Sunday, February 2, 2025

KCM agrees to halt outsourcing


KONKOLA Copper Mines plc has today agreed to halt its outsourcing programme after a tripartite meeting involving the two national mineworkers unions convened by the Government at the company’s Corporate Head Office in Chingola.

KCM has also offered to re-advertise the post of Vice-President Human Resources in the Zambian media in an effort to identify a suitably qualified local person after previously considering taking on an expatriate when the incumbent retires at the end of the year.

Hiring an expatriate was considered a short-term measure, allowing a number of possible candidates within the company to gain the necessary experience for the top HR post at Zambia’s largest private sector employer.

Both decisions were taken in the interest of industrial harmony and to allow more time for KCM to foster an understanding of the benefits of its outsourcing plans amongst employees as well as the Government.

KCM is pleased that as a result of the outcome of the meeting, the two national unions, the Mineworkers Union of Zambia (MUZ) and the National Union of Mineworkers and Allied Unions (NUMAW) have agreed to call off the planned demonstrations set for August 28, 2010.

[KCM Press statement]


  1. KCM and management: you have been taking a wrong stance, on many issues. Firstly we hear that the mining methods used are terrible, and that because you give the MMD some money, you think you can abuse the miners with impunity. Big mistake; we, the proud kaponyas will be in power one day, and you will regret having done what you are doing. Fire is fire, moto is moto, mulilo is mulilo.

  2. Ba fipe aba batina! CB is mulilo! More pressure bashi mine and you know the land is yours! Ba Mwenye baisa mukusambilila so that they can move to Congo and others, but all these at the expense of bashi mogodi! Mu lalisha injombolo kabili!! Batanfyeni aba ama kwerekweres!!

  3. Nice job MUZ but this is only the first step.The next step is the reversal of the current trend. Government together with other stake holders should conduct an audit of all so called expartriates in KCM and send back all those who are doing jobs Zambians can do, after all the company says it wants to be viable. Indians are being paid five times more and offered better conditions for jobs Zambians are more than capable of doing. The other thing that surprises me is that these so called expartriates actually come to learn the job from Zambians.

  4. Zambia is the third country in the world to have the technology used at Nchanga smelter( Direct to Blister),the other two being Poland and Australia. So I wonder where the so called expartriates from India got the working experience.During the commission and operation period, so called expartriates were being sent together with some Zambian graduates for training in Poland. What is the logic of bringing such people? KCM retrenched thousands of experienced and skilled workers @ its Nkana Smelter and retained almost all the Indians @ Nchanga smelter. Ba MMD, you should seriously do something about the situation on the copperbelt otherwise you should forget about copperbelt province!

  5. I also hope this halting of outsourcing by KCM is not a political gimmick by government because elections are near! M.U.Z should push for a written and binding agreement that will ensure management complies and they should also push management to give a time frame for the Indians currently in the Zambia to handover jobs and go back home. The whole meaning of being an expatriate is defeated. An expatriate should possess skills that are not available in the country and further, the objective is to teach the local people that particular skill and handover the job at the end of the contract period but it is the reverse in KCM.

  6. RB must get his butt off the the campaign trail in namwala, take off that rubbish MMD shirt he’s wearing cause no one is interested and get down to KCM and the otehr mines and SORT THIS MESS OUT!!! It’s he and his people that issued those Zillion work permits that making these guys big headed.. Do some work for a change.. How can you even have an expatirate Public relations, corporate affairs and communications manager ???? where on earth?.. This person doesn’t know jack sh!t about us , our culture, governance, govt relations and public affairs.. rubbish KCM has gone too far. I now fully understand super KK.. That man despite all his faults had nothing but ZAMBIA in his heart… I can’t type anymore.. am too annoyed. if there’s something that annoys me, its labour issue

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