party constitution.

Reacting to Fube’s remarks last week that he does not recognise his expulsion from the PF because the Central Committee that expelled him had no mandate, Chama said the lawyer was hallucinating.


  1. Mr Chama, there is no democracy in your party. So for interest, who is standing against your President at the stage managed convention

  2. What is this now about PF President giving $150,000 to Rwandan rebels? Was it Kaizer, Davies Mwila or Findlay in this too?
    The news is everywhere, my ex-Rwandan girlfriend (ex-student), forwarded me news from yesterday.

  3. When you hold a party convention, then all party positions become vacant. How can someone who got six points at Grade 12 not know this?

  4. *****s concentrate on your Bantustan party, leave PF alone. Our man has contested twice and won twice while yours it’s failure after failure. Yesterday when he said against the privatization thief he was called all sorts of names today he’s your hero.

  5. KBF raised important points regarding PF constitution why not challenge him on those points…these dull ministers

  6. Vacancy, there would’ve been a place for if he as as corrupt as the current leaders in PF Government. ECL is a copelet disgrace and I knew from the start.

  7. KBF knows “Chavula the Ugandan”. If push comes to shove, he has beans to spill. He’s capable of making it nasty for them.

  8. Rules are rules. If kbf really has such a huge following as he would want us to believe, why does he not set up his own party and contest the presidency? To us he was expelled and we do not have any sacred cows in pf. Let him set up his own party. You cannot force yourself on pf, a party whose supporters have not given you the mandate to stand , infact they have rejected you and expelled you. These are opportunists. Join upnd they are desperate there just like you are

  9. Mr Kaizer Zulu, can you quote from the PF constitution where it says that members of the central committee will be appointed by the president?

  10. A legal head to head, Lungu v KBF will be an interesting battle. We have a Constitution Court which will be asked to rule on the validity of a Central Committee that was hand picked by the most high to do his bidding.

  11. Just look at the corrupt rats protecting their ka dictator god alpha and omega of PF from any party elections…..

    Yet they have the corrupt brains to try to introduce bill 10 to ban other parties that have not held a convention while lungu expels or sacks or sets ACC on anyone who what’s to challenge him

    Pathetic rats , utter disgrace to Zambia politics this ka lungu and his rats are…….

  12. @Kz Impostor (who now believes his own lie) you are the same clowns who challenged CK to form his own party if he was as popular as he claimed, he lost his seat in parliament and then went on to head NDC, adn you strove to have the party banned, ilis shani?
    If there is nothing to fear from KBF, let him contest that seat in a free and fair election, what are you scared of? writing a dismissal letter backdated to last year? LOL.
    By the way, the real Kz got into a fight witht the MP at Chicagos because he was forcinng the MP to support KBF at the convention.

  13. If you are going to be an impostor of a PF official or spin doctor at least go and read the PF constitution instead of making a fool out of yourself from your UK council flat.

  14. What a hypocrite you are. When KBF announced that he is PF and that ECL was ok with him contesting the party’s presidency you praised PF for being a progressive and democratic party. Today you have a complete 180. My God! And thanks to LT for bringing the flags back so everyone can now see that you are in the UK and yet are always disrespectful to diasporans as if you are not in the diaspora your little self. Get a life dude. Or at least seek psychiatric help.

  15. Both Chagwa and Fube were expelled from the LAZ for misappropriation of Client’s money. Fube got booted out within a year of being admitted to the Bar, he like Chagwa is one hell of a thieving dull lawyer.

  16. Where is the social distancing and masking here .They don’t do what they preach about these hypocrits .

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