Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Bowman Lusambo and Nathan Chanda are behind the attacks on Mafken Radio in Mufulira-Kambwili


President of the opposition NDC Chishimba Kambwili says Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo and Copperbelt PF Chairman Nathan Chanda are behind the attacks on Mafken Radio in Mufulira.

Mr Kambwili says it is a shame that despite being aware of the incident, Copperbelt Police Commissioner Charity Katanga has not done anything to bring the culprits to book.

He has questioned the silence by the International Community allowing Zambia to degenerate into a banana republic because of President Edgar Lungu.

Mr Kambwili said President Lungu must be ashamed to allow Mr Lusambo and Mr Chanda to ferry cadres to Mufulira openly carrying pangas threatening innocent citizens.

He has challenged the President to bring the violence to an end saying Presidential powers are not in perpetuity.

Mr Kambwili said the misbehavior of PF cadres disrupting radio programs must come to an end because the country does not belong to PF but every Zambian.

He said President Lungu must use the presidency to develop Zambia and not to intimidate Zambians.

Mr Kambwili has pleaded with Zambians to vote President Lungu out of office next year to allow him to go back to Chawama.


  1. Rwanda: Rebel Leader Sankara Tells Court His Group Was Facilitated by Zambian President to Launch Attacks in Rwanda
    Maj.Nsabimana Sankara Calliixte has Monday told Rwanda’s High Court for International and cross-border crimes that his group National Liberation Force(FLN) received US dollars 150,000 from Zambian President Edgar Lungu to launch attacks in Rwanda.
    Maj Sankara who faces 17 charges including Terrorism and murder was appearing before court for hearing a case in which some of the victims of the rebel groups attack were seeking compensation for the suffering inflicted on them by the attacks.
    Before the case commenced, Maj Sakara reportedly requested to be allowed to tell court about a funding his group got form one of the Presidents of country he didn’t want to mention.

  2. Rebel leader Lusambo was on video, if not on TV, with his fighters promising to regroup. That’s reason and exhibit 19 to arrest Lusambo.

  3. Your lived experience Kambwili should be a good enough lesson for ECL. You used to gag the opposition but have now truly learned the importance of unhindered freedom of expression which you used to block. Unfortunately ECL like you will only appreciate this once out of power. ECL eyes & ears are blinded by sweetness of power

  4. PF is desperate and scared, they know they have failed the people of Zambia so their game plan is to create anarchy and confusion and blame it on the opposition. The PF can bribe people at by election but can not bribe every Zambian because even in PF the people eating are very few. Dandy crazy – who is a PF singer – is complaining about hunger.
    Fellow citizens we do not have to wait long for this PF government to self destruct.

  5. I thought as much because Lusambo promised to avenge Lungu’s jeering in Monze. I’m glad that the IG of police said such behaviour will not be tolerated any more and I hope he has a pair to follow through with his promise. We cannot have cadres being so disrespectful to a point where they can storm a police station and assault men and women in uniform. The police have failed to act against PF cadres for far too long and their nonchalance has come back to bite them in the behind. Perharps they will now wake up and fight alongside the people of Zambia.

  6. Beginning to sound, feel and look like dysfunctional Zimbabwe. Zanu PF critic and self-styled street preacher, Apostle Talent Chiwenga, who was involved in an accident in Norton, is in a stable condition despite reports on the contrary.
    The Norton accident came barely two days after Chiwenga had reportedly warned that state agents had been given an assignment to abduct and kill him.
    The preacher, who claims to have survived over seven assassination attempts from the Zanu PF regime also lost his wife in a horrific car accident last year.
    Watch “Apostle Chiwenga Norton Accident Update” on YouTube

  7. “….He has questioned the silence by the International Community allowing Zambia to degenerate into a banana republic because of President Edgar Lungu…..”

    It is the responsibility of every Zambian , including the opposition leaders , who are not happy with the current situation in Zambia to complain to the west , to foreign embassies , email them , about the degenerative policies of lungu.

    Don’t just sit there and complain.

    Lungu can not survive 3 months without western donner aid.

  8. @ Patriotic, the police in Zambia is just an armed part of the PF, how many times has IG said he would take action? Similary, Cobberbelt Police commissioner Charity Katanga was on Diamond TV failing to articulate issues.
    Kambwili say vote Lungu out so that he can go back to Chawama? No, let him go to Court to answer for acquiring a ‘gift’ in Eswatini from a contractor at RDA (which is State House based). And other supicious acts that involve him.

  9. Nostrodumus, hon lusanbo is not a coward like hh. Please spare some respect for him. He has got a doctorate in political science and he will be your president in the near future.

  10. Mr Kambwili, these cheap politics will not take you anywhere. I had thought that you would be man enough to condemn HH’s hooligans who booed the republican president.

    • I am PF and know for sure that there is nothing wrong with booing and every body who is associated with the developed world knows that booing is a very normal way of expressing displeasure, so please don’t demonise the people of Monze instead commend them.

  11. Yesterday, a pf official organised caders to attack LUSAKA CENTRAL POLICE!
    Only greed, corruption, and a serious lack of integrity can lead someone to support pf!
    This is a complete breakdown of the rule of law. That is why people are taking matters in their owm hands!
    I also hope the attack on lusaka central police is a wake up call to police who allow themselves to be used by pf. If caders can hve the courage to attack police at their home ground, there is no telling where they will stop. They take their example from thugs like bowman, or that other disgusting fellow who slapped a female police officer at the stadium!

  12. Chendabushiku. Just look at your name, you are in the dark cant see what is happening HH is yo new presido 2moro. change yo name.

  13. Beginning to sound, feel and look like dysfunctional Zimbabwe. Zanu PF critic and self-styled street preacher, Apostle Talent Chiwenga, who was involved in an accident in Norton, is in a stable condition despite reports on the contrary.
    The Norton accident came barely two days after Chiwenga had reportedly warned that state agents had been given an assignment to abduct and kill him.
    The preacher, who claims to have survived over seven assassination attempts from the Zanu PF regime also lost his wife in a horrific car accident last year.
    Watch “Exclusive Apostle Chiwenga last message to Pres Mnangagwa before the suspicious accident” on YouTube
    Watch “Apostle Chiwenga Norton Accident Update” on YouTube

  14. Kambwili please stop calling us at night pleasing to speak with eagle one. We might then take you seriously

  15. I just feel sorry for the useful *****es who are paid to maim and be maimed for people who live luxurious lives drinking wine and Jamesons on state jets, grabbing deals with the Chinese and Arabs, branding their imitation goods with their letters.

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