Sunday, February 2, 2025

UPND dares Chizyuka to re-contest seat under MMD


UPND Cadres

The United Party for National Development, UPND, has dared expelled Namwala Member of Parliament (MP), Robbie Chizyuka, to join the ruling MMD and re-contest his seat on the ruling party ticket if he is popular as he claims.

UPND Secretary General, Winstone Chibwe, said Major Chizyuka would be defeated resoundingly if he choose to re-contest on the MMD ticket.

And Mr Chibwe said if Major Chizyuka decides join the MMD he would not be resigning from the UPND because he was expelled a long time ago from the party.
[pullquote]Mr Chibwe maintained that Major Chizyuka is a finished politician who destroyed his political career the moment he chose not to adhere to party regulations.[/pullquote]
He noted that the outspoken Namwala MP would merely be joining the ruling MMD, adding that his joining of the MMD means nothing to the party.

Mr Chibwe said there are many instances where an MP has resigned from the UPND to stand to join the ruling MMD and re-contested the same seat and have ended up losing.

He cautioned Major Chizyuka that he is destined for the same situation since he has shown high interest of joining the ruling MMD.

Mr Chibwe maintained that Major Chizyuka is a finished politician who destroyed his political career the moment he chose not to adhere to party regulations.


  1. This Namwala road is scaring people. As far as I know Chizyuka is a popular MP and if he were to stand on MMD ticket would probably win. This would actually further weaken HH’s bid for the pact presidency. In any case, I feel that the southern vote will be split if HH stays in the pact should they choose Sata to be their candidate next year which may well be to the advantage of MMD.

  2. Chizyuka is being kept in the UPND by MMd since MMD knows they can use him whilst there to cause confusion. Out of UPND, he will be a nonentity. if he was to Join MMD and re-contest the elections, he will lose badly and MMD will discard him. Ask Chimumbwa in Chingola and Mumbi the former S.G’s in PF. They have been discarded even by MMD but trying hard to sell themselves and do dirty MMD work to win acceptability. At least Forstina Sinyangwe has come back to her senses. She can’t stand on MMD and win Matero again, she is scheming as an Independent which won’t work either.

  3. #1: if that is what you think then advise your mate Chizyuka to resign and recontest his seat under MMD. What is he waiting for? This is the best time for him to test your theory when there is euphoria over the Namwala road issue. The southern viters are smart and will only make a decision on who to vote for when the right time comes. They will not allow themselves to be used as ponies in the MMD v PF issue. They have the best presidential candidate in HH. why would they go for old finshed politicians?

  4. #1 I doubt that you know what is happening on the ground concerning the Namwala MP but I think you are right on the observation that the southern vote will be split ….. I am afraid that may happen but that depends on how transparent the process on electing the PACT president will be. People should understand that with such a ‘coalition’ it is very difficult to accept and even work together since these 2 parties are different. This would be the same if PF & MMD or MMD & UPND tried to work together. If we are objective I think that the PACT requires more time to deal with the challenges they face today. It is sad that everyone expect good sailing …. I dont think so….

  5. HH,dont be fooled,chizyuka can not loose any election in Namwala.and immediately he wins sata will rise and claim your waining popularity which will justfy him to stand for your so called pact presidency assuming he also wins in mpulungu

  6. Mr. Chizyuka can maintain the seat regardless of which party he represents. He has connected with the people in Namwala. This advice is futile and Mr. Hichilema will suffer political bruises from Mr. Sata/PF and their vuvuzela the Post.

  7. When the story about Chizyuka’s Child Molesting get heard properly it will end his career and tarnish any party he belongs too.

    Lucky he is not part of UPND anymore.

  8. Any partnership with MMD will kill UPND.

    No sane opposition party can join MMD.
    That would be like jumping into a sewer to bathe.

  9. hey mr chizyuka u hv a right to join any party,jst get out of there than bring confusions in the party and go to the MMD…the time u thanked RB i knew that u heart is in the MMD…go out the cadres don’t want u…elyo u ar a prostitute yama parties.

  10. VIVA UPND and the PACT, take him out and let him recontest, we shall embarass him by voting for UPND. this major want money from the ruling nyamasoya. GO GO Go.

  11. pa zed yalikaba bakamba. ba major balalanda ichishinka palwabo. elyo balefwaya indalama nokuteka. hh niwanyowani elo esa abateke. awe kwena teti fibombe. ask saki.

  12. The infantile armchair critics here never fathoms me. Their held views are reveal more of the kind of sublevel kindergatten school yard reasoning in the opposition punditry. I doubt if this so-called pact mature voices on these threads that understand Zambian politics? Major Robbie Chizyuka lossing to who and on what grounds or issues? Is its on Ichilema’s insulting and betrayal of Mazoka and the people of Southern province by turning himself into a horse for Sata?

  13. At the rally, Maj Chizhyuka distributed a copy of a letter, which was written by Mr Sata then as National Secretary of MMD to then president Frederick Chiluba that the late UPND president Anderson Mazoka should have been made ineffective.

  14. ““Mr Sata insulted the people of North-Western, Western, Southern and Eastern provinces hoping that one day he can be president by insulting others. You can’t be president by insulting others,”
    “He has insulted everyone, he has insulted the people of North-Western, he has insulted you and he has insulted the President as an Easterner. It is not possible to be president by creating enemies,”

  15. If Chizyuka thinks he is popular let him stand on an MMD ticket. He will be pitching himself against chief Bright Nalubamba who supports UPND. The Ilas are quite militant people who don’t support nonsense and I can assure you they will sort out Chizyuka. The Ilas do not want any person associated with Chiluba and corruption because they are hard working people. That is why they wouldn’t support Sata and they wouldn’t support RB neither because of his association with FTJ. If MMD with their access to intelligency information knew that Chizyuka would win on their ticket they could have encouraged him to resign so that they send a message to UPND and the pact that MMD means business. MMD know the facts on the ground and that is why they are working hard to try to impresss the ilas

  16. major chizyuka calls a spade a spade not a big fork. the majority of mps in upnd have abandoned HH since he joined hands with sata. they are just waiting for the right time to make a move. matongo, hachipuka, musokotwane, hamududu etc. namwala has developed bcos of one ila bull major chizyuka without him that choma namwala road would have been a pipedream

  17. I am forced to comment. Southern province people can not vote MMD for parlamentariians with the record MMD has under FTJ. Chuzyuka chisushi fye who has been paid by MMD to distabilise UPND. Ba Munkombwe bena niba chimbwi still wanting to eat. If u are familiar with southern province and have been there recently then you will understand. HH is still very popular there, dont kid yourself. I really hope the pact overcomes this hiccup and abasungu abapuba like Guy Scott will come to their senses.

  18. The pact is already dead,,, The people who championing pact does not want it. How can say Sata will be presidential candidate…!! The part of the country the person they do not want is sata. As long as you want to put sata,, the pact will finish quickly..!! The pact would have heard the voice of the people that sata is not a presidential material. He should have allowed HH to stand now the kind of the man we have, there is no chance. RB will win very easily if sata is put as the presidential candidate.!!! Mark my words. MMD have already seen this, and this is why they removed degree clause to stir trouble in the pact so that sata will want to stand as well as HH. This is a dice..!!!!!

  19. Try us we are in namwala. Ask chief nalubamba, weather your prostitute MP can win on MMD ticket. NOT A CHANCE!! NEVER HE HAS SOLD HIS SOUL TO THE DEVIL

  20. Those who are on the ground and know this MP know he can’t loose in Namwala, its another case of Mulupi. You see how frightened the UPND are,like some who even want to bring up a case of defilment which is a latest brain child of UPND to tarnish major’s image it wont work. Hachipuka, Hamududu,Matongo,Chizyuka,Muntanga have all lost hope in HH. HH should have listened to his elders.

  21. Those who are close to HH tell him he has misfired, do you honestly think these so called ilas will throw out one of their own, its not going to happen this will be an embarassment for HH. Just wait for 2011, as people have pointed out Sata may win in Mpulungu and HH will loose Namwala, then the PF Vuvuzela called the post will have a field day finishing off HH, mark my words.

  22. # 21 I don’t follow your reasoning, if Sata can’t win if he is the picked as the candidate, how come he won more votes than HH in the past two elections?. Are you in denial, SAta almost won the presidency had it not been for rigging. The difference was small and you know it. So I don’t understand what you are saying. Or is what you are saying your wishfull thinking. HH was far behind Sata so how can you say HH is the one who can win

  23. A pact that never happened has thrived on mere lips of two opportunistic natural losers for over a year now expect to record miracles. For over a year people cannot see its structures, momentum, potency or plan. Distant from tangibility or harmony.

    Structure of imaginary Government of sata.

    Sata- President

    Gay Scott VP

    HH- 2nd Vice President to Scott

    All UPND MPs deputy ministers to PF shadow cabinet members like Nsanda, Kambwili

    Cabinet of 600ministers and 82 deputies

  24. Hachipuka, Hamududu,Matongo and Muntanga have not lost faith in UPND. This is wishful thinking by MMD sympathisers. UPND is a well run party with well established channels of communication that is why you don’t here these galant UPND members utter anything in public. Have you ever heard Professor Chirwa or professor Beyani comment anything about UPND? These are very active UPND members who are busy startegising in the back ground. There are many more more notible names in the party but they don’t voice their opinions any how. They let the party President or spokesman speak. From time to time they let loose some sharp shooters like Siakalima, Mwetwa, Chibwe or Kalusa to counter some propaganda. To you dreamers what you need to know is that HH represents an institution. He speaks for…

  25. If Sata nearly won and is so popular to win any elections called, can anyone tell me why he agreed to partner with UPND. Can anyone tell me why Sata and PF lost in Serenje and Milanzi by-election and also explain why PF lost a local government by-election in Bahati Constituency which is held by rebel parliamentarian Besa Chimbaka. Don’t be fooled by past glory. PF is waning in popularity and badly needs UPND to capture the North Western, Southern, western and Central votes. Sata can only discard HH to his peril. Back to the topic, the major is in trouble in Namwala. He is now moving under police escort. He was meant to officially resign from UPND to join MMD when RB went there but he realised that it was not ok and he held back. Even the cows donated to RB were bought at higher price in…

  26. The people of Namwala are not fools, they are very much alive to what is happening in Zambia.With or without Namwala road, change ie eminent in the minds of the ila people of Namwala District.Chizhyuka is no longer a factor in the politics of Namwala because he has betrayed the people he chose to represent on the UPND ticket.Go down to Namwala and ask what the people are saying about this disgruntled MP.
    Please dont involve Mr Sata in the UPND/Chizhyuka issue.

    VIVA PF,VIVA PACT for Zambia.

  27. in consultation with HH, the man of the moment. Chizhyuka won in Namwala because of UPND. Remember he antagonised Nalubamba and even took him to court. Can he now defeat him when he is on the opposite side? Don’t bask in a fool’s paradise. UPND will trample on MMD everywhere in Southern Province.

  28. Chizyuka wont win in namwala. he can take electricity to each home there, assist build schools and flush MMD cash. The truth is he will not win in Namwala, another Ila will be unleashed to defeat him hands down. Wait, I’m consoled that area falls under a powerful kingdom of One Powerful Bright Nalubamba, a respected chief in his area like Litunga in Western province. The Litunga voted against MMD in Luena & MMD lost. Equally Chief Nalubamba will decampaign Chizyuka. he will lose.

  29. #25 NKANI
    where was sata’s argents when elections were being rigged.stop counselling your ill feelings.he just lost squrely and 2011 will even be worse,muipekanye

  30. # 28 the only reason mmd managed to win elections in some places is becausse of the rampart corruption and vote buying. In some cases they were seen distributing money to voters, giving shima and meat and that kind of rot. Already,Tandiwe Banda is reported giving out money to poor villagers. The high poverty levels coupled with high ileteracy, what do you expect. MMd has lost morality, they are openly practising corru[tion without shame. They are fast destroying our hard fought for democracy from the dictator KK who has now turned hero

  31. # 26. Senior Citizen. In trying to expose the Pact’s mediocrity you have just exposed your Dullness, Does Zambian Cabinet have 600 Ministers? Wechinangwawe. Follow your Mother ( if you know what it means)

  32. #26. Senior Citizen, yo comments really irritate, they are just too childish, even if its bootlicking…come to your senses and and for once be real on issues…each color!!

  33. Let him join the mmd and re-contest the seat.. the Pact is a run away train, without breaks… we will crush him! bring it on boy!

    Awaiting mass exodus from mmd to the Pact. well if you did’t know these names include the confirmed souls katele kalumba, Mponde, jonuas, Magende, Sylvia and those fired army generals!




    i can tell from the way you are writting that you are a
    colonial thinker!!!!!

  35. Sata only needs HH to win the election and further than that he will not need him. If HH is lucky he may find himself minister of social services. Sata will then be dining and wining with FJT, catching up on the lost time.

  36. “The infantile armchair critics here never fathoms me”??? #15 senior citizen, chisungu chakwisa ichi?? Anyway, whether Chizyuka wins (which is highly unlikely) or not the pact would still win if it holds. Better chances for the pact exist if Sata is the candidate but even HH could win though it’s a bit risky. Whats my basis for saying? Well, if you look at the last elections the gap between Sata and RB was a mere 35,000 votes. Now, this was when Sata was even getting 100 or below in some constituencies in Southern, Eastern, Western and N Western. Just assume that with the help of HH (Southern and NW are UPND areas) Sata improves modestly to even a 1,000 votes in these areas, meanwhile all the votes or 90% of HH votes on CB & Lusaka go to the pact, what would be the gap between RB and…

  37. It is the responsibility of Government to upgrade the Namwala Road..So its pathetic luk points to the Government.On chizhyuka..he was already expelled and was not an issue to the pact…About his chances of winning..I really really really really doubt it..even in 2006 he won because he stood on UPND ticket and narrowly beat Diangamo (MMD) whom i thot would have developed the ILA land..

  38. #21 is a novice coz u don’t know that in the last election, SATA trailed rupiah by a small margin despite MMD including the VJ tactics. Suprised that u can’t simple maths to deduce facts. Deferentiate between facts obtaining on the ground & what u want. Rupiah is scared of sata coz he is even feeling pressure from him. he also know that PF has alot of MP’s. RB also know that sata has captured the elite by winning the cosmopolitan part of zambia, whilst others including RB himself have largely thrived on the rural parts of Zambia. I.e they thrive mostly on less informed Zambia. Sata normally gets votes in the central parts of every districts & loses badly as you move from the Bomas (that is in rural areas where he didn’t do well). Be informed & objective pal!

  39. On “And Mr [UPND General Secretary Winston] Chibwe said if Major Chizyuka decides join the MMD[,] he [, Chizyuka,] would not be resigning from the UPND because he was expelled a long time ago from the party,” this is a great message to the MMD characters who are busy writing that UPND cant afford to let go of Chizyuka because the UPND candidate to be filled will lose to Chizyuka.

    I wish to inform you that great Zambian like Macha Chilemena have already been reported to be on the ground working on being the mighty UPND’s Namwala MP contestants.

    I just hope the UPND Team will quickly inform the Speaker of the National Assembly to declare the Namwala MP seat vacant.

    Im also asking MMD cadres and senior members to join the mighty UPND and support HH for 2011 President…

  40. China ni china …….So called Chizyuka is a finished coward ………if he think that he is popular let him just stand kansi……

    Hey guyz plz i nd more infor on matero MP chi fostina…coz i intend 2 contest in matero..thats ma home land ..i cant go wrong!!!
    wafa walemana…..

  41. Chizyuka such a trabalist man let him stand on MMD and see what will happen to him. He should know that RB is just begging from him Namwala votes in next election.

  42. This article reminds me of Chimumbwa, he too was fooled until we hammered him to the born. He’s now joined Senior Citizen, in begging for a 20pin for Lunch. Chizyuka should be forced to resign since he’s been expelled and he will see THE MIGHT in the PF/UDNP Pact. That will remain the Pact’s seat while we grab Mpulungu from Mwadya Mweka Daddy!!!

    Who is popular?
    No of wards participated in
    9 MMD won 6 lost 3
    6 PF won 1 lost 5
    5 UPND won 2 lost 3

    UPND beat PF in two constituencies they participated against each other Chadza (EP) and Kaoma central (WP).had UPND lost the vuvuzela for PF (POST) would have made headline. Gay sqash and other PF kaponyas like Kabimba and Musenge are ashamed. They thought PF was popular but it lost in its Strong holds Luapula and Northern provinces to MMD.They will still lose in Mpulungu and UPND should consider fielding a candidate in there.Given you are the only one who can advise PF that they can not win alone they popularity is…

  44. So PF lost in the two seats they contested against UPND. This means the mighty UPND is more popular than PF in western and eastern provinces.What next ? UPND should field MPs in WP,SP,NWP, CP and Lusaka and EP while PF Luapula P CBP and NP.The question about who is popular between the two parties should go to rest now and for ever. VIVA PACT!

  45. Chizyuka cannot retain his seat if he can contest it on MMD ticket because many people of southern feel cheated by Rupiah and his minion. They got some votes in the last election of 2008 by telling people that Magande will be contesting elections in 2011, and Rupiah Banda was just to finish Mwanawasa’s term of 3 years, but look at the way they are beating Magande around in funerals. These people really are taking Southerners and Westerners for a ride, but this time around they will wake up to a rude shock, and we will make sure they lose at all cost. The same RB promised us westerners for vice-presidency, but when we managed to give him all the votes for a win he insulted us by telling us that he never asked for our votes, what a shame. MMD OUT MASIPA.

  46. The pact has been a good idea for a better Zambia. The post has contributed to its demise by championing one of the partners (PF), insunuating superiority a situation which got to the heads of the likes of Kabimba and Scot. The two parties should have been allowed to amicably strategise and come up with a good election and governance plan for 2011 and beyond. Assuming the voting partern remains as in the last elections where Sata came out second with a 35000 difference in votes, he should be ready to lose with a similar margin in 2011. This is where he needs HH and UPND whether they are small or big to at least bring a minimum of 35,001 votes to the pact under our current electral system. That is what partnership is. The superiority issue should have been arising only in the boardroom.

  47. he’s an insane man and no one wants him as their mp again..the way mmd killed their Baldwin and many more tribes mates..they can’t win the seat..Shimaponda is one of them..coz of MMD..

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