National Revolution Party President, Cosmo Mumba says he has gone on a two day fasting and prayer period following the dismissal of an application for the registration of the London High Court judgment by the Lusaka High Court.
Dr. Mumba told QFM in a telephone interview that he has gone on a two day period of fasting and prayer to petition God to punish second republican President, Frederick Chiluba, for all the alleged crimes he committed while he served as president.
He says his fasting and prayer programme began today at 14 hours and will end on Saturday August 28, 2010.
He adds that the Zambian government might be shielding Dr. Chiluba from being punished for all his deeds but that he will not be spared by God after he is done with his fasting and prayers.
Dr. Mumba has also backed Change Life Zambia executive director, Father Frank Bwalya’s calls for demonstrations against the Lusaka High Court’s decision to refuse to register the London Judgment.
And Alliance for Development and Democracy ADD president, Charles Milupi says government’s adamancy not to appeal against the High Court’s decision throw out an application seeking to register London High Court judgment is a mockery of the judicial process.
Mr. Milupi notes that the costs incurred in pursuing the case against former President Fredrick Chiluba and others in the London High Court leading to the Court’s judgment are too huge for the State not to appeal against the High Court ruling.
He says it is surprising that the MMD government can allow the loss of such amounts of public funds without even attempting to appeal.
Mr. Milupi says the decision by government not to appeal to the Supreme Court sends a signal that it is okay to loot the country’s wealth under the MMD government and get away with it.
He says this is also an indication that there is no real desire on the part of the current government to curb corruption.
Mr Milupi says embezzlement of public resources should not be permitted and government should be seen to take action against culprits.
Cosmo Mumba surprising turn of events. Let me say this though you cannot fast and let people know you are in fast. The Bible commands you to put oil( Vaseline) on your body and face so as people do not know your doings. For this kind of fasting is solo and talk between man and GOD in private. The sooner we put this case behind us the better we move on to developing our nation.
hehehehe Cosmo tomfwa!!
Fu*kin’ Hell !
Fasting my foot this is a slimming diet, since when do fasters announce to the world they are fasting. Cosmas be careful you might get marasmus or malnutrition from your slimming diet. Thse hypocrites nowadays I bet he has cream donalds(cream donuts) and maheu hidden under his bed
“Dr. Mumba told QFM in a telephone interview that he has gone on a two day period of fasting and prayer to petition God to punish second republican President, Frederick Chiluba, for all the alleged crimes he committed while he served as president.”
Yaba katwishi mwe!!!! What makes Dr. Mumba think that the former President has not been fasting (in fact this is a guy who fasted for the most part of his stay at State House).
Good luck Dr. Mumba, we all pray to the same God.
Uyu en lishilu!
Uyu ena lishiluu!
If we use that zeal to just let fellow Zambians know we are praying and fasting so that God can deal with another Zambian who used to be President of Zambia then there is something wrong with us! If God behaved the way we do, most of us would be dead by now! Dr Mumba has more better things to throw his zeal on than just public display! This is one of many reasons in Zambia we struggle with development, we labour so much on trivialities! It is better to request government to appeal the High Court decision than like Change Zambia Director crying out for demos that in the end will elad to nowhere. When we had mealie meal demos those Kaunda days, there was a tangible justification. Let us be sane even when we are angry!
This is funny. I remember as a kid, my brothers would go to church to pray for the Zambia National Football team to win against a European team. Now we laugh about it all the time. Put in the work and stop whining or better yet accept reality and move on with your life!
Iwe Cosmo, landa fye ati akabunga naka pwa, ule lolela ka payslip pa sate!
the late castrol chiluba became secretary general of mumbas party,wud castrol be happy in his grave to learn the self proclaimed doctor from a stupid pastrol college in congo wants his dad to be arrested? i dont think so,mumba is just a stupid man,reminds me of him at kabulonga boys wen he always wanted to be leader of every group at scholl
# 8, Mutafya you have hit the nail on the head!!! BUT if Cosmo fulfills his idea and fasts, up to Staurday and prove it publicly, then watch out for him! He will go a long way in Zambia’s politics as that is proof that ninkaka (stubborn) and therefore will stubbornly try to realise his goals!! Basop!
If he fails or doesn’t prove, forget about him!
Kebeni ako ka Cosmo kalelya pantu kalafwa ku nsala. Takalemoneka healthy sana. My dear Cosmo , God doesnt work like that. Dont use his name like that , nga tauchenjele niwebo akachita punish. Learn to forgive and just hope Ka kafupi will invest that money wisely to uplift peoples lives in Zambia.
This story carried here is a serious indictment of the poverty of sound doctrinal Christianity in Zambia. It is totally wrong to teach people to think that prayer and fasting are aimed at twisting the hand of God. I am sorry that people think that God is so hard hearted and mean fisted that he must be pummelled to pity and submission by the self flagellating and self imposed misery of the petitioner. I would urge my dear brother Cosmo that salvation i.e. deliverance from any ill, is by grace alone and through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone according to the Holy Scriptures alone and to the glory of God alone. It is not by man’s might (resisting hunger) or by power but by the Holy Spirit. Go and learn that God desires mercy and not sacrifice.
What is 2 days of fasting naiwe Cosmo… Kulande fye at naupya, you have no money to take thru the last 2 days of the month, before you get paid.
efinishi ifi? the man is suffering and wants to say his fasting? typical africans. i smell a broke man… nanunsha matuvi
efinishi ifi? the man is suffering and wants to say his fasting? typical africans. i smell a broke man… nanunsha matuvi..
Is this guy a Dr for real. Can u guys confirm and in which field is his doctorate in?
cosmo is a background boy who licks everyone. he lacks direction and vision. he is a baby who every major party plays with and enjoys during leisure periods. his a recreation for major political parties. he is the one who fills the news when we have had enough of pf and mmd news,his a pet , a mans best friend. now give that nyiiiga a bone rofl:)>-
This is a new one. Pray and fasting to ask God to punish somebody. Never heard of that in all of my Christian life. Where are the Pastors, Bishops , Deacons to allow such heresy into the heads of so called leaders. Cosmo my friend God’s Kingdom is not based on justice but forgiveness. if it was based on Justice , we would all be dead and in hell right now for everyone has sinned and have just been forgiven by what Jesus did. A prayer asking God to punish somebody is an effort in futile. In fact it is using God’s name in vain. God asks us to forgive our enemies and that is the basis for chritianity
HAHAHAHAHEEHEHEHE this is very funny indeed just the type of news to brighten up my tiring morning. Shikulu muzafa po che nanjala! Ati for 2 days LOL! Awe sure pa zed i love the comedians we have in our midst, chamba smoking politicians!
#20 – Is that your name sure?? Awe lelo pa LT am having a good laugh.
Does he not realise that Chiluba has a whole team of people who fast for him and that is why he has been successful in his endeavours? Chiluba is a favoured son of God, who is Cosmo to try and change God’s mind? Will he also be fasting in other cases or is his fasting restricted to only high profile cases?
Big up #20, smashing name! I love me some Cosmo!! Entertaining chap.
Cosmo mwana wa mutiti! I now believe that the media is Zambia is bankrupt of newsmakers. I sometimes wonder what the Post newspaper would be writing about when that old fool sata drops dead or RB is nolonger at State House and FJT has joined his ancestors, they will run to *****s like cosmo. Zambia has people who must be speaking to us like Wila Mung’omba not cosmo! This ***** even claimed to be Nevers Mumba’s brother and yet his mother was only married to Nevers’ uncle and the chap was fathered by another niggar who he never met, hence taking on the mumba name.
just starve to death. you will not be missed. we will have less vuvuzzelas
@ 22,
Chamba, perfectly describes Cosmo’s “pray and fasting”. I haven’t seen or heard the word in ages, thanks for the reminder.
Yaba, elo lwanya nomba pa Zed. Cosmo fasting, FTJ also says fasts to be aquitted. So who wins since both praying to the same God I believe? There is too much running for religious cover in Zambia. Politicians have realised Zambia more than 60% christian and we so linient. Politicians like FTJ hide in Christianity to avoid probe. lets change our culture as Zambians when persuing thieves, developed countries do not hide in religion. They work hard and put up checks and balances. Catch plunderes and punish them hard as a deterent. Not allow then to even preach as the case pa Zed.
Let me guess…may doctor in.. devinity,,trinity,,,resurection etc…guys like these are crazy… he want ‘God’ to punish FTJ….why not pray for God to have mercy on FTJ…It is guys like this who put the name of God and Christianity to shame.
#19 cosmo is a doctor in preaching,he got his certificate in congo after 1yr sudying,i know the guy we were same class at kabuluonga boys,he neva been to unza…..
What nonsense Cosmo, in what way is this “Revolutionary” like you say you are supposed to be? confused Old Testament approach more like it. chi colourful
Bashimapepo ba Cosmas yangu tata, pantu Chiluba naena nishimapepo, we shall see whom God will answer fast. But for sure Chiluba is saying God has answered his prayers.
cosmo is a self styled doctor never seen a classroom chalkboard. for the first time i have seen all bloggers line up to laugh at mr mumba who not so long ago wanted to con some west african concubine till she reported him to authorities. ask your brother nevers mumba to send you money for food
Ba LT please follow up this case upto the time this dimwit finishes his prayers & fasting.Then will know whose spirit drew him to this venture.
I never heard of a country that developed led by lunatics and criminals. Let us stop practicising voodoo politcs and economics and start facing facts and building structures based on reality. Poverty mwe banthu is evil and degrading. Nothing human about it but what is even worse is the sickening way our zed politicians are are attempting to embrace it.
What cosmo is doing could be right but need not be announced. Coz like it o not there ar many out there crying to God due to suffering brought abt by Chiluba’s doings ( e.g. Mr. Mwanza)
iwe ka cosmo chi kala cha wiso,stop playing to the gallery.ulefwapo fye ka chitole nesha coffin tawasungapo. lobe
I am also going on fast and prayers so that Cosmo’s wish is granted. I am taking a one week fast. No food and water till the wishes of Cosmo are answered. I believe this wish can be granted so soon. The little man is rejoicing from mediocre judgement he has received. We will continue fasting till justice prevails. Cosmo, you are not alone. Am joining you tomorrow. Today let me eat a heavy food so that when I start fasting I do not collapse from hunger. Right now am having chicken and chips. Thereafter, I will have nshima with t-bone. This is serious business ladies and gentlemen.
likazateni kibutata where people blow there trumpet on fasting
# 24 Chingolongolo kwena uli wabufi. Which God favours Chiluba? Why put actions in the hands of God? You are the same people who put words in the mouth of God. You are heretic. Your canon is too loose.
Wapya chiluba. Umulilo oyo ulekuponena. Walafwa ngefyo bafwile abana ba Egypt. Walapena ngefyo apenene Nebukatineza.
Obviously ka cosmo has stockpiled ama banzi na sugar ya zigolo,under his bed.
Cosmo Mumba, mulumendo; too much weed!! Full stop!!
#41 and 42 you cannot curse what has been blessed.And by the way Jesus left us a new commandment to love one another and pray for those who persecute you,not to curse anyone.You must love one another including Chiluba and forgive so that your many sins will be wiped out.Otherwise the same curses about nebucadnezar will follow you.your mouth cannot bless and curse at the same time.
i do not have food for these caming days i need to start fasting :)>-:)>- i love zambia
lt mate wot was wrong with my name in 20? eh? i am banda watsup guys? awe chachine cosmos ni wa njala mambala.:)>-
Cosmo is very right. God will break FJT’s neck sooner than you think. Mark my words.
I think know He is on the righr track,unlike those days where He was rumoured to have had His party pocketing about 15m so that He could give the partys support to these thives in a General election.
Cosmos, what a leader! This shows how ignorant the chap is about the Christian God. I concur with the guys that are suggesting that made pamela yasila! :-?
This island called Comoros oso!