Sunday, September 8, 2024

Kelvin Sampa Urges PF Youths not to Revenge the Monze Incident


Patriotic Front National Youth Chairperson Kelvin Sampa has called for calm among youths in the party. Mr Sampa said PF youths should not react to the provocation being instigated by the opposition UPND but should instead go out in numbers and mobilize young people across the country ahead of the 2021 general elections.

Mr Sampa has further encouraged youths in the PF party to forget about what transpired in Monze where the head of state was jeered by UPND cadres.

“This is one thing that we must all tolerate, it is a painful pill to swallow but as young people let us forget about what transpired in Monze because our President His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu has given us guidance that vengeance is only for God,” Mr Sampa said.

He has since appealed to young people in the Patriotic Front to accept the position of the party leadership.

“So to all those youths who have a heart for the President, please refrain from any negative attitude towards the UPND,” he added.

Mr Sampa who is also Kasama Central Member of Parliament said youths should ignore provocations from the UPND whom he labelled as a violent party that wants to smear their violence on the PF.

And Mr Sampa has condemned some suspected PF youths that were seen exposing machetes and other weapons stating that the PF is a responsible and peaceful party that should not be associated with violence.

The PF national youth Chairperson stressed that young people should instead fight for economic freedom as opposed to fighting each other as Zambians.

Mr Sampa emphasized that the future of this country is dependent on young people hence they should strive by all means to protect the peace the country has enjoyed since independence.

“The future of this country is dependent on us the young ones with the way that we are going to carry this country forward and the way we are going to relate to each other,” he added.


  1. It’s like that booing really got the attention of these guys … Kikikiki
    Why Chikubaba iwe?
    Was it your father who was booed?
    Better get used now because the booing is getting louder! It’s called Democracy!

    • Keep talking about the boooing while pretending to have moved, all in the hope that some revenge can be done, then claim that they always tell their cadres not to retaliate. This is like a parent always remind his child about his friend who refused to share sweets with him, the essence of those reminders are meant to make you child not forget and reserve some revenge for later.

  2. This is good leadership from Kelvin Sampa. I also find it sad that Kelivin Sampa is not in cabinet.If Edgar Lungu was serious about corruption, he could have sacked Chilufya Chitalu and Chitotela and replaced them with Miles Sampa and Masauso K Tembo.

  3. Aka ka S@mpa !mbwa Ka za lila monga kolw3 afa njala after August 2021.
    Lastly, CH@K0LWAAYENDE!

  4. Wish it was promoting boooing than pangas.
    Uyu chikkala was supposed to say “… Please PF throw away Pangas, just booo HH”.

  5. You are making the embarrassing Booing story take longer than it should!

    You are allowing yourselves to be distracted by UPND.

    Or is this Sampa’s way of actually telling youths to revenge. Policemen are being shamefully clobbered by cadres in full view of the Police.

  6. Who told Kelvin that it’s the youths who did that? Is it the youths only who are feeling the heavy taxes, dollar rate, rampant coruption in pf etc? No Kelvin you are wrong. It’s not even upnd who did that but the people. I’m not upnd but to tell you the truth pf is finished not only in southern province but whole Zambia.

  7. Very well said and timely message, Kelvin. Let’s follow what the president said and keep calm.


  9. Which monze revenge is he talking about?

    Zambians have realized that PF thugs must be beaten by ordinary citizens not only by political oppennts.

    Why storming community radio and harming the staffs who ard doing what the ordinary citizens expect?

    People must defend themselves against these PF thugs.

    PF must go!

  10. PF caders beat Police in Sesheke
    PF cadres on bus roof tops going to the airport disobeying road safety act
    PF caders assault opposition leader Seun Tembo
    PF caders attack radio stations in Muchinga province
    PF caders attack HH at a radio station in Ndola and HH escapes through the roof top
    PF caders stone helicopter carrying opposition members in Shiwangandu during elections
    PF caders disrupt and grab food from Chibwela mushi ceremony in Chongwe
    PF cader slaps Roan MP Kambwili at parliament
    PF caders in a video insult Kambwilis mother
    PF caders slap Justice Minister Given Lubinda
    PF caders storm Lusaka central police and clobber police officers
    PF cader named in the gassing in Chingola
    PF caders and Police remove HH billboards in Monze before President Lungus Visit…

  11. Mr sampa this is good advice. However, I am currently on the ground and I don’t think the youths will let this go. The damage has been done. We have told upnd to be mature and careful with the way they behave. Any repercussions for their behaviour will be on them.

  12. Typical of PF thugs, Kelvin just return the Lamba land you obtained without due legal process and respect Lamba chiefs and their burial site which you claim to be your land.

  13. Booing will continue as long as the people are not pleased with the way you govern. Nothing to do with any party.

  14. He is promoting hatred. Why cadret NOT police guarding the president

    Mr president, Stop waving PF symbol when you are on official duty

  15. Kelvin Sampa here spoke wisely. The Lusaka Times headline is the culprit of misinformation. Lusaka times know there readers usually forgo logic when debating. Both PF and UPND modern Lusaka times readers have issues that cannot be explained. By him telling youths that they are one and not to tote party lines. This is a very important message. More so than the MPs in the National Assembly that are always barking. They are all mouth breathers. Kikikiki

  16. on 11th July Sampa kelvin said “we have declared war on UPND” and he praised the PF cadres who damaged the residential fences of UPND s Nathan ILunga and Evaristo Bwalya both of Kasama. It is a political culture where the most violent cadres are rewarded with appointments into certain offices or given government contracts. If these cadres were not rewarded by their bosses, political violence would have ended with UNIP.
    The violence came to MMD thro Scorpian Kadobo and his henchmen; from MMD it came to PF thro Looseball; and the young ones like Jay Jay Banda have taken it to the next level where they are unleashing violence on the Zambia Police itself. What a shame! Even the Police are now victims of PF violence?

  17. Elo mwaliponoka, can you revenge? PF is finished, do u hv the punch? Belt balipoka, wait for 2021 then u’ll believe tht u a finished.

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