Friday, March 7, 2025

HRC concerned with widespread denial of existence of COVID-19


The Human Rights Commission is concerned at the increasing cases of Coronavirus and has called for effective national leadership and revival of the campaign to combat the global pandemic.

The Commission has established that there is widespread denial of the existence of the Coronavirus in Zambia and calls for change of attitude and behaviour in order to save lives and protect health.

Commission spokesperson Mwelwa Muleya said the random survey conducted in selected urban and peri-urban areas has revealed that most people do not believe that there is coronavirus in Zambia.

Mr Muleya says it is with great concern that as a result of that kind of denial, public health regulations and guidelines of social distancing, masking up, washing hands with soap, and avoiding handshakes or any form of body contact were in most cases not being observed.

He said the Commission also found out that while some people believe that there is COVID 19 in Zambia, they do not believe that it can cause death and as a result, they are also not strictly adhering to the health regulations and guidelines on Coronavirus.

Mr Muleya said some claim that the wrong perception that the COVID 19 does not cause death was allegedly being created by the over-emphasis by the health personnel on the underlying health conditions of individuals who died from Coronavirus -related illness. This created an impression that no one can die from Coronavirus unless they have an underlying health condition.

“It is the well-considered view of theCommission that there is need for a National Communication Strategy on the Coronavirus to provide a comprehensive guidance to various stakeholders in order to avoid any misinformation and ambiguity in the fight against the global health pandemic”, he said.

Mr Muleya said the legitimate need to prevent public panic should not create uncertainty on the existence and deadly impact of Coronavirus.

“Further, the worrying increasing reported number of Brought In Dead (BID) bodies of individuals believed to have died from coronavirus seem to confirm the challenge of adequate testing for COVID 19; the effect of self-quarantine without access to medical services; and failure by COVID 19 suspected patients to seek medical services for various reasons, including stigma and fear of being quarantined”, he added.

Mr Muleya said the growing reported number of Brought in Dead (BID) bodies is extremely worrying and seems to confirm the current limited testing capacity for COVID 19 and the fact that an increasing number of patients are not seeking medical services from health facilities.

He said this may also be speaking to the dangers of self-quarantine for COVID19 patients without support from medical personnel as well as stigma associated with the pandemic.

“Based on the foregoing, the Commission is calling for effective national leadership and revival of the campaign towards preventing, managing and controlling the Coronavirus pandemic in order to promote and protect the health and lives of the majority”, he said.


  1. The people have lost trust in the system. People have found other sources of information they think can be trust.

  2. When my bro lusambo took initiative to whip those not complying with covid regulation, the same silly chaps at HRC criticised him talking about human rights. I told them that where the life of humans is involved humans rights come second. Now look at what they are saying. Fuuuusekeni imwe

  3. I dont blame anyone but the president and PF members are to blame. They are busy trotting in campaign with a crowd of unmasked PF cadres around them without social distancing coupled with deviating money meant for covid 19 to shoddy road works. Who will believe the crap of Covid 19 with all that? When the real covid 19 will strike you will see everyone retreating back into their holes with the blame on HH.

  4. You people. This decease is a white man decease and if it were an African decease like the way Malaria is you could have not taken it serously. Take for instance tofay how many children, youths and adults have died of Malaria especial among pregnant women today, today? Has ministry of health taken it seriously when there are no Malaria drugs in 90% health clinics not even
    PANADOL. Do you keep record, does our ministry of health have it in mind that it is pandemic?

  5. Yes because there is some money and we need money but we must not neglect a decease that is claiming hundreds of deaths like Malaria. Poor children have died today, adults and youths have died today if recorded, it could shock the entire world that Zambia is in a crisis. In fact its hazard and claiming to get to call something which is an alarm of other nations is not helping. Yes we can have preventive measures like time of swine flue was but how many died in Zambia? We do not have facilities to contain the COVID-19 when we are failing to control Malarian. If our former presidents eg. Mwanawasa and Chiluba died today it could have been lebelled as COVID-19

  6. How can you ‘fight a global pandemic’ when there is no global pandemic to fight. Sars-Cov-2 is an old virus by now, the novelty has worn off. There was no tsunami of deaths in Europe. Despite the ‘spike in covid cases’, those are merely: 1) increased testing (more get tested, more test positive) now the lockdown ends, 2) mainly false positives because rt-PCR is highly sensitive test, especially when the number of incidences is low, 3) flu season ended 3 months ago, and all FLIs are way below baseline. See the ILINet graphs, after you google: cdc flu weekly

    The lockdown is the pandemic, destroying supply chains worldwide – the real danger. And the vaccine. There something in it they’re not talking about, and it has nothing to do with Sars-Cov-2, which is gone.

  7. No one in Zambia can claim lack of Leadership as the problem.

    It’s the nature of Zambians to follow opposition misbehaviour during this time. It’s a bit partisan of Mr Muleya to fail to criticise MMD for inciting Youth to go out in multitudes to campaign. UPND for Politicising this pandemic. For all other Parties to fail to unite with govt. For ALL MP’s of ALL Parties for failure to go out to constituents to run localised publicity. Mr Muleya is clearly guilty of using the HRC in a Partisan way, by repeating the Opposition mantra, “lack of Leadership,” and if that’s what you call it what of Trump who denies the highest death rates in his country for the virus? Truth is all Leaders are dealing with balancing economy v lockdowns.

  8. Fact is Zambians have heard the message even village woman in your picture is wearing a mask.


    Muleya needs to be responsible by joining the govt in fighting this public attitude. Appeal to the people not add fire to destabilise the State.

  9. Let nature take it’s course!
    People should always expect to reap what they sow. Mask up and observe social Distancing and Hand sanity or pay with your life for the sins of your misleaders!

  10. Where is Nine Chale? He was castigating us when we noted the PF government is not seriously dealing with the issue.He also claimed that Africa wont experience what we saw in Europe and the Americas.
    Well people in Zambia are now seeing the reality of covid-19.Without widespread testing(not 500 tests per day),the true extent /spread of covid-19 wont be Known.

  11. Independent has lt ever crossed your dull thick head that due to relaxation of rules, naturally cases will rise. Don’t you have a TV to watch news there in diaspora to see that there is now what people are terming a second wave? Or do you just think based on tribal ignorant lines. You silly woman. What independence do you have there in diaspora. You are probably just a s.e.x slave there

  12. Kaizer Zulu is agitated because the PF now have to bribe 2 extra MP’s to pass the ill fated bill 10.
    Well its my fault but covid-19.
    That number might increase as parliament is now a covid-19 hot spot.

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