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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Verbal attacks on judiciary wont yield anything – SACCORD


The Southern African Centre for Constructive Resolution of Dispute (SACCORD) says attacks against the judiciary over the dismissals of the London High Court Judgment by the Lusaka high court will amount to nothing.

SACCORD Information Officer Obby Chibuluma said the court has already passed judgment and comments against the judgment can not reverse the decision.

Mr. Chibuluma told ZANIS in an interview today that what Zambians can do is to pressure government to appeal against the judgment in the Supreme Court.

He said it is only through pressure on the attorney that the case can be appealed in the Supreme Court and thereby getting another opportunity for the case.

Mr. Chibuluma has meanwhile advised Zambians to be cautions with the approach they are taking on this case.

He said while it is the democratic right for anyone to demonstrate over anything that they feel aggrieved of, it will only be important for people to base the matter on the failure to appeal than over the judgment itself.

He however said it will be up the Zambian people themselves to decided whether to go for demonstration or not in the case involving former President Dr. Frederick Chiluba and others.

Mr. Chibuluma has meanwhile called on government to listen to people’s view on the need to appeal against the judgment.

He said by appealing against the judgment, government will allow the law to decide on the case.

Change Life Zambia Executive Director Father Frank Bwalya was yesterday quoted in the dailies as calling on Zambian to demonstrate over the decision by Lusaka High Court judge Evans Hamaundu to throw out the London High Court judgment against Frederick Chiluba.

This was a case in which the London High court judge Peter Smith found second Republican president Frederick Chiluba and seven others liable for theft of US$46million.




  1. Verbal assault is a preserve for hopeless ineffectual armchair critics whose voice and impact is actually imaginary in the real world. This is why i don’t personally respond to PF trolls insulting my dear late mother and father gone 13 and 6 years ago to be with the Lord after giving education and moral values for the world.

  2. Ba SACCORD, the pressure on the judicially has developed because of the many cases that have not been handled proffessionally by our courts. Mpombo, Meembe,serial killer Dr Musonda, and now kafupis cases are some of the examples. We have seen polical influence in all these cases. Thats why you see people reacting like this. Remember judges are not angels, they are susceptible to corruption and intimidation as well. You may think zambians are attacking the judiciary when infact they are helping it by stoping politicians from influencing cases.

    We have lawyers in this country who understand the same law these Judges are using, so if zambians see that certain laws are not being applied accordingly, who should stop us from making objections?

  3. The judiciary is not sacred and therefore not immune to critisism. These ancient minded lumpens called judges and lawyers cannot make such lunatic vexatious decisions and run for cover under “protection of the judiciary” when their excrement strikes the rotar blade. We all know Hamaundu has been forced to make such a ludicrous decision and instead of defacating on the face of Zambian, he should have done the honourable thing, quit, instead of enlisting his fellow hyenas to hide his masalamusi under the “protection of the judiciary”. The AG’s comments do made sad reading, how could the SOB so openly hang of the damn fence? I have never ever heard such a disjointed analysis of a situation whose answer is just one word, APPEAL!

  4. Whether we like or not it seems the time has come for RB and his minions to go. The 2011 elections will not wield any positive outcome. RB /VJ will rig the elections. Zambia is fast heading towards failed state status.

  5. Latest from The Post

    POLICE have refused to arrest and prosecute gender deputy minister Lucy Changwe for bouncing a cheque worth K10 million in a house purchase transaction.

  6. Too many daft pipo on this site . . . Kenyans are miles ahead of you guys; ‘ WHY HIRE HIRE A LAWYER …IF YOU CAN BUY A JUDGE. it makes a lot of sense in zambia where you have crooked lawyers …thief accoutntants …thief engineers and the worst of them all are the semi-iliterate politicians ..sata, william banda, mumbi phiri et al . God bless this land!

  7. pressure on who since judge hamaundu made his decision which is now part of history, that was a landmark judgement based purely on facts and not hearsay. dont listen to membe a lawyer who has never won a case a in court as senior citizen says membe is just armchair critic thats all

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