Monday, July 8, 2024

Trevor Simumba says State House statement on Rwanda accusations is shallow as Presidential challenger plane is spotted in Kigali


International Trade Expert Trevor Simumba says the accusations that President Edgar Lungu sponsored the insurgency in Rwanda are serious.

And flight radar details have emerged showing that the Presidential Aircraft Challenger 9J-One landed in Kigali, Rwanda this morning from Lusaka.

Mr Simumba said the Office and the name of His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia has been brought into disrepute by the accusation from Rwanda.

He said the Government of Zambia must request a categorical response from the Government of Rwanda on these serious allegations.

“More importantly the accuser must retract the statement he has made in court or produce evidence of his alleged meeting with the President. We cannot simply issue a shallow statement and rely on PF cadres on social media to defend the President,” Mr Simumba said.

He added, “We need Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice and Cabinet Office to do their jobs and get to the bottom of this whole matter using established State Protocols. Definition of disrepute: lack or decline of good reputation: a state of being held in low esteem.”

And information obtained from and shows that the presidential challenger aircraft left Lusaka at 07:32 headed to Kigali, Rwanda.
It is yet unclear who was on board and the nature of the mission to Rwanda.

State House is currently serviced by two aircrafts namely the Challenger 9J-One and the top-of-the-range new Gulfstream G650 jet.

FlightAware is a digital aviation company and operates the world’s largest flight tracking and data platform and provides over 10,000 aircraft operators and service providers as well as over 13,000,000 passengers with global flight tracking solutions, predictive technology, analytics, and decision-making tools.

The firm receives data from air traffic control systems in over 45 countries while Flightradar24 is a global flight tracking service that provides real-time information about thousands of aircraft around the world.

It tracks 180,000+ flights, from over 1,200 airlines, flying to or from 4,000+ airports around the world in real time.

And Statehouse released the following statement

Below are details of Challenger sightings


  1. The man has gone to beg for forgiveness from Kagame. Kagame te wa kwangalilako, the man is a former rebel leader so PF must be very careful who they decide to annoy.

  2. Aka ka mudala ka Trevor kali saka sana. He is the worst twit that I have ever listened to. He just barks like a rabid dog. He comments on everything that is beyond his knowledge.I don’t know why he doesn’t move in his lane. These are the people that makes people to think twice before they vote for certain parties. UPND is the right party as at now.Now these twats are destroying it before we go to vote. SHUT UP YOUR MOUTH IF YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY.HH should tame these chaps before they deviate potential voters.

    • Shut up. We are dealing with very serious matters and every Zambian has a right to comment on the issue. Who are you to tell Tevor to stay on his lane? When did you define his life objectives? When did you draft Terms of Reference for him about what he should comment on? Has the issues Trevor raised out of ignorance? If you are the expert in this area, what do you say about this very serious matter? Why gag other fellow Zambians? Common folks, use common sense.

  3. You are being shallow yourself by suggesting that the public response is the only response. For your info gvt is working directly through deplomatic Chanel’s dealing with this. It’s on a need to know basis and sir your are not on the list. So do us all a favor and shut them hell up

  4. If it is true Lungu is indeed in Rwanda, on behalf of all citizens of Zambia, I request you keep him there for good.

    We kindly request you send back the plane though so we can sell it and build 100 decent hospitals and 1000 decent schools.

    With the leftover money, we will pay our retirees and pay pending salaries of civil servants.

  5. Who cares who president Kagame is if our president and Zambia is innocent. The fact that our president is gone to Rwanda is a sign of peace and respect. It is sad for Zambians who are rejoicing for accusation

  6. Trevor, Trevor get a grip. It’s a plane on a tarmac. How is that evidence of terrorist support or whatever…….(I can’t even)!

    Nobody is interested in this propaganda.

  7. I personal appreciate this, If he has travelled, that’s right, he want to clear his name as it has already been dumped into the mud. It was shocking to hear this .. Wondering why he took interest into supporting rebel group. In the past it was Uganda accused of sponsoring rebels, now Zambia.. INCREDIBLE

  8. Trevor Simumba, disgracing yourself and your principal. Who accused president Edigar Lungu?. Today you want the drag the entire Zambian state to interfere with the Rwandese judicial system? Ney, reset your shallowness Rwanda is not Zambia.

    • Looks like you are one of the cadres on the propaganda mission. I do not even think you understand the issues at hand Muna Dekhane, whatever your name. Do you know that the FIC report has in its radar money being used for terrorist activities? This Sankara guy is making confessions in court and spewing out a lot of mud. This is not a matter you can just play with. Cadres, keep quiet. Let the normal diplomatic channels be at play. This is the advice Trevor is bringing on board. NO Zambian is rejoicing on the matter because it eats right into our own fabric of dignity as a peace loving country.

  9. With my experience in diplomatic issues and international relations, I pray that this matter be left with the highest authorities in the land. Our President will certainly deal with the matter. State House has since issued a statement that this matter is both in court and our diplomatic mission is doing everything possible to manage it. I appeal that all cadres keep quiet.

  10. This is serious. Paul has seen civil war and this was his time to start resting but someone ukumwangasha kumano. Let him say why he gave the rebel that huge amount of money.
    Lungu should have travelled himself to exculpate. Paul Kagame tewakutwalilako ulunshingwa. Fili ukotuleya.

  11. This is a great report. Lungu must resign on moral grounds. He has poluted our country mother Zambia with cadres like abena SUNDAY CHANDA, BOWMAN LUSAMBO, SHOT BUTTON KAMPYONGO GBM ETC.

  12. Wait so UPND start crying for the release of the FIC report . Daily crying for release. Next Zambia chap in Rwanda makes accusations on Lungu. Now it appears there is an attempt to link FIC report to the accusations. Is it just me or this is too much of a coincidence.

    • Iwe Voice of Delusion get your facts right:
      UPND are crying for the latest FIC report, it is due for release but has not been released
      The Chap accusing Lungu in a Rwanda court is not Zambian but a Rwandese rebel
      FIC report with a case linked to terrorism is a previous report, it was released before the latest allegations

  13. ifwakulya munfinfi fitulikila kumalushi , what ever is the case , let the truth be known
    and that it is said that there is no smoke without fire .But we pray to God
    to protect and bring peace between our two nations and peoples .

  14. @ The Voice of Reason.You are the voice of Stu.pidi.ty indeed. No ability to reason at all!
    The accusations were made in a Rwandan court and reported on BBC.
    You mean HH told the rebel leader to accuse Lungu and force the BBC to report?
    Are you not ashamed of yourselves that every bad thing that happens to Zambia ati ni HH? Kwena HH must be the most influential person not only in Zambia but Africa also.

  15. Knowing Lungu, he probably was drunk or he is just a proxy a pawn in this.
    I wonder why he hires spin Doctors who spin nothing. I know one who is on this blog day and night keyboard warrior….kikikik

  16. Rwandese prosecution hv obviously looked has the accused’s travel documents and there should be evidence of his travels to various countries. That’s the only way the evidence would stand in court.

  17. You see why i tell you that kambwili must not be trusted. He quickly commented a sign to show he is begging to get back to PF. This is a serious matter and Kambwili needed to term his balls. You cant just start ranting from the rooftop without knowing whats in the house.

  18. The morons are afraid of using Gulf Jet as its has a Zambian military call sign, Rwandan air force might shoot it down so they jump into the old must be the Foreign Affairs Minister and State House Officials going to plead with Kagame to refute this story. This man Lungu is not fit for that office as he has no respect for the Zambian people and that office…they would rather fly in secrecy than respond via a press conference.

  19. Iwe na iwe Trevor use your own words. Stop plagiarizing. Shallow belongs to Mweetwa. Its a UPND copyrighted property.

  20. Trevor chi nangwa cha pwilikisha. People don’t listen to your cr@p anymore and now you want to stick to such rubbish?? Ilya inchito yakulayile hakainde tawakimone, we chipuba we!!

  21. Kagame is coming to shoot Changwa in his dirty thieving crocodile Nilotica teeth soon, ni lwanya lwakwa Noah bebele nomba.

  22. If you are not allowed to drink and drive, why should you be allowed to drink and run the country?
    Any don’t mistake that court for lungu’s concourt.

  23. No ushalimo akabamo this saying will always come true,you speak bad about your country every one will be affected like this useless statement started by a foolish,selfish,mangwamu individual about ECL sponsoring NFL. Can the investigative wings please be proactive on this one some people have gone too far.They want to put Zambia on fire and run away to some countries were they have left there investments,but just know that Zambia belongs to God and no one can fight God.

  24. Some people think they are clever by speaking bad about their own country, that is being a mangwamu,selfish, unpatriotic and unZambian shame on you who want to sell Zambia to those sponsoring you in order to win 2021 elections.

  25. The government is on top of the situation. The two countries are now enjoying warm relations. There is no need for usurpation of power from government. There is need to commend Govern efforts to clear the air over this issue. It only take one cretin to destroy warm relations when the states allow themselves to be dragged into the mud. The allegations are far fetched. This is fake news. Take time and give peace a chance. Take time and give Government the support that it needs to face bizarre accusations.

  26. I had the privilege of listening to a Sankara video recording leaked out of the Rwandan court. Not once did Sankara mention Zambia. It seems to me that some so-called Zambians rally hate their own country! Just why has Trevor developed this rabid hatred for ECL and PF? What will it benefit him?

  27. We wanted to know what Findley was always with Lungu on official duties, what we saw was Findley throwing charges to CK, answer was not given. Next, we wanted to know why Spax was found posing for a foto with the ECL and kampyongo at state house, no answer was given, we wanted to know who was behind the burning of markets, no answer was given, we wanted to know who was behind the gassing, no answer was given. Spax was arrested and his issue is now quite no one knows where he is right now. We told PF to cage cadres they did not listen, now carders have done dununa reverse clobbering their own right in the centre of Lusaka Central Police Station. Why ECL was mentioned to fund rebles in Rwanda? They went for apology? Among all presidents in Africa you are mentioned – Think first WHY HIM NOT…

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